Ashley Gusman, a determined young Filipina, was driven by her sole ambition to provide a better life for her family. She was willing to go to great lengths to achieve this goal, even taking on the role of a surrogate mother for a Billionaire Heir. ***~*** CEO Tanaga Jones, who needed an heir for his empire, was adamant about not wanting a wife. Ultimately, he contracted with a woman to bear him a child.
It was a dark and cool evening when Ashley's plane finally touched down on the runway at Narita International Airport.
As the passengers exited the aircraft, Ashley felt excited and relieved at the thought of speaking to her family.
However, as she reached for her phone to let them know she had arrived safely, panic set in when she realized it wasn't in her pocket.
Frantically searching through her carry-on bag and scanning the area around her seat, Ashley's heart sank as she realized that she must have left it behind during the confusion of her earlier encounter.
Ashley rushed out of the terminal, looking for a landline to call her family. Unfortunately, public telephones were outdated, and she needed help finding one.
Her search was cut short when she saw a middle-aged Filipina holding a sign with her name.
She approached the woman.
"Are you Ashley Gusman?" The woman asked her.
"Yes, ma'am! My name is Ashley Gusman. May I know who you might be?" She asked in response.
"I'm Mrs. Gutieres," the woman replied, giving Ashley a once-over.
"If you don't have any additional baggage to collect, we should leave now. It's getting late, and we have a long drive ahead of us," Mrs. Gutieres said, urging Ashley to hurry.
"Mrs. Gutieres, could I ask a favor? I seem to have lost my phone, and I believe the person who has it is here in Japan," Ashley said hesitantly.
Annoyed, Mrs. Gutieres asked, " What do you need?"
Upon noticing the woman's growing irritation, Ashley reconsidered and told the woman that she needed nothing else.
"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go. It's getting late," Mrs. Gutieres exclaimed before turning and heading toward the waiting vehicle.
Feeling utterly exhausted, Ashley followed without voicing any questions.
After an hour of driving, they finally arrived at their destination.
Ashley was taken aback when she realized their location as she peered out the window.
A few moments later, the car door swung open, and two imposing men loomed before her.
"Get down!" one of the men shouted at Ashley, his voice filled with urgency and fear.
Startled, Ashley stared at him with wide eyes, her whole body trembling with fear.
"What's going on?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I said get down!" the man yelled, his tone filled with anger and impatience.
As she stood frozen, a hand suddenly reached around and covered her mouth with a cloth.
In a matter of seconds, Ashley lost consciousness and collapsed...
[Four hours before her Arrival in Japan]
"Tondo, Manila, the Philippines.
"Everyone! Hurry up!" Ashley shouted, her voice filled with frantic urgency.
Her long, dark hair tumbled down her shoulders as she dashed around, trying to gather her belongings.
"I don't want to miss the plane!"
You could see the anxiety etched in the furrow of her brow and the barely restrained panic in her beautiful, almond-shaped eyes.
"We're coming, Ashley! I only have to find my cell phone," Mrs. Fely Gusman shouted back from the room above.
Her voice echoed through the house as she searched various drawers and cabinets for her elusive phone.
"I can't remember where I left it," she said with a tinge of frustration creeping into her tone as she continued her thorough search, moving from room to room to locate her misplaced device.
"Coming! Sorry, Sis," her big brother, Arthur, wearily replied, his footsteps audible as he made his way towards the staircase.
Fatigue laced his words, indicating a long day behind him.
"It took Arman forever to come out of the bathroom," he explained, a hint of exasperation evident in his voice as he recounted the delay caused by their sibling.
Ashley's heart filled with a bittersweet mix of excitement and sadness as she watched her parents and brothers bustling around downstairs.
Today was when her long-held dream of working abroad was finally becoming a reality.
The living room seemed to shrink as she nervously paced back and forth, her mind swirling with emotions.
