
I know what it feels

Lauren was already inside the cell as Megan didn't tell the truth about what happened. She loss her appetite and strength to fight back. She was losing her hope to stand for herself. She was exhausted and drained. She didn't want this. She didn't want to suffer like this again.

"Hey! Are you okay?" an old woman asked her inside the cell. She looked at her and smile, "I am not okay, but I am trying to be okay."

The old woman slowly walked closer to her, "I know you're not a bad person, Ms. Did you gone through losing a baby too?" Lauren nod her head and the woman smiled.

"I experienced the same thing as you do right now, Ms. Whatever trials you're on? Please don't give up. Those people who didn't believe you will regret what they had done to you."

"Thank you for that kind words, Mam."

"I'm Lucinia. You can call me, Luci," she smiled.

"Lauren. My name is Lauren."

"That's a lovely name."

"Thank you."