
The Bellrose Did Not Bloom Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Due to the misfortune of being born into the powerful family of Baskervilles, Lactiflora and Roosevelt are forced to participate in the most horrendous tradition their family have, fighting for the head position, pulling hairs, dooming your cousin’s fate, nothing special. The uninterested pair decided that the sick tradition has to end. Pulling the string in the Vitrum manor, the twins found out that their fate is inevitable, but as persistent and as stubborn as their father, Lactiflora and Roosevelt, along with their cousins, discovered the secret their ancestors hid below the manor. A journey into the entrance of the abyss, into their hearts and soul. Their past, present and future. Into the unknown... Their journey will bore holes into their hearts, break their spirits, and deform the way they see the world, no matter what they gain, what they lose, they have each other. Like how they entered the manor, Lactiflora and Roosevelt will always be together.

Atropa_Acuminata · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Glow In One’s Destiny

Potentia Locus is abundant with magic powers, such as mana, potentia, abysmal energy and many more. It is located below the main hall of the Vitrum manor. The sources of these powers are unknown, but Lunaria and her three butlers are working to learn more about it before she officially passes the position.

It is also due to this copious amount of magic power, this place is a hot spot for breakers and mana eating beasts. The place cant be sealed, it will affect the flow of its powers, hence the only way to prevent them from making themselves feel at home in the bowels of Vitrum.

The color ceremony will be carried out in Potentia Locus. And just the day before the event, Elijah and Benjamin disposed of 2 groups of breakers and slayed 1 b class mana-eating beast. The task was not difficult for the 2 butlers, but because of the upcoming event they need to minimize the mess in the Locus.

Now that everything is settled for the color ceremony, the group of young heirs, some servants and their great grandmother, marched their way into the depths of the manor to the Potentia Locus. The children are all dressed in white, but that doesn't dull the beauty that they possess. No one dares to talk to each other, not even Lactiflora and Roosevelt usually whispers their opinion to one another.

"Today, you know what will happen, we'll identify what's your magic power, then its level. The color will be what you are going to present yourself the whole time." The matriarch sighed, she hoped things wouldn't repeat the history now. She remembered how the young Bellrose of the previous generation almost got killed because of previous Fedrin's jealousy.

She threw a glance to the current Bellroses, Lunaria almost jumped when she turned to find them staring back at her, their blue eyes almost glowing in the dim chamber. They scare her sometimes, and it hasn't been a month nor the test hasn't started yet.

They'll be fine, she thought. The Bellrose twins are different from their father, if they didn't resemble young Gabriel, she wouldn't believe that he is their father.

"Anyways, whatever the result, I expect you to accept it, no questions. Everyone's magic power is unique. Do you all understand?"

"Yes!!!." They all answered inchorus, although not as enthusiastic as what Lunaria expected.

"Oh well, if you're not that excited, we should just start, and get everything wrapped up already. There's no point in hyping everything up with past stories."

"Everyone knows what happened during the previous and the generation after you anyway." Lunaria feels another sigh leave her. What is the future of the Baskerville if the heir is as uninterested as these ones, she actually misses the times the heirs are slitting each other's throats for the position, just kidding.

"Well then, come forward if you want to go first." The head scanned the children who made no movements, she expected the Bellrose twins, but the two made no move.

"Alright Morriet Olivia, you go first." Before the unlucky victim could rebut, Fedrin already nudged her forward.

"You fuckin–" Olivia wants to curse, but was shushed by Lunaria right away.

"Step into the magic circle, child." A tick mark appeared on her forehead, but immediately got rid of her anger when the circle glowed bright blue.

"Congratulations Morriet, you have a slightly above average foundation of potentia, it's already good that you are practicing sword art." Olivia visibly beamed at the compliment, at least to herself, she already knows that she is not lesser than her twin.

"Since your sister went first, William, you're going next." Unlike his sister, William did not say anything and politely entered the circle. It presents a yellow glow, and just as bright as Olivia's. William turned to his sister, proud of what he got, unfortunately, Olivia only scoffed and turned her head away.

