
The Beguiled Bond

As the first female battle commander of the military from the Waevalon Kingdom, Rachelle Simon believes that she does not need a mate in her life until she knows who she really was or where she actually came from before she arrived at the Dark Soul pack. She is living in peace until an annoying mysterious brute named Claude Hackworth arrived at their pack to visit his sister who happened to be her Luna and claimed that Rachelle is Claude's mate. However, she determines that she is not going to utter the words that she is accepting him. What will happen if Rachelle gets to meet and see her mate again in an unexpected moment but he will not introduce himself as her mate but the newly crowned Alpha King of Waevalon Kingdom?

mystiqueluna · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter One: Rachelle Simon

"Rachelle Simon from Dark Soul Pack, I hereby give to you the power of a battlefield commander. At the age of 16, you just reached a high position that no one had ever does. You're the first woman stepped in to become a one of the best battlefield commanders. And I obliged to admit it that I am so amazed and proud to you." I bowed my head a little as the Alpha King put the gold medal and hooked it in my neck as the sign that I really became a battlefield commander.

I murmured 'thanks' at him and gave him my best smile. As he pinned the gold shining badge at the left breast pocket of mine, as a proof that I am now graduated to be a soldier and now became a commander. I heard the claps came from the other ungraduated soldiers. I can't hide the excitement I felt. What surprise me really is when the Alpha King whispered when he was finished pinning my badge.

"I am so proud to you, Rachelle. This day was very reluctant for me to come without my son, the soon-to-be Alpha King. He was in his training for now to become a king. But I skipped to look at him and looking forward to you. I was a little bit surprise that you are a woman with a great skills and just became a battlefield commander. I've been anticipating to see you and now you're now in front of me, I'm giving you the right award for you. I can't help it but to say how I am so proud to you even though you aren't my daughter."

I got teary-eyed and muttered 'thank you' at him again. Why am I so greatful at him? This compliment was too much to bear. I gave him a bow which showed that I am respecting and honoring him that much. Once more, I glanced at him. And say, "Thank you, Alpha King." I gave him my sweetest smile.

I opened my eyes and smiled at one of my best memories I had in my life. Being awarded to be a battlefield commander at my pack was giving me an inspiration. I knew I really deserved to be awarded on this despite the other men in my pack disagreeing that I am now their commander in their training and in their war. I knew that they weren't approved the way I trained them. Well, who would want men like to be commanded by a woman? I knew I just hit their ego but I suddenly don't care about them—being an egoistic and a chauvanist, too.

I creased my forehead as I noticed something in one of the were soldiers in Dark Soul Pack didn't run fasterly in the massive blue track oval mat than the others. I blew my whistle causing him to caught his attention to mine. "Use your strong-muscled legs, private! Run faster! You're getting late! What do you think will Alpha Storm say to you?!!" I said snapping at him.

He saluted at me. "Ma'am, yes, Ma'am." He said and started to run to chase his other companions who were running at oval ground.

I kept on eyeing at them and relaxed a little. I don't want Alpha Storm says that his men were weak. He keeps on saying to me that I should trained his men in his pack—Dark Soul Pack, a pack where I usually belong.

I don't want to disappoint my Alpha because he already gave me his trust at me even though he was disagreeing that a woman like me commanding them. But I knew he understand me very much. He was at the same age like me. He was just 20 years old same as mine. And last week, we'd just met our Luna. Her name is Casey. She's a big mistery for me because Alpha Storm never told us where she was coming from. But to all pack, they seem didn't care anymore as long as we had a Luna, everything will going well to us.

In keeping the men strong, the first workout I trained at them was Spartan race. I was very strict and I keep on watching them. This training will help them increase endurance and have a muscle-stronged legs even when they were shift into a wolf form.

I also performed them a various dynamic stretches and body weight drills, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks and dynamic planks. In my study, it shows that by performing a proper dynamic warm-up, it improves mobility, reduce the risk of injury and stimulate the nervous system to improve movement.

I also trained myself on my own. On what I had learned since I was training to be a battlefield commander, I also applied it to myself and to Alpha Storm's men.

"Seems you really very strict, Rachelle, huh?"

I looked at my side and I saw Luna Casey walking towards me. My eyes widened on why is she doing here and I was captivated by her beauty. Don't get me wrong, I am not a lesbian. I was just appreciating her beauty. "Luna..." I greeted her with a bow. I am respecting her not just because she was a Luna but because of her modesty and benevolent.

She chuckled which surprised me so I looked at her. "Just call me on my name. I am not used to it calling me like that. Enough of formalities, eh."

I felt reluctant in calling her in her name but I did what she said. I shouldn't refuse her. "Okay, uhm, Casey," I formed a smile to her. Then I realized something, "Wouldn't you suppose at the pack house? I thought Alpha Storm wouldn't allow you enter in this training gym," I said politely, unwilling to offense her. "He'll acquire angry to us," I said worriedly.

I knew Alpha Storm. He was overprotective to Luna Casey—Casey, I mean. He doesn't want let Casey going on in here. And I don't know his reason though I never ask. My training to our pack members was so violent, savage and brutal. But knowing his mate, Casey, is I think a hard-headed person.

"Nah, don't mind him. I'll talk to him later if he approach you that you let me in. Just let me wander around. I've been dying to see how you trained Storm's men. You know what? You're a remarkable warrior."

