
The Betrayed one will end it all

Our MC Saita Yorukuto, is our every kind Otaku people who his classmates despises him and bullied him. Even his Childhood Girlfriend giving him the cold and ruthless abuse. Until they are summoned to Another World, got the useless skill the people could think of and got betrayed. What will Saita do now? Revenge has never been wild at it's finest.

LightuDashu · Fantasía
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2 Chs


In an unknown small narrow place where darkness strives in, colderness is reaching at it's peak. Walls that was made by an unknown source continued to be still as the wind of nothingness blows in desperately, looking for a way outside as the darkness surrounds it.

As it continue what the narrow place does, a fatal sound can be heard over the shutted place which knows no one dared to enter. But as the sound continues to grow noisier, a light spark up through it's way over the darkness.

That light grows, illuminating the nothingness into an eligible vision which also the colderness that sway around that place replaced by a warm feeling as the light went near it.

Beneath the illuminating light, 2 persons where found sticking away in the walls as it moves along the light.

As we move along in front of the light clearly, it showed that these are 2 people walking as the light also move along in it's pace.

One was holding an unknown book with his right hand over his right side, feet with no protection against the cold feeling in the floor swaying a little bit that knows about to break down or it's about want to supressed the feeling of having a cold feet. As they still walking with the fire of light floating midair centimeters away in front of the guy, his mouth moved indicating of starting a conversation to the other person with him.

"Is the summoning spell ready?"

In the darkness illuminated by the shining light of fire floating around aloft, his small yet loud voice that seems to be theoretically calm yet in the inside are up in the guts, a man who is looking faraway in an unknown hall was welling up inside with his hands holding the book. His lips and mouth are dry but can still produce saliva while releasing a warm and shallow breathe.

His face are deteriorated to a point it's pitiable. Cheeks are swollen and a little bit rough that looks like a living stone, sharp chin with his face forms of a certain devil smiling. Yellow teeth exposed while continuously holding an object while with his left fingers simply tapping it out of fun. As he made halfway through an unknown dark place that gives off some menacious vibe in it, the man who is still walking turns his head a little bit to his right shoulder. His long black hair swirled a moment before it stops in a motionary point. His scary looking face was pointed to his right as if something was on him. But if eye's can be decieved, it was him looking or wanting for something, even his eye has been blocked by his own black chiveled hair, you know it's menacing. But the demand was different.

The man stopped in an instant, still looking at his right shoulder. Looks so despairish even he's calm in anyway. Feels like he's been impatient lately for something awaits like a response to a certain someone which he barely holding in. Shallow breathes coming from his mouth, Tounge twisted in many directions almost exposed outside. The reason for it was this.

Next to him, or should I say 1 meter away from him was a man who wears a medieval like armor all round his body while the leather clothing was well hidden properly, was looking at the man who is waiting for something like a response.

His face was also hidden with an chivalry helmet. Only small circles and a small rectangular line can be seen in front of it. Eyes have an illuminated shadow over the course of the torch being illuminated, many scratches can be found at the armor and some cracks on it almost seem to be breakable with a few hits. Meaning this guy has been in tough situations and courses of something that no one can went through. But something wasn't right. Metal sounds clanks through the rock floor can be heard in this infinite like path. Cold air breezing a little meant there's a ventilation around in this small pathway area.

As he still thinking on what to do, he got suddenly on cold feeling. Feeling something was overwhelming him he doesnt know. It's just that the preassure was too heavy and unknown he wants to crawl down or run away. But with his situation now all he can do is to stand properly and find the one who is responsible for it. His eyes darted to many positions. Looking up then down then left and right, he swiftly look around for something but all he can see is nothing but paved and cracked stone walls on his sides, "stone cold" floor on where he stand and the cold paved stone ceiling on top of him is the only thing what he sees and the only thing blocking him from this darkness, and what he hear now was only the spark of light illuminating him plus the warmth of it, the deep ambient sounds in the darkness with a metal clanks as he walk more alluring their vicinity.

Not until he realize something. Beads of cold sweat was starting to form.

As if he knows everything, the knight tend to look straight up to where he's sight are. In front of him, was the man who standing still looking at his right shoulder. The man don't know what to do but look at his black hair.

Then it's suddenly hits.

The knight was feeling of unease, heartbeat raising, hard breathes, body shaking and more to describe the horrible feeling. As he still examine on whats in front of him, his eyes went wide up.

Even the man who standing still was looking at his own shoulder, even without the need of contact eye to eye, it was sure, the man was watching him carefully. Unknown the intentions are the guy with his deep brown eye that seems awfully rotten and with the look of a hawk, sure those eyes might break you down with just an intense stare. Even the mans sight are blocked by his blackish hair in his front, it was well enough to be considered that he's looking at your soul intentionally. All he could do is nod, swallows his saliva. He's lucky that his helmet covering his entire face and the best way so the guy couldn't see his expression of despair and doubt.

