
The Billionaire's Mistress: Love of a surrogate

The powerful and aristocratic Zelkowicz family is obsessed with having male heirs to continue their lineage. Harry Zelkowicz, the heir of the family has a stoic personality and is in a loveless marriage with Sasha Famazani. She is the heiress of an equally noble family however she's infertile. The matriarch decided to get a surrogate to bore the next heir of the family. Reina Lyle is a sweet, fiesty and beautiful young girl who confronts life joyfully and enthusiastically despite her poor background. For a large sum of money, Reina is forced to be a surrogate mother for the Zelkowicz family. However, after two failed artificial insemination, the matriarch advised Harry to get close to Reina to mate with her naturally. After a series of passionate encounters with her, Harry is attracted by her cheerful and unrestrained nature; the two fell in love with each other and become involved in a passionate love affair resulting in Reina's pregnancy and also igniting Sasha's jealousy, exposing Reina to infinite danger. Realizing that the display of his affection will endanger Reina and the matriarch vehement disapproval of him to love someone below his social status, Harry started to treat her coldly to protect her but it caused her to be heartbroken and disappointed. After giving birth to a pair of twins, Reina is ruthlessly chased away by the rich family despite her desperate attempts to get back her children. Unable to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her loved ones and abandoned by her lover, Reina gave up on life. Seven years later, a guilt-stricken Harry meets a woman who looks identical to Reina but she treats him with cold indifference as she does not recognize him. However, Harry is unwilling to give up and begin to pursue her again to regain her love and forgiveness at all cost. Will he be able to get back her love and forgiveness? Will she be able to leave behind the past pain and humiliation she suffered and love him again or will she move on with a new source of happiness?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 27

Because the old patriarch's birthday was approaching, external members of the Zelkowicz family has started to arrived at the mansion. Reina's days hasn't been peaceful especially when Sasha had decided to make things difficult for her.

In this estate, no one cares about her except for Harry , Giselle and Nina. The maids are only respectful towards her when the master was around her but behind her back, they mocked and looked down on her for being a mistress. It's been more than a month since Harry had been away on a business trip and she missed him very much.

Reina was sitting on the swing in the flower garden, gazing at the horizon while sulking over her bleak fate. Everything is harder than she thought. She was originally a paid surrogate and had no hope to save herself but then she met the man she loves and thought everything will be fine as long as she stayed by his side. However, she knows perfectly well that things will never be the same.

He and her are world's apart and to top it off, he already had a wife. Once she fulfills her end of the bargain, there'll be no more chance for her to stay by his side anymore. Unable to deal with such thoughts, Reina leaned her head against the iron robe and slowly closed her eyes.

A handsome young man taking a leisurely walking and admiring the picturesque scenery came to a stand still when his eyes fell on a beautiful lady and was completely mesmerized. His wide eyes were glued to her face and couldn't bare to even blink. This girl has a palm-sized face, cherry red lips, pure and bright eyes and a delicate skin. She wore a white dress and her long black hair fall over her shoulders like a waterfall. She was thin and weak and sitting in a garden full of many beautiful flowers, she looked like an ethereal being that walked straight out of a painting.

Russell felt his heart skipped several beats as he quickly made his way towards her. Reina felt the presence of another person so she slowly opened her to find a strapping young lad staring at her with a goofy smile. She frowned and quickly got up from the swing, distancing herself from him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Russell looked at the beauty who spoke to him and felt more happy. Such a soft and sweet voice like a melody. Seeing her staring at him with a guarded expression, he cleared his throat and introduced himself, "Hello, my name is Russell Zelkowicz. I am the Old Master's grandson".

Reina was surprised. She didn't know that the Old patriarch had other children much less another grandson . She hasn't heard or seen him around the mansion before.

"Miss are you a guest here?" he asked, looking at her expectantly. Reina shooked her head but before she could answer him, a guard showed up to ask him to leave.

"Sir, please you can't show up here. It's against the rules for strangers to come here. Please follow me out of here".

Reina turned to walked away from there much to Russell's frustration. He tried to bypass the overbearing guard to get to Reina but the guard refused to let him go. Pissed, he tried to punch the guard but he swiftly deflected to the side, making him missed and the force caused him to fall to the ground. Humiliated, Russell glared angrily at the guard.

"You dare to treat me like this. Do you know who I am, you fucking bastard?" He yelled. He got up from the ground and dusted the dirt off his clothes fuming.

Unflinchingly, the guard coldly said,"Please leave from here. Unauthorized guests are not allowed to come here". Russell angrily walked away from there, his heart filled with hatred. They're both grandsons of this family but their treatments are so vastly different. He came here with his father Jacob to visit the old grandfather and since his father was talking with grandfather, he took the chance to sneaked out to explore the estate, especially the Lake house which belongs to Harry. Who would've thought that he would be treated like a thief. His hatred for Harry increased by a hundredfold.

Someday, everything here will belong to him and everyone will treat him with respect.

At a distance, two women were standing watching whatever happened in the garden from beginning to end, each with different emotions. The one dressed glamorously with exquisite make-up was Sasha. The other was a young girl with flawless features and a beautiful face. She's Zara Zelkowicz and a cousin of Harry.

"Cousin-in law, who was that woman?" She asked. That woman was really too beautiful.

"That woman? She.... she was hired to be a surrogate for me and Harry but now... everything is complicated". Sasha's voice choked with emotion as tears filled her eyes, immediately igniting the young girl's pity.

"What happened?. You can tell me and I'll help you to get justice" Zara quickly took her hand, asking her what's wrong and looking worried. Sasha wiped her tears and laughed, "I've embarrassed myself. Don't mind me. It just that I feel really sad because ever since she came here, my relationship with Harry has turned for the worse. She's now living together with my husband" She said sadly much to Zara's shock.

"What? She's staying at the Lake house with cousin?. How's that even possible?" Everyone knows that the Lake house is a home to Harry and his family and is off limit to any other person. Only the servants serving there have the privilege to come and go from there.

But now her domineering and otherworldly cousin who hates the presence of other women around him has fallen into the trap of that femme fatale. No she can't let that evil woman seduce her beloved cousin. Taking Sasha's hands into her own, she earnestly assured her, "Cousin-in-law shouldn't worry about that bitch. I'll make sure that she runs away from here with her tails tucked in between her legs".

"But I don't want you to get into trouble. You better let go of any thoughts you have. It's okay I can endure another woman stealing my husband's love from me. I can endure it all for my love". Sasha cried sadly.

Although, she sounded as if she was dissuading Zara from her plans but in actual facts, she was adding more fuel to the flames. "Cousin-in-law shouldn't worry. I'm the most favored in my family and no one can do anything to me. I'll surely help you get justice". Zara said proudly. "Oh thank you so much for willing to stand up for me". Sasha hugged her with gratitude but Zara was unable to see her triumphant smile.

She has always known that the last born Miss of the second branch was spoiled since birth and grew up arrogant and proud. She can't tolerate a single grain of sand in her eye and will not hesitate to get revenge on anyone who offended her. She was gullible and easy to manipulate into taking action against Reina.

Since she can't touch that bitch for now so she'll use other's hand to get the job done. Now, she just has to sit and watch how Zara will turn Reina's life a living hell.