"This is the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life," she murmured, the weight of anticipation hanging heavy in the air as she waited for her family to take her to the airport.
In the midst of her overwhelming excitement, she couldn't help but be flooded with memories of the countless hardships her family had endured to help her achieve this dream.
The idea of working abroad had captured her imagination from a young age.
Her unwavering determination shone through her eyes as if she possessed the power to overcome any challenge through sheer willpower.
Witnessing her unyielding dedication motivated her parents to make tremendous sacrifices, including ensuring she received a private education, all to pave the way for realizing her aspirations.
Growing up, the daughter often expressed her ambition to her parents, saying, "When I'm older, I want to move to another country for work. I'll send money back home so Mom won't have to sell in the market anymore, and Dad won't have to drive a jeepney for money."
Little did she know that her father, who drives jeepneys for a living, is also a doctor and only drives when one of their regular drivers is unavailable.
The young, sweet six-year-old sat at the dinner table with her family, her eyes full of determination.
"Just you wait... one day I will build you a magnificent, grand house. It will be as grand and beautiful as Malacañang Palace," she promised.
Her mother, Fely, teared up as she embraced her youngest child. "Oh, my dear sweet girl. You haven't even started school yet, and already you speak with such maturity."
The ambition of his daughter had also deeply touched her father.
"I can see how much you want to ensure our family has a comfortable life in the future. But right now, you need to take care of yourself," he said gently as he sat across from her.
Then, with a smile playing on his lips, he gestured towards her plate.
"Take a look at what's on your plate. It's all rice and no vegetables. How do you expect to grow strong and healthy eating only rice?" he teased, affection shining in his eyes.
As her five older brothers chuckled, they took turns playfully piling meat and vegetables onto her plate.
When they were finished, she playfully pouted, saying, "It's so much! How am I supposed to finish all this?"
Her expression as she spoke elicited laughter from her entire family, and she could not help herself; she also joined in the laughter.
Arman, the eldest, was sixteen years old.
Following him was Arthur, who was fourteen, then Ariel, who was twelve, Arnold, who was ten, and the youngest of the boys, eight-year-old Arnel.
Ashley was the only girl and was treated like a princess by her entire family.
Her brothers attended public school, while she attended private preschool and kindergarten.
The family spared no effort to fulfill her wishes and ensure her happiness.
Despite being treated with great care and respect, she never took advantage of her family's kindness.
She recognized the financial constraints and never made unreasonable requests for toys or other items.
Her behavior was exemplary. She was always conscious of her family's situation and remained focused on her education, steering clear of any potential distractions.
Not only did she strive to overcome academic challenges, but she also remained steadfast in her commitment to her values, never even considering a romantic relationship.
As a young girl, she had experienced the flutter of emotions that comes with having a crush on someone.
However, she had promised herself that she would prioritize her education and work towards achieving her goals before getting involved in romantic relationships.
Her ultimate desire was to uplift her family from poverty and provide them with a secure and prosperous future.
She firmly believed that there would be ample time for dating and romance once she had accomplished her ambitions.
"We're ready to go!" Arthur's shout reverberated through the house, snapping Ashley back to the present as he descended the creaky wooden stairs, his excitement palpable.
This is it. My dream is finally coming true, Ashley thought to herself, her heart racing with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.
In mere moments, she would be on her way to Japan, eager to embrace a new chapter in her life and create a better future for her family.
With every step towards the door, the weight of the unknown future ahead felt simultaneously daunting and exhilarating.
"Thank heavens!" Ashley exclaimed excitedly.
"We need to move quickly! The plane isn't going to wait for anyone, and neither will my long-awaited dream!"
Ashley's laughter echoed through the nearby streets, a joyous sound that conveyed her overwhelming happiness.
As she ventured towards her long-awaited destination, little did she know that her arrival would mark the beginning of a journey that would far surpass any expectations she had ever dared to entertain.
Welcome to the first chapter of the story... This is just the beginning.
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