
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Ciudad
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51 Chs



Chelina's eyes opened and she stretch out on the bed excitedly, it feels like sleeping here is the best night ever due to the comfort of the bed.

It's so silky and smooth that once you lie down you will never feel like standing again.

"It's another day" she smiled looking around the room,she was able to arrange some of her things last night.

"Time to get ready for another day" she said and got down from the bed, she put on her flip flops and walk into the bathroom.

She smiled again as she saw the beauty of the bathroom, it so purple only the bathtub and shower stand is white in colour.

Chelina brush her teeth and took a shower before walking out of the bathroom, she change into another clothe before walking out of the room meeting Winny outside.

"Hey Chelina" she waved.

"Hey good morning" Chelina smiled.

"You smile a lot" she said.

"That's the secret to my beauty" Chelina smiled.

"I've found the secret" Winny said and they walk towards Nellie's room together.

"You wanna go in?" Chelina asked.

"Yeah, i need to pick up her dirty clothes" Winny said and opened the door."good...

"before you walk into someone's room you knock, stop acting as if you

"didn't go to school" Nellie said from her dressing table, she is awake already.

"Am sorry Young miss" Winny said and she roll eyes.

"Do whatever you want and get out of here" she said and Winny walk into her closet and came back later with some clothes.

"I have.....

"Get out" Nellie said and she run out of the room.

Chelina walk in next after calming her nervous self though she is still shaking in fear.

She doesn't know why but she found this little girl so scary that she is afraid she can sack her at any little mistake.


"Go prepare my bath" Nellie said and she run into the bathroom and prepared a warm bath for her.

"It's ready" she said walking out of the bathroom.

"Ok" Nellie murmured and walk into the bathroom.

"Should I come help?" Chelina asked.

"No, am not a baby, go pick out a clothe for me" she said removing the towel around her hair and that was when Chelina noticed how long her hair is, it almost reaching her butt.

"Ok" Chelina said and walk out of the bathroom.

She walk into the closet and became confused on which clothe she will pick, the clothes there is countless with just three colours, Pink, purple and white, no other colour.

"Which one am I going to pick for her, she said and exhaled.

She later pick a pink trousers and white turtle neck Polo and Pink flip flops, she walk out of the closet and place it on the bed.

After some minutes, Nellie walk out of the bathroom and sat on the chair in front of the dressing table.

"Do you need my help?" Chelina asked when she pick her body lotion.

"You know already" she said and Chelina walk to her and took the lotion from her, she help her apply it on her body before dressing her up.

"You are a model?" Chelina asked looking at the lotion and the table, she is the kid Model in front of it.

"Yes I am" she said and Chelina nodded.

"How do I style your hair?" Chelina asked combing her hair.

"Any style, am not going out anyways" she said and Chelina nodded.

She brushed her hair backwards and pack it up in a tight ponytail before dropping the brush.

"I will go get your food" Chelina said.

"Ok be fast" Nellie said.

"Ok Ellie" Chelina winked at her and walk out of the room.

She walk out of the house and went straight to the white house.

"Hey pretty, good morning" Jeffrey said from where he is cleaning Gerardo's car.

"This guy, stop flirting with me" she said.

"I am not, I just love you" he said.

"You are crazy, don't tell me you have a crush on me already" she said.

"You terrorize my brain, the first time I saw you" he said and Chelina smiled.

"Crazy flirt" Chelina said and they laughed.

"I have to go before Nellie get angry" she said and walk into the house, she can see Gerardo walking out of the house with Camellia.

"Good morning Mr Steinfeld" she smiled and Camellia roll eyes.

"Morning Chelina" he smiled.

"Good morning ma" Chelina greeted Camellia and walk into the house Gerardo's eyes followed her.

"Gerry" Camellia called.


"Why are you looking at her?" She asked.

"Isn't she so beautiful?" Gerardo asked and Camellia feel like killing Chelina.

"I know, let's just go she is not as beautiful as me" she said and Gerardo chuckled.

"Let's go" Gerardo said and they walk to his car, they entered and drove off.


Chelina walk into the kitchen and Gracie is there frying chicken.

Chelina smiled and tip toed to where she is standing with some fried chicken beside her and took one.

"Who is that?" Gracie turned sharply.

"Good morning" Chelina smiled chewing the chicken.

"Chelina" she called and hugged her.

"How was your night?" Gracie asked.

"I was fine the bed is so soft" Chelina said and Gracie laughed.

"Crazy girl" she said.

"Am here for Nellie's food" Chelina said.

"In the food warmer" Gracie said and she opened the food warmer and Carried the food.

"Thank you madam Gracie, I will come back later for mine" Chelina winked.

"I will keep a special one for you" Gracie said.

"Thanks my momma" she said and Gracie smiled looking at her, seeing her everyday makes her remember her lost child.

"Will I ever see you again?" She murmured and wipe the tears in her eyes.



Julian's eyes are fixed on the computer screen as he typed so fast on the keyboard, he got countless works to do, so he is trying to round it up before he will go home.

"Hey Julian" his boss called walking to him.

"Yes boss" he answered removing the headphones on his head.

"Hack this website for me" he said showing him a website.

"Do you have the ID number?* He asked.

"Yeah" he said and called the number.

"But why do you want me to hack it?" he asked.

"The current owner of this Website stole it from someone, I want to recover it again, so help me out" he said.

"Ok, I will do it before tomorrow" he we and he stroked his hair.

"Do it and I will increase your salary" he said and Julian smiled.

"Thanks boss" he said and the man walk away.

Julian put on his headphones and continue walking.

"Hey Julian" his boss walk back to him.

"Yes boss" he answered and he drop a letter in front of him.


"This letter is from KING'S IMPORT, you applied for a computer operator there right?" He asked.

"Yes boss" he answered.

"This is it, Gerardo Steinfeld employed you" he said and Julian's eyes widened.


"Yes, I am going to miss you but am sure someone like you will come back to me" he said.

"Thank you boss" Julian said.

"You should thank Gerardo, when next you see him" he said.

"It's all because of you" Julian said.

"Don't mention, at least you will be able to take care of your mother and sister" his boss said and he nodded.

"Take care of yourself" he said and walk away.

"Oh my God, thank you so much" Julian said and turned to continue typing.



Queen Olivia walk into king Antonio's Suite and he smiled seeing her beautiful face, she is so beautiful that one won't believe her real age, she looks so young.

"My Queen" he called.

"Don't start" she said and he smiled.

"You are my queen anyways" he said and she sat down beside him and place her head on his shoulders.

"And you are also my king" she said and he touch her jaw.

"How is Diana doing?" He asked.

"She is getting worse, she said she needs answers" Queen Olivia said.

"Do you think we should tell her?" King Antonio asked.

"I don't know, she is too stubborn" Queen Olivia said.

"We are going to tell her one day, but even with that, she can't go outside alone, it's dangerous" he said and Queen Olivia sighed sadly.

"I miss my baby, I don't know if my baby is a boy or a girl, they didn't even let me touch my baby before taking my child away from me" Queen Olivia said and tears dropped from her eyes.