
The Billionaire's Hidden Wife

"This is all wrong, this is the time I'm scared of," Abigail said as she stared at her husband sleeping on the bed. She couldn't hold the heartbreak longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. They've been married for two years but Noah still hasn't been able to introduce her to his family and the public. Noah was a billionaire and he's really famous. He's rich, he had everything, but … he couldn't be a good husband to Abigail. Abigail was his wife, but it seemed like she wasn't. A great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands. "Abi? What's wrong?" a cold voice he heard from before him. As she raised her head she saw him. "This is all wrong, Noah." "What do you mean?" "I … When will I remain your hidden wife?" She sniffled, "I … I am your wife, Noah. So, please treat me like one." THE BILLIONAIRE'S HIDDEN WIFE (TBHW) All Rights Reserved.

Ink_Monster_7093 · Ciudad
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145 Chs

You don't know who you're messing with

He cupped his hands on my face, guiding them and lifting them up to face his. My eyes were focused on him as he suddenly leaned in closer to me, giving me a kiss on my lips. He leaned in and planted his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck in return and held her tight as the kiss continued.

I love you, Noah.

We got back from our house. Noah had been acting differently from what he had been acting by being with me. I was just looking at him when he noticed me. He frowned as he looked at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked me. His deep voice gave me goosebumps and shivers inside me.

A just smile at him as my response, but he spoke again, "Are you thinking about..."

"No. I'm scared," I said to him.

"Why? What are you afraid of?" he asked me, but I couldn't look directly into his eyes. I was nervous. I can't speak. I felt like closing in my throat as I was about to tell him about it. I gasped for breath and looked at him, "I'm scared of... tomorrow."


"I think that you might get back to the cold Noah again," I said to him, but he walked closer to me.

As the thunder rumbled, Noah lowered his mouth to me and I found he was right, there was fire there, and heat, and I poured into him, seared through him. "What do you want to do?" he whispered in a seductive tone, which gave me the chills and shivers. His hands slowly travelled through my face and planted kisses on me. It was different. Passion, desire, lust... I had felt that for a very long time since then. Noah acted so differently today and I want to love this man. This side of him, I love this side of him so much.

Into the night, I whispered his name as beads of tension and pleasure gripped one body on top of the other. Clutching the night till dawn, the sheets unfurled as clouds of hued whimsical delights fashioned in my brow many gentle tints of relaxation.

We spent a hot and steamy night together. I couldn't get this off my mind when I woke up the first thing in the morning. I might be daydreaming about this tomorrow. As I closed my eyes, I felt at ease and safe with him. He's my home. I can't think of anyone, but only him.

The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. The sun stretched its golden arms, climbed above the mountains, and smiled down on me. I opened my eyes, and I was about to hug Noah, but he wasn't there anymore. I got up from bed, and looked around for him.

As I went downstairs, I saw him at the dining table, sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper. Even though he was sitting like that, he really looked so hot and sexy. I bit my lower lips as I remembered what had happened last night. It was the hottest night we shared together.

I was still looking at him when he suddenly turned his head in my direction. "What are you doing there? Do you want some coffee?" he asked me, but I just smiled at him and walked closer in his direction.

"Good morning," I greeted him while smiling at him.

"Good morning. How's your sleep?" he questioned. I felt so overwhelmed and overjoyed about what he has been doing to me lately. I was so touched by everything he did for me.

I pouted my lips as a tear fell from my eyes, "Why? Why are you tearing up?"

I shook my head and then smiled at him, "I am just happy."

"Aren't you getting dressed?" he asked me, causing my forehead to frown.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You're coming with me," my eyes widened.

"What? Where?"

"To our... company," I was stiffened by what he said to me. I was so surprised about what he just uttered. I was unmoving where I was standing when he suddenly snapped a finger in front of me. "Get ready now. I don't want to wait any longer," he said to me, and I nodded my head.

I walked towards our room again and started to take a bath. After taking a quick bath, I dressed and dried my hair. I wear simple and light make-up since this is my first time to go to his company and to meet his employees. I was smiling while looking at the mirror in front of me. I look so decent, and I just wear a casual dress.

When I walked downstairs and went out, I saw Noah was already waiting for me in the car while crossing his arms and leaning his back on the car. I was smiling while walking towards him, "Let's go?" when he raised his head and looked at me, a smirk was formed on the corner of his lips.

"We shall go now," he said, and opened the car door for me.

We were already inside when he started to drive. I looked in his direction with a broad smile on my lips. I couldn't restrain myself from looking at him. He's just so good to look at. He stopped the car as the traffic light was red. I looked around, but the smile on my lips was still there. I felt so happy. I feel so... delighted.

"Abi?" I looked and turned my head on him.


"You look pretty," I bit my lower lip when he said that. I feel like I am blushing already. The corner of my lips slid upwards while looking at her. "T-Thank you."

"You too. You look good in that suit," I said to him, and he chuckled, "You always say that," he said, and I remembered. Yes. I always say that to him.

When we arrived at the entrance, Noah went out and opened the car door for me. I reached for his hands as he was guiding me outside the car. I smiled while heading out. He then looked at me, but this time, he was just wearing his poker face like he always did even if we're inside the house.

"Let's go," his voice seemed cold, but his action was the opposite. He held my hands while we walked inside his company. I could feel those eyes were on me. Those eyes were like cameras that had been following me since I got here. I took a deep breath and looked at Noah while he was gripping my hands, tightly.

"Is that his wife? She's not even that pretty," I heard from a corner, and that saddened me.

"Such an average woman," I heard someone say, but I just ignored them and walked with Noah, confidently. I am his wife, so... I should act like one.

We reached his office and he then looked at me. "You can stay here. I have a conference meeting right now. I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded my head and he left me alone inside his office. When I sat down on his swivel chair, I could see the employees were staring and looking at me, but when I looked at them, they went back to what they were doing.

I was so bored inside while rotating the swivel chair when suddenly...

"Noah... I need to tell you something," I stopped the swivel chair from rotating and started to listen.

"Noah... I... like you," she said, and that caused my eyes to widen.

Who is this b*tch, trying to seduce my husband? I slowly turned my swivel chair and looked at her with my eyebrows raised. She was so shocked to see me, instead of Noah. My brows were still raised while looking at her.

"W-Who are you?" I asked her, and I could see how her lips trembled.

She chuckled, "Are you a newbie? What are you doing here inside his office? You shouldn't be here. Come on, you need to go to the training office to-"

"Wait... Don't you know who I am?" I asked her, and she shook her head.

I laughed, "I.. I'm Noah's wife," I said, boldly and confidently. I could see the surprise reaction from her face, but later on she smiled, "My apologies, Mrs. Brown. I didn't know that Mr. Noah's married," she said.

"Well... You know it now."

"Yes, Ma'am."

She was about to go out the office when I stopped her. She turned her back and faced me, "Yes, Ma'am?"

I stood and walked closer to her to find that I was taller than her even though she was wearing high heels. "You..." I started walking around her.

"You... should stop liking my husband," I stopped when I faced her again, "You don't know who you're messing with. So, you better look and get ready for yourself if you try to mess with our marriage."

To be continued...

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