The person who is holding the book also nod. Then as he turn around, the knight took a step back still getting that sense of dangerous aura at the back of a person he's scared of.

The man who turned himself in front of the knight who stepped back away from him, he let out a little sigh that seems to confuse the knight and think of something on what to do on how kind of act he will do next. Given the time they're in right now, he instantly approach the knight and given something without a word that seems to be the old book he's holding in.

The old book was covered up by some pile of dusts as it stains the front cover of the book almost unreadable. The body was in tattered shape, scratches and burnt marks can be found. Inside of the book where the pages located, some of them are teared down, burnt and full of missing parts. Dust are also covering up inside of it but with a little clean, it could be usable back.

The Knight hesitantly accepted the book which means there's a doubt of a risk of something dangerous will happen when they continue. The Knight's face was in white sheet. Unable to react nor show any emotional face. That said person was thinking of something to say rationally to avoid any suspicious actions and circumstances taken by a person who's leading the procedure. But can't let it out as the immense pressure getting in the way so he remain shut the whole time.

The knight then look at the ragged book with eyes shaking blatantly. The knight's left hand that is holding the book in front of was shaking immensely, unable to control as the Knight can't calm down properly.

He tried to take deep breaths to ensure his well being around a small passage way they going through.

The sound of metal clacking through the tile of the stone floor, means he was wearing a metal like shoes that has a string located within the back part of the shoes, connecting to it's users waist.

As they continue walking, the slender feet long white and black robes the man in front and leading the way, his wearing looks like it is made by an unknown materials that are feel luxurious. That it is also not in the modernity. He sway as his legs made an impact on it as he walk more makes it he looks like a very known person. His posture is different than any other people, the way he walk makes it he's like a nobility person that confirms it. Even with his undetermined face, he screams everything that people wants to take with pride and superiority.

His white and black Robes are showing enough presence to known people who know what truly lies within on him. His head was covered up by Black hood as the texture mix well along with the other color. As a base material color and an outline of black and white in it going all the way down. From chest to feet.

As the two still walking around in an endless passageway, the knight person, raise it's head high and make it's point by talking about something regarded about on what they will do now.

Unease and fear dawning on him. But the man needs to do what it gotta do, so he face it head on even his conscience telling him to stop, he still headed on what decision he make which it will result in an overwelming situation.

"Is this okay to do such a thing GrandMaster?"

The man, or called the GrandMaster kept his posture upright and kept walking. As the knight still in caution, he wants to prostate but stops as he thinks of sudden result if he question him more. He stood quiet, mouth agape and body shaken. he watch the back of the GrandMaster as they continued to walk down the dark way.

5 minutes have passed without any disturbing sounds, they have arrive in a certain medium sized room which is are in 60 square meters.

The knight tend to look around on what's inside the room. All he saw was the same old walls that connects through the hallway they walk into, 2 pillars intesect in front of him and the GrandMaster. It feel nothing as in nothing where stuff is no where to be found.


As the knight still looking around, the GrandMaster walk through the 2 pillars near him which makes the Knight noticed it. Still don't know what the GrandMaster up to, he also hurriedly followed him.

It cause a loud clank of metal sounds as he walk fast only to be stop by the guy in front of him who raised his index finger upwards to give him a sign to stop.

With indifferent reasons the knight had in mind, he chose to follow the order of the GrandMaster. As he doesn't want something that makes him regret the action he did base on the situation his in right now. Still holding the book, he stood there quietly as he watch the GrandMaster walk away a meter from him without any reason to give.

And in an Instant.

A loud rumble roared out throught the entire room vicinity. The knight who experiencing the rumble tend to be cautious as he prepared his Sword that are beside his waist, unsheathed it and make a stance while shaking. Don't know what to do, he prepared himself on what's next and looked around making his body to rotate wherever angle and position he is.

Feels ready to attack, the knight being warry of his surroundings and keeping his balance intact, he tried his best to defend the upcoming attack with all his might even if his time to die come.


A big white light started to illuminate the whole room. Making the knight focus his vision on where it lead, what he saw makes his face more in curious yet in unease. In front of him was the GrandMaster raising his head high, arms opened up wide, chanting something that the knight himself doesn't know what the GrandMaster doing.

He just stood there, watching the inevitable to happen. His hard sword settled down in the cold cracking stone floor, watching the light grow inch from inch.

The GrandMaster's face expression could only see happiness and with a hint of devilish smile to his face.

As he lick his lips into a mourning light, he attempted to announce for himself to hear.

