Driven by a desperate need to support her single father and three younger siblings, Seraphina Sheldon-Wallace embarks on a job hunt. Unbeknownst to her, this quest will lead her to a fateful encounter with Patrick MacDowell, a self-made billionaire and her father's boss, setting the stage for a life-altering journey.
Patrick, the enigmatic force behind the lavish Ricky Empire, is grappling with mounting pressure. His mother's relentless push for him to settle down and his friends' increasing curiosity about his personal life are pushing him to the edge. He's in dire need of a solution, and he needs it now. When Seraphina unexpectedly enters his life, he sees a potential answer to his problems, setting the stage for a high-stakes romance.
A deal is struck in a twist of fate: Seraphina will pose as Patrick's girlfriend for 30 days. It's a simple arrangement, driven by Patrick's need for a cover and Seraphina's financial desperation. But as they dive into this charade, sparks fly.
Heat meets cold, and the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their attraction grows stronger with each passing day, and resisting temptation becomes an impossible battle.
Can they keep their hearts in check and stick to the deal, or will their facade lead to something neither of them expected? Explore the rollercoaster of emotions and drama as an arrogant billionaire and a determined woman navigate their turbulent 30-day journey together.
Ivy_Ima · Ciudad
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154 Chs
A vacation
It took them over two hours to reach Patrick's home. Both the women and Phil were ecstatic to see each other. The two women sat down with Phil and talked about being a grandma to her grandchild and a mother to her son.