I can't help the blush creeping in my cheeks with her compliment. My Luna was complimenting me. And this compliment was overwhelming me. I murmured 'thanks' to her shyly.

She smiled at me and her eyes looked around to other men keeping on training. "I wonder if I try those one." I followed where she was pointing at. She was pointing the sword sparring—my most favorite training. Then she gawked at me. "I'm good at sword sparring and I want you to be my opponent, Rachelle."

My eyebrows all rose up. And looked at her unbelievingly to her words. Did I hear it, right? I wasn't a deaf though. I really heard clearly. What does she say again? Opponent? Does she want me to be as her opponent? I'm a really good too at sword sparring, I might add. But it seemed that I wasn't convinced at her that she was good at it. I am a bit boastful but I just can't believe. Only me, a woman, can do that. Well, they wouldn't actually let a woman spare her time in a training. Men could only do that but I changed the history. I'm the first woman who changed all the wrong things they think about us, women.

Men think that women were actually weak and fragile and must stay at home when their husbands or mates were on patrol. But I was so pissed on what treatment they treated about us. Women could do what men could actually do. Underestimating us, women, would be actually a conflict to all of us, our lineage of Eve.

But it suddenly shocked me that Casey could actually used to execute in sword sparring. I shrugged it off.

For the first time in my life, this was my first time meeting Casey and she was truthful—I knew she was saying the truth—that she could do sword sparring, I think. So, I nodded my head and gave her my smirk. "Sure. I'm always ready to have some opponent who can defeat me with it. Honestly, I'm also good at it," I said proudly, chinned up as a proof that I am not lying and I am very proud to myself.

She gave me her smirk too which it surprised me but I hid it. "Can't wait to beat you."

Raising an eyebrow, saying. "Same as you." I could say that she could be a match for me. I always wanted to meet a woman who would like to vanquish me but still a mystery for me that where on hell did she really came from and she has the guts to challenge me.

"I've been anticipating waiting for this moment to come," she said, truthfully. I nodded my head, agreeing. "So, when will be we going to start? I want to test your skills," she asked and waited for me to answer.

"I'm afraid you can't do that."

I was stiffened at that familiar voice. Even Casey was stiffened. We both looked at our behind whose voice is that though I'm already knew who he was. I just want to make sure if that's him or not. As we both turned around, we both gasped his name.


"A-Alpha..." I stammered and bowed my head. Okay, I'm starting to get afraid knowing that Alpha Storm was here together with Beta Hance. I knew Casey wasn't really allowed to enter in training gym which I don't know what was the lame reason.

I could feel Apha Storm's eyes darted on me and he even mind-linked on me. 'What did I just tell you?'

I looked away. Fuck! I cussed. Yeah, this is great. My Alpha will surely punish me later because of this. I could see Casey coming over to Alpha Storm. She hugged him from his waist and gave him a quick kiss. "Stop it, Storm. It's my fault. Don't blame on Rachelle," she said in a tenderness tone.

"Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't tend here?" I could sense that Alpha Storm calmed down and his voice became fondness but I could still felt the dagger darting on me. Like he was telling me that we're going to talk after their talk. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Just want to see how Rachelle trained our men pack members. I am so amazed with her. She's so cool! And I even asked her to challenge me by using sword sparring. You know well, I'm good at it," she said beamingly.

Alpha Storm sighed. "You can't do that again, Casey. I don't want you holding those equipments again," he said in a serious monotone.

"Why not? Tsk. Tsk. You can't make me, Storm. Whether you like or not, I'm going to fight Rachelle on the other day. Okay?" They both kissed. I looked away and rolled my eyes.

This was so disgusting. Kissing in front of us. I couldn't help but to sigh. After their talks, Alpha Storm told Beta Hance to escort Casey in the pack house and they left. I walked towards him and gave him a bow as sign of respect. I opened my mouth to say how sorry I am but he summoned his hand to stop me from saying it.

"Don't budge. I can't blame you. My mate is a hard-headed person," he said, shrugging. I totally agree from him. I could see in it. I raised my graze to look at him. I found him he was smiling. "So, you want to agree in Casey's challenge?"

Surprised, but I hid it. I smiled back and gave him a nod. "Yeah. Just curious how she'll fight," I said shrugging like it wasn't invalid to me. Then I remembered something, "Any findings?" I asked, trying to mask my worriedness.

His smile slowly disappeared. "Sorry, Rachelle, but I still couldn't find it. It is very quite impossible to find. But Hance and I are trying are best though."

I heaved out a sigh and gave him a sly smile. "Thanks. At least, you're trying your best." This was bad. I should really find it. I really should.

Silence was ragging over to us. We both watched the other pack members trained themselves to be stronger than before. I couldn't help but to give up all their findings. I know Alpha Storm was really trying his best. He couldn't find it anymore, I think.

Alpha Storm was the first to break the silence. "Casey's brother will come to visit here. I don't know when he will be going here. He just told me one of these days."

"So, why does he want to visit here?"

"To see her little sister and to talk to me of some serious business matter. He's my friend, as well. I want you all to be prepared."

"Okay." I just only said. There's nothing I could open a topic to him. It's a little bit awkward though. I gave him an excuse and told him I'm going to rest now. My mind started to swirl up and think how I'm going to find what was losing from me. I'm just Rachelle, the werewolf warrior woman. I should find a way. Find what was lost from me.