"Let's start the fun shall we?"


"Ugh… haah… haah… nnggh! Daaaaamn it!!!"

  As the darkness of the cave already appearing while the light of hope is gradually fading away, Saita Yorukoto. A 17 year old boy whose body is on verge of collapsing due to exhaustion and tiredness. Kept still in one position as he desperate grasping for air because of his shallow breathing.

His two eyes are practically swollen and reddish to a point, making his sense of vision to be completely blurred out.

Still standing in a unmovable position, Saita's body are on fire. The mechanisms of his body seems like wanting to shutdown, but the full of adrenaline that he had is kept active, making his body unable to react and do as it pleases.

Maybe it was his fear driving him to make his body to move out of will, overcoming his senses to an extent it was unbearable.

Maybe it was crawl out of safety. Or atleast be on guard on an upcoming chain of horror events. His body don't know, even Saita doesn't know how to stop it.

He's in a serious pain as every part of his body is getting fried deep. Even when he wants to sit down, the Adrenaline that was unleashed because of the instinct to survive by any means have been all over him. Making it more hard for him to step down for a little.

Examining his body to see if they are in really bad condition.

As we hope it's not, it was the other way around.

His whole body are in full of bruises, broken bones in his whole right arm and his two legs and fractured head which is so bad that a flesh of muscle tissues can be seen. The blood clobbering up inside his head are making they way outside with a sticky feeling in it, almost exposable. His torso are in trouble too as it have 3 small holes can be found. None of it was lethal enough to make him die, but the sufferable pain he had makes it an another way ticket to feel hell.

The holes from his chest are blowned up cleanly making his stomach and other flesh parts who still functioning can be seen in a normal broad daylight. The tissues and the skin are destroyed completely, his liver and some other organs are now barely hidden. Liters of blood still keep pouring out. The scratched out skin was also trying to stay still, avoiding the risk of ripping each other apart. He keeps pressuring himself to overcome the immensible pain he's having right now.

   His body have also severe deep wounds that feels he's been stabbed by something hard and sharp, his light and small wounds feels like he's been grazed by something like a small dagger like sword or arrow that only grazed the layer of the human skin. Making it much worse as it slices it up inside your body, crushing or cracking your bones or completely destroy it.

   He is also have a burns around on his back body, his back are burned badly that it can be called a 3rd degree burn that looks like he bathe in some big fire. His back has been fried until it turned into a black crisp flesh with a hint of a little blood that also been fried. His left arm is missing, from hand to over the shoulders, it was sliced off cleanly. Pure red flesh with reddish-white bones on his sliced arm are exposed and can be seen clearly because of his tattered uniform.

   But it never showed any large flows of blood like a waterfall spewing water into the river brutally. Leaving him to be a one armed man.

"Haah… haah… ngggh!"

Still exhausted and enduring the pain still lingering all over his body, Saita always keeping his conciousness active. He's trying to keep his thoughts and mind clear in amidst of his suffering just not to faint, because if he do, his body and mind will breakdown, not listening to his will, leading to one horrible scenario.


   If you found someone with the same situation like Saita, you can already feel sorry for what happened to him. Still his blood drippling continously, his whole school uniform clothes are covered by his own dark red blood while bathing on it from his deep wounds, even his skin hiding from the clothes can't escape it's own red flesh blood to be dyed also red.

   Some of them came from the missing arm but somehow find a way to stop the overflowing waterfall blood with an unknown method. Saita Yorukoto are now thinking his supposed final moments in a dark place of terror while sitting on a wall of rock hard pointy stones that have a sticky sensation smell poured on it.

   The place he got to is a cave that made out of pure rock solid stones, covering the entire sorroundings in a curve pattern, it's size of it are measuring about 150 meters wide, and 200 meters width.

   Above the curve ceiling are some beautiful ores glowing fainty, left over debris of stones and ores after a battle he had that he never expected to come and some dark water meassuring 1 meter deep surrounding him. With pure despair and anguish, lips dry, shaking to a point feels like he's muttering some words uncontrollably while his whitish red teeth that has been soaked in his own blood are gritting in cold and lonely feel.

Then suddenly he muttered something only him can hear…

 "Why… why me? Why it did happen to me?"

   Let us turn back the clock a bit and recount how a young Japanese boy found himself in a world that was far too cruel and heartless for the world "Fantasy" to be an descriptor. After all the experiences he had and still happening to him at this moment were a bit to bereft of the wonderful hopes and dream one imagined when they heard the word the people longing to happen.

The word:


This is my first time writing to this app and my first original novel creation. Please! feel free to leave any review and I won't judge it. If feels want to improve, I'll improve.

Thanks for reading this!

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