
The Betrayed one will end it all

Our MC Saita Yorukuto, is our every kind Otaku people who his classmates despises him and bullied him. Even his Childhood Girlfriend giving him the cold and ruthless abuse. Until they are summoned to Another World, got the useless skill the people could think of and got betrayed. What will Saita do now? Revenge has never been wild at it's finest.

LightuDashu · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The worst will still be worst


   Monday. The most depressing day of the week. Where the students without a doubt, sighing so hard that the other students can barely hear their voice that says "I want to go home already…" while walking in the corridor of their school and finding their classroom with an aura that will sure kill the mood of some people.

   While Saita wearing his school uniform, his blue school coat or jacket is covering his white plain shirt not buttoned up to down making his white shirt openly exposed, with a blue necktie at the neck of his with a long sleeve from the shoulder reaching up to his wrists. Walking in the corridor that it's length is 50 meters from building to building, while it's width is 5 meters long. On his left surrounding are some doors leading to some classroom, while It's tiles on the ceiling and wall are mostly made of cement with metal rods as a support in his school, he suddenly feel a cold glare that looks like he's going to be eaten by some reptile, except it is not a reptile but a person.

   "Yo! Yorukoto fucker, you're early. Did you sit still staying up all night, watching some Anime, reading Novel or some shit? Hahaha! You're always useless at anything."


    After that person said those harsh words, he slap Saita's back so hard that Saita almost fall to the ground while keeping his balance from that hit and recovered. After he balanced his body that almost hit the ground, he greets that person with a grim smile.

   "G-Good Morning Hadayama, h-how are the things today?" while Saita saying that with a scared tone, the person standing in front of him smirking is Hadayama Kanigu. A classmate of him which is a good handsome guy, a bully and a troublemaker for Saita everyday. Because Hadayama knows that Saita is easy to tease and vent all his anger to him anytime that he used it as a daily routine in the school.

    After that greeting follow up, Hadayama without a doubt, punched Saita in the stomach, hard enough that Saita shout in pain. Then he grab Saita's head and pulled it next to his face and unleash his lowly wrath.

  "What did you say?  When we get that closer huh fucker? To think you casually said my first name without honorifics, you deserve some discipline." Angered. Hadayama push Saita's back banging into the wall that made out of thick cement with metal fibers, and punched Saita 2 times in the face. Saita receive a massive pain on his left and right cheeks in his face while groaning in pain, his backpack fell off from his arm to the floor causing a *baguh* sound when his bag hit it. But Saita endured the pain and said a words of apologize.

   "S-Sorry Hadayama-san, I will not forget it anymore! So p-please, s-stop it...!"

   "Then, don't forget the honorifics you fucker! You're lucky I'm in a good mood so no harsh beating for you. Yet. You good for nothing useless person. " While saying that, Hadayama stopped his continuous punch and released Saita in his hands, and finally went to the classroom.

     Saita breathe a sigh of relief then picked up his backpack, and finally went to his classroom too. But there is still a cold feeling within Saita's heart while walking, because?

    When he finally reached the door to his classroom and came in, he suddenly greeted with a cold stares and cold greeting with an irritated voice.

   "Ugh… why did the otaku creep came early? I thought he's always late…"

   "Now that the bastard is here, my good morning came to an end huh…"

    "I wish he never existed nor came here in this school, if he's going to ruin my day and mood everyday."

     Those where the greetings Saita get everyday when he's coming to the school, with just those words it makes you feel someone poured you a tons of cold water into your head enough for you to linger on cold covering your body with your hands to make them warm. Maybe they really hate the otaku culture or it's just Saita being otaku. But that's not all, there is a even more problem why everyone hates Saita, the one he should be avoiding to, or it should be?

   "Oi, gross otaku, your in my way."

A girl appeared in front of Saita, her face looks aggressive that feels it's scary. Her blue green eyes that seems to sap your life a way with an intense gaze was wavering over him as Saita looked on the said girl, even with the harsh greeting, Saita smiled and tried to untense the atmosphere by trying to talk to her.

    Shizuri is the top standout beauty of this school, where any boy or girl, also men and women will undoubtedly fall or admire just looking at her once. Shizuri is very good at anything. Studying, Extracurricular activities anything. She can do it all. Her height is 170cm. Her age is 16. Her birthday is January 4, 2004.

    With her female seductive figure along with her long blueberry color hair that reaches down on her slender waist, with her long beautiful white arms laying down gripping her bag on her left hand and a phone that has a cute girly cover on it's back at her right hand is swaying diligently while her blue green emerald eyes flashing throughout the whole classroom causing everyone to lock their gaze on her.

     Last but not the least, a feature that makes men gets more interested in a girl last but not the least is her boobs. Her size is at that E size cup. Big enough to use it as a weapon to attract any lustful men on anything. Covering her big melons are a pure white uniform with buttons tied perfectly with pink bluish ribbons at the center of her body and a school necktie reaching to her belly.