"A potentia, and a mana pair. A perfect combination."

"Thank you, grandma." William bowed before leaving the circle.

After witnessing the result of Olivia and William's magic circle test, the others excitedly volunteer themselves.

"We'll go last." Lactiflora whispers to Roosevelt. The moment she saw the circle, she immediately wanted to know how it worked. There are symbols in the circle, some she recognizes as illuminus, a spell that helps identify remnants of magic in certain occasions, such as crime.

"Can you manipulate the flow of your mana?" They don't want to show their full potential just yet, especially with their plan to not get the position. They only know one person who can manipulate the flow of magic power in their body. It's their father, Gabriel, who managed to teach Roosevelt how to change the flow of his mana.

"Unfortunately… Not." Roosevelt's lips formed into a line, his sister always falls asleep when it comes to lessons, but its no matter since she can memorize and understand a whole book just by reading it a few times. But sleeping in these lessons means also missing the physical lessons. Their father didn't bother teaching her since its obvious that she's a potentia user like their mother.

The ceremony went on, mostly it was different shades of yellow and blue. Tala, Thalia, Jasmine, Gaia and Lucas got shades of yellow, which means they have mana as the main source of their power. Nicolas, Fedrin, Ivory, Isabella and Artemis got blue for potentia.

"Sakura, you're next." Roosevelt taps his shoulder, when he noticed the other fiddling with his sleeve instead of going to the circle.

"Can you go first? I'm nervous." Roosevelt then turns to his sister who only shrugged her shoulder.

"Alright, my sister will go first." Lactiflora wanted to snarl at her brother, but was pushed forward.

The circle glowed blue, brighter than anyone, Lunaria's not surprised. Its not even close to the shade her cousins got, its darker and it's closer to the color of the skies during the night.

Roosevelt steps into the circle after she leaves, and his glow is as yellow as the skies during sunrise, and as Lunaria expected, his glow is the same as Lactiflora.

Lunaria threw another glance to the rest of the children, none of them displaying a look of envy. Now at ease, she turned to see the last one, Sakura, who look as nervous as an armadillo.

"Come forward, child."

Sakura let out a tiny "eek" but did what he was told anyway. Being the last, the spotlight was on Sakura. He suddenly regretted asking Roosevelt to go first.

To everyone's surprise the circle glowed purple, it was not as dark as Lactiflora's hue, nor feel ominous, but still its part abysmal, they have the right to be wary of it.

Lunaria does not say anything, but watches Sakura leave the circle and stand next to Roosevelt. The boy kept his head down, clasping and unclasping his fingers. Everyone is utterly speechless, they did not expect Sakura to be a potentia and ABYSMAL user. The boy looks so innocent.

Their shock was cut short when Lunaria cleared her throat to get their attention.

"So now that everyone knows the magic power they possess, i am glad to say that the tests will now begin any day after this one. You may spend your free time trying out fighting styles and weapons suited for you." Like a true host Lunaria acted like nothing happened, if one of her great grandson is an abysmal user, it's not her or his fault, it's hereditary, he did not chose that, but still.

When Lunaria officially ended the color ceremony, the group is now being led back to the surface by the butlers. Everyone's still talking about what they got, and what they have in mind for a weapon, everyone but Sakura, who is walking a little slower to make distance from the group. Luckily Lactiflora and Roosevelt tried to match their speed so they can walk with him.

"That's amazing!!!" Sakura shook when Lactiflora and Roosevelt both latched on each of his arms.

"What? What is amazing?" He knows what they are talking about, but finds abysmal energy amazing.

"You know what I am i talking about."

"Don't worry, we don't think you're a threat, we trust our guts more than what the rest would say about it." At that moment Sakura saw the Bellrose twins in a new light. In his 13 years of living, the only people he had to accept him were his parents and his siblings, never hearing such assurance before.

Reciprocating their hold, Sakura pulled them closer to himself. For the first time since he entered this manor, he does not feel alone, and actually felt safe.

As i said before, i am getting busy with college, so updates aren't constant. Also my laptop gave up so i am now writing in my phone, which is harder. Thank you for reading

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