
The Billionaire's Fake Date

The sexy one night stand I had last night is now my billionaire boss. He’s older and his chiseled body made for a night to remember. As a boss it’s a different story. A workaholic to the bone, he’s also a complete bosshole at work. One day he approaches me with a personal request. He needs me to be his fake girlfriend to get his mom off his case about settling down. I take the offer to help him out as his trusted employee. The problem is we can’t keep our hands off each other when we’re alone. His insatiable appetite for my body sends me over the edge. He’s sweet and warm when we’re pretending but cold and distant when we’re not. He doesn’t realize yet that I’m falling for him for real. I must find out if he will succumb to true love and claim me as his forever.

Denny_kings65 · Ciudad
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95 Chs

Chapter 12


To my surprise, she chuckled loudly. "God, your mom was totally right. You are such a workaholic."

"Work is all I know," I told her. "And I like being that way. It keeps me busy. And focused."

"Hmm," she replied distractedly and looked at her phone. "We should probably order now. I think the gum has finally killed my appetite."

I wanted to tell her that this conversation had done something similar for mine, but I held my tongue. After we ordered, I couldn't help but look down at my watch. Time seemed to be moving incredibly slowly in her company and I couldn't wait for this evening to be over.

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But I knew my mother was going to bombard me with questions and skewer me if she got the slightest sense that I didn't make enough of an effort.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I tried to engage her again.

"I told you," She shrugged. "I like traveling, and I like to shop."