    Shizuri is the perfect example of being perfect at anything when it comes to all those.

    And an opposite of Saita, who is always getting late, getting on troubles, causing a ruckus for everyone of his classmates and always ended up in a bad way whenever he got involved in any trouble where he never do anything. Most importantly, not being able to do help when its necessary to everyone. So he is a good for nothing Otaku person that everyone hates most.

And the one that surprises everyone that fueled their anger more and how they always want to break him apart which Saita wishes it didn't happened.

    Shizuri is Saita's Girlfriend.

A Childhood Friend to boot.

    An Otaku and a popular girl being a couple would surely will made people go mad then make a riot and sue the boy who make a popular girl his. When his classmates knew the humor that seemingly true, they started to intimidate him, corrupting him, making fun of him and all adding the reason to his uselessness and incompetent actions

    Saita greeted Shizuri, but the cold atmosphere surrounding the whole classroom make him unable to say it, Shizuri standing still with her girl like bag in her left hand hanging around next to Saita awaiting for his greeting.

    After 10 seconds of silence, Shizuri broke the quiet place that should've of been a cold field by giving Saita a terrifying glare, enough to send someone shivers down to their spine.

It looks bad for Saita so he made a stand up by making this situation clean up a bit.

  "M-Morning! S-Shizuri, h-how are you today?"

    After the greeting Saita made, Shizuri greet or rather a harsh complain to Saita was cold as ice while giving him a disgusting expression and with a looks of shutting him down like he's being rejected even though he is her boyfriend.

   "Ugh. Why now at this time of the day? Next time find some mood before doing that shit can you? You worthless and most useless boyfriend I ever had in my life. If you don't, even you're my boyfriend, I'll send some thugs to beat the shit out of you to remember just simple words. Now get out of my FACE!"

     Just with that, Saita was so intimidated and so terrified of her well presence made him to move to the right side in front of her near a table chair while Shizuri continue on walking to her chair and sits while feels like nothing happened.

After the monstrous morning greet up, the classmates of Saita seeing Shizuri annoyed or getting in a bad mood at the very first of the week, they become irritated and angry saying things like "that gross otaku, hurting Amayaegi-san like that… I'll kill him at lunch later." and " Oi oi in the morning? That's a great way of giving Amayaegi-san a problem already you shit?" Like that.

   But as for Saita he's used to the rude and harsh words gave to him, because he's been experiencing the bullying and abusing for 5 years since his elementary years. Even Saita is being bullied, no one even anyone bother to take a glance at Saita and help him even Shizuri. Instead she's just lay down some harsh full of complaints like "can't defend yourself? You're really a useless boyfriend." "you worthless piece of trash, buying drinks for me can't even do that? Why of all people you are my boyfriend?" that's why he's all alone and can't rely on someone when he needs of help. That's why he's trying to live with being a loner.

    Saita been wondering why Shizuri is always like that when it comes to him. When they're little, they always play on the park together, playing house, building sand castles and helping each other's back. Whenever Shizuri is in trouble, Saita always there to protect her even though he is clumsy and can't fight back. That's when Shizuri fall in love at first sight. It's because of Saita's unbending kindness to her thinking he'll never leave her and will give her an unbounding happiness in her life. So she confessed to him at their middle school days and they become a couple and do what a couples do.

    Saita shared his otaku life to Shizuri so that she can understand more of him and learn some Otaku culture from him. So that whenever they're together they do what he always do both and live happily just like this. Saita thought this is the best life he ever had.

    Having fun with his childhood friend whom he love the most, and spend each of their days in a same house reading, writing, watching, eating and more.

    But that "Best life" he thought would last long…

    Because fate is never an ally he had to begin with.

    One day, everything's changed. After she goes to be a popular girl in the school, Shizuri became cold towards Saita day by day until she's started to abuse him and taking advantage of his kindness. Still Saita gives his happy smile even though, he's hurt and damaged inside. Because he thought that Shizuri will change back to where they always have back then, but he's wrong.

    Instead of some happy changes, it changes for the worse. That is also the main problem why his classmates started bullying him. Shizuri told them that he is an otaku and a good for nothing boyfriend to her.

    Even though Saita can't change of what happened to the past and now, all he can do now is smile. Pretending he's fine with all the harsh bullshit his getting and all. And that's why Shizuri is using it as her advantage to anything. He can't get out of the situation he's in right now, can't escape in the lions den. Feel trapped, being controlled like a doll or a puppet seems so very sad for his life.

First chapter is out. I'm going to tell his story in one chapter so Plot Armor will be useless in the upcoming chapters since I'm not going to follow the benefits of a typical MC. Let's talk realistic.

LightuDashucreators' thoughts