"The fuck happened here!" Matthew took off his sun shade the moment he alighted from the car and stood in front of his father mansion surprised laced all over his face.
The mansion was looking like a piece of sponge with holes in it.
"Check inside the house first, I ain't going inside that" he ordered to his men while he went back inside his car.
"Yes sir!."
Six hefty men immediately went towards the house to search.
Alexander waited inside his car, apart from the one he was in there was 6 other cars parked in front of his father's car belonging to him, inside were his hefty men.
Each of his men had tattoos all over their bodies, from head to toe, literally.
"Rose, find out what happened here" he said to his assistant seating in the front seat with the driver.
"Okay sir!" She said. Rose, Matthews assistant was a short petite lady with a not so attractive but the smartest brain anyone could have.
Matthew relied on her to get information, search for things and people, intercept shipments, hack government banks and take care of his illegal businesses. His cover-up business car export was being ran by Rose too. Rose was his brain.
The six men came back from the house empty handed. Matthew wind down the window so he could listen to them.
"There's no living body inside" one of them reported, "only dead bodies all over the house, all the men are dead."
"Did you see my father's body?. And my brothers."
"No sir. Just the men with tattoos" he said.
And almost immediately, one of the six hefty men that had gone inside placed a hand on his face and began to cry, also coughing as a cover up but he was definitely crying.
Matthew asked passionately, "what is the matter Cheater?."
The big man stifled his mouth, "My...my brother!. He worked for your father. He's dead. They shot him in the head. Poor guy!. He.... he...." For a tough guy, he was terrible at holding back his tears.
Matthew wind up the window again before alighting. He went straight to Cheater and grabbed his ear. Cheater was way taller than Matthew.
Matthew was built like his father, middle height and storky, but he was strong and muscular.
"We're men! We don't cry!. We revenge!. We find those mother fucker that did this and do the same back to them. We blow off all their heads too!. Now come with me, something isn't right!. Rose, come on.'
The men followed Matthew and Rose back inside the house with Cheater still trying to stiffle his tears.
The house was just as reported, dead bodies sprawl all around with dried blood all over them and the floor. It was disgusting and nauseating. The bodies had familiar scorpion tattoos on the temples of their heads weren't already blown off.
They started to search the house again.
"Sir!" Rose called Matthew attention back to the entrance, "this floor is out of place, there's a big rectangle here which isn't anywhere else and its not a part of the flooring design."
Trust smart Rose to know that.
Matthew examined the floor while thinking for a while, the rectangle was barely obvious, you could never notice it unless you've known about it before.
"A secret underground room!" Rose said with a proud smile.
"There's no triangle woman!" Cheater said examining the floor with the rest of the men, "Fool he added!."
The other men also made comments in German which they knew Rose didn't understand since she was American. But with the way they smirked she knew they were insulting her. Rose frowned hard and opened her mouth to say something.
"Enough!" Matthew raised his hands, "Step back!."
He tapped hard on the floor with his leg at different spots and the floor gave way.
The men exchanged looks in surprise, the tiny American lady was right but they didn't bother apologizing, she was a woman.
"Took you long enough man!."
The first face they saw was Batmans'.... Lorenzo.
"It's safe now, we're here to retrieve you" Rose informed him.
"Is this how I get a welcome back feast?."
Matthew said as the men began to help them out of the hole.
Matthew and Lorenzo hugged first. Lorenzo was taller than Matthew.
"Son, what took you so long?" Alexander asked him.
"I was getting dressed up for a welcome feast" he answered setting his tie.
"Welcome back mini boss."
"Good to see you Pando."
"We'll go back to my mansion, which is bullet proof."
They drove out of Alexander's mansion in the forest and to Matthew's.
When they got there and settled in Rose was still figuring out who was behind the attack.
"You have children?" Lorenzo exclaimed when he saw two toddlers playing on the floor in the kitchen.
"They aren't mine. But they'll be good for the community in the future, they'll he raised here."
"Just tell the truth, no one..."
"They aren't mine!."
Lorenzo shut up then.