
Chapter 11

  Donovan was up early that next morning with Evan. He did not want the little man waking up his house guests. Then he took Norton out. He was up to see Quinn leaving for Paris the next morning.

"See you sometime friend of mine. Take care" Quinn tells him warmly. She kisses his cheek.

"Have a safe flight out" he tells her. She nods as she heads out the door with her luggage. His life was somewhat back to normal now. Shelly comes wandering sleepily down the stairs.

"Morning Mr. Spencer" yawns Shelly.

"Is your mother up yet?" he wonders. Shelly shakes her head no.

"No not yet" says Shelly.

"Well let her rest. She sure needs it. She had a very long night. Say want to make breakfast with me? For your mom and you?" he offers.

"I don't know how to cook" she giggles.

"There are a few things you can help me with around here" he tells her.

He picks her up placing her on his shoulders making her giggle. Evan was playing with toys in his play pen near the kitchen. Norton was resting over on the couch. Once he was back in the kitchen he sets Shelly down.

"What are we going to make Mr. Spencer?" wonders Shelly.

"French toast. It is easy" he tells her. "Call me Donovan" he reminds her.

"How do I say your name?" giggles Shelly as he gets down the loaf of bread and gets eggs out of the fridge.

"Don-of-VAN" he sounds out for her.

"Donovan...."she giggles.

"You got it. First we need to crack these eggs into a bowl. Watch" he tells her. He cracks the egg on the side of the counter. Then places the egg in the bowl. He grabs the bottle of vanilla extract. He whisks the mixture together.

"Now what do we do?" wonders Shelly curiously. He gets out a pan. Heats the stove on. Places the pan on the warm stove. He melts some butter in the pan.

"Next you dunk the bread in the egg. Like so" he tells her. He shows her how to get the mixture over both sides of the bread. Then he places the bread into the pan.

"Then you cook it" he tells her.

"What can I do?" wonders Shelly.

"You can get out the bacon from the fridge. We will cook some of that to" he offers.

"It is smelling good in here" Shelly remarks as he flips over the bread in the pan.

"Sure is" he agrees.

"There is brown sugar on the top shelf there. Can you climb up there?" he asks. Shelly nods. She climbs up to get the sugar.

"What is that for?" she asks.

"Toppings!" he tells her with a smile.

The finish making breakfast. He gets a tray ready for Sawyer to have something good to eat. Evan cooed with excitement over in his play pen.

"What are we doing next?" asks Shelly curiously as she watches him.

"We are going to surprise your mommy with breakfast in bed" he mentions.

"I do that for her on mother's day. But all I can make is toast cause I can't use the stove yet" giggles Shelly.

"Aw, I bet your mom loved it" he tells her. She nods.

"She did" brags Shelly. He leads the way to Shelly and Sawyer's bedroom. Shelly follows at his heels. Norton comes in the lead to see what was going on now. They head to the bedroom. He knocks on the door. No answer yet.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Mommy? Momma!" calls out Shelly who was bursting with excitement.

"Oh Shelly you are up early" yawns Sawyer as she sits up. Donovan turns on the light in the room as he comes in.

"Donovan what is all this?" wonders Sawyer as he brings her a tray full of breakfast.

"For you. You needed a little pampering after a night like last night" he offers to her. He sets up the tray before her.

"Donovan! This is so sweet of you!" gushes Sawyer who was completely surprised by his gesture.

"I helped mommy" brags Shelly.

"Well you did a great job! How long has Shelly been awake? You should have woke me before" laughs Sawyer.

"Nonesense! You needed rest. I know you had a long night. No worries. Enjoy your meal" he demands to her. She nods smiling shyly at him.

"Is it good mommy?" Shelly wonders. "Do you like it?"

"I love it" brags Sawyer. She feds Shelly a bit of French toast.

Evan begins to cry on the baby monitor that Donovan had in his pants pocket.

"Well enjoy. I better check on what is going on down there" he chuckles.

"Oh let me get Evan" worries Sawyer. "That is my job" she says as she goes to scramble to get out of bed. He stops her.

"You rest. Eat your meal. Enjoy!" he tells her sternly. She nods as she smiles his way. He heads downstairs to check his son. Evan was fussing because he could not see or hear anyone in the room.

"Do you feel left out little man?" Donovan asks his son. He picks up Evan.

"Someone needs a changing" he chuckles when he holds Evan feeling Evan is soaked through his pants.

Donovan changes Evan. He was happy to have Sawyer living with him. It was nice to have his empty home be not so empty. Something about Sawyer made his home seem brighter. Cherry. He liked that. A lot.

"There now you are all set buddy" Donovan promises his son. Evan kicks his legs happily. Donovan's phone rings.

"Son what is this that we are funding to rebuild an apartment complex?" his father answers on the other line.

"Sorry father. I was going to tell you about it tonight. My friends building burned down last night. They nearly died in the fire. I felt it would be good for the family if we give back to the community a little. This lady is my nanny. She lived in the building. What do you think father? Can we help out?" asks Donovan hoping to get his father's approval on the project.

"I say it is a go. Wow son. I am truly surprised at you. Wanting to give back. Normally you want to keep money around. Not give it out. Why the change of heart?" asks his father.

"I have been given so much. I am sorry it took me so long to see that now" remarks Donovan.

"I see a change in you son. It is a good one. I wish your little brother would change. I fear he never will" worries his father.

"Give him time father. He will come around like I did" Donovan says.

"I am afraid your little brother is in a mess of trouble. Not sure what he has done this time. He is not returning my calls or my emails. Not even sure where he is located at" worries his father.

"He will come around. I will try to call him when I have the time" promises Donovan. "Thank you father for approving this project"

"No worries son. I am proud of you" says his father. That was the first time his father ever said he was proud of him. Donovan smiles feeling pleased. They hang up.

"Donovan breakfast was wonderful. Thank you" Sawyer says to him cheerfully as she places her plate in the sink. Donovan holds Evan as Shelly joins them. Norton followed at Shelly's heels.

"I have good news for you both" he informs Shelly and Sawyer.

"Oh what is that?" wonders Sawyer.

"I have been talking with your tenant and my father. We will be working on your apartment building. It will be fixed in no time!" he informs them happily. A shocked look comes over Sawyer.

"Donovan! You have done so much for us. How can I ever repay you?" she wonders.

"You won't have to. What are friends for?" he asks her softly. She smiles.

"Well then, it is good to have friends in high places huh?" she chuckles softly making him smile.

"Sure is" he agrees.

