

"It's just that we never heard of you." as Livious said the unknown vampire looks at the second in charge.

Then the unknown vampire left with his vampires as mist and Azura walked over to Livious, and then Livious walked Azura back to the gates of the kingdom of vampires.

"Livious, why are you leaving the kingdom of vampires?" Azura asked.

"Because, this alliance is about to go unbalanced and the kingdom of humans will be closing and lock our gates from everyone." Livious replied.

Kingdom of Vampires' Gates

Livious walks toward the kingdom of humans after Azura entered the gates.

Inside of the kingdom of vampires Azura is heading to the palace.

"Azura, where have you been?" Female vampire asked.

"I have been around." Azura replied as she entered the fog and mist.

"Oh! And lady Vassila wants to talk with you." she said.

"What about?" Azura asked.

"I have no idea, my lady." the female vampire replied.

Azura opened one of the palace gates and see Vassila then the gate guard closed the gate.

"Your majesty, it's around 3am." as Azura said Vassila walked over to her and placed a cloak over her.

"What is this?" Azura asked as she saw the sign in Japanese and looked up at her.

"Kazoku...Hogo...? (Family...Protection...?)" Azura asked in confusion.

The queen of vampires nodded as a 'yes' and Azura got onto the horse of kazoku no hogo (in Japanee for Family protection), and then Azura rode out without the kingdom of vampires knowing.

The queen of vampires sighed sadly and went back in the palace.

The gate guards are talking to each other in Japanese.

"Darekaga kanojo ga sonoyoni doyo shite iru no o mita koto ga arimasu ka? (Has anyone ever seen her upset like that?)" the gate guard asked.

"Korera no chichiya dake ga kanojo no doyo o mita. (Only their father has seen her upset.)" the second gate guard replied.

"Ee? Azura-San wa dodesu ka? Kanojo wa igen ga doyo shite iru koto o shitte imashita ka? (Eh? What about Azura San? Did she know about her majesty being upset?)" as they continued talking but in the palace Vassila is walking through the hallways while crying quietly and Azura is looking back at the gate guards finished talking Vassila and Azura are remembering their conversation before she left in Japanese.

Memory of conversation

"Shikashi, naze watashi wa vu~ashira o hanarenakereba naianai nodesu ka? (But, why do I have to leave Vassila?)" past memory Azura asked.

"Sore wa watashi no sentakude wa arimasendeshita sore wa choro-tachi ni yotte chumon sa remashita. (It wasn't my choice it was ordered by the elders.)" past memory Vassila replied.

"Livious no seidesu ka? Matawa...? (Is it because of Livious? Or...?)" past memory Azura asked.

"Sore wa watashi ga kotaeru koto ga dekinai shitsumondesu. Anata ga shiritai nonara anata wa jibun de choro-tachi ni tazunenakereba narimasen. (That's a question that I can not answer. If you want know you must ask the elders yourself.)" past memory Vassila replied.

Present Memory

Vassila waves and Azura leaves from the sight.

"I'm sorry, Azura. The alliance is about to go unbalanced, and I must keep order to be ready just in case if the alliance is no more." the queen of vampires said sadly.

Queen of Vampires' Chamber

Vassila lays on the bed and brings to cry.

But, not far away Azura is riding and remembering what Livious said as she rides.

"Hontoni moshiwakearimasenga, hogo suru hitsuyo ga arimasu... Ningen no okoku... (I am truly sorry but, I need to protect... the kingdom of humans because...)" Livious' voice said.

"Nazenara...? (Because...?)" Azura's voice asked.

"Cho shizen-tekina domei ga fukinkodearu tame... sensogaokorudaroushi, watashi wa shimasen senojo ya senso no chikaku de anata mo akachan mo. Wakarimasu ka watashi ga itte iru koto? Subete go seijo ni modottara, watashi wa anata no ryoho o mitsuke ni kimasu. Watashi, ningen no kanbina yo wa anata ni watashi no go. Hai? (Because the supernatural alliance is unbalancing which would a war will happen and I don't you nor baby anywhere near the battlefield or the war. Do you understand what I am saying? I will come and, find you both when everything is back to normal. I, lord Livious of humans give you my word. Okay?)" Livious' voice asked and replied.

As Azura arrived at the village of elders the head elders walks over to her after Azura got on the ground, from her horse.

"Kon'nichiwa. Watashi wa kegaazuradesu. (Hello. I am Kega Azura.)" as Azura said the head elder lifts her eyes in surprise.

"Dau musume? Hontoni anata no musumedesu ka? (Dau-Daughter? Is it truly you daughter?)" head elder asked.

"Mama?" Azura asked and the head elder nodded.

The head elder hugged her.

"Machigatta musume? (What's wrong daughter?)" the head elder asked.

"Watashi wa anata no tasuke ga hitsuyodesu mama. (I need your help mama.)" Azura replied.

"Anata o nayama sete iru monodesu? (Is something troubling you?)" the head elder asked as Azura looked at her.

"Watashi... Ninshin shite imasu. (I... am pregnant.)" Azura replied.

The head elder looked away then Azura grabbed her arm.

"Okaa-San. Onegaishimasu haha ni hanashikakete. (Mom. Please speak to me mother.)" Azura said.

Then the head elder turned around and smacked her cross the face and then hugged her.

"Kare wa jikkurikaerunode, watashitachi wa anata no otosan ni iwanakereba narimasen. (We must not tell your father because he will flip.)" the head elder said.

"Demo okasan, otosan wa shinde iru. (But mother, father is dead.)" Azura said.

"Ee? Do yatte? (Eh? How?)" as the head elder asked.

"Kare ga dono yo ni shinda no ka wakarimasen. (We don't know how he died.)" Azura replied.

Then Azura spots someone familiar.

"Chichi? (Fath-Father?)" Azura asked.

Then the head elder chuckled.

Hisashiburi. (Long time no see.)" he replied.

Azura gasps.

"Watashi wa emasu ka hagu ka hi ka? (Do I get a hug or not?)" he asked.

But, Azura didn't move toward him.

"Wakarimasen. Chu ni haitte. (I understand. Come inside.)" Azura replied.

Azura bowed.

"Otosan arigato... watashi wa anata no shotai o kotowaranakereba narimasen chichi, haha. (Thank you father but... I must decline your invite father, mother.)" Azura said in Japanese.

Then he hands her enevolpe with money in it.

"Father, what are you doing?" the head elder asked.

"Shin'aina. Kanojo no tamedesu. (Dear. It's for her sake.)" he replied.

Azura got back on the horse and rode away.

"Wait! Azura!" the head elder yelled.

2-Nen-go (2 Years After)

Kingdom of humans

Livious is looking at the moon.

"Livious-Sama (lord)?" man asked.

"Yes. Oh, James." Livious replied.

"How is she?" James asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the 6th of July, two years ago. Due to she was unbalanced along with the alliance." Livious replied.

"But, do you want to see them?" James asked.

"James, I have been busy for two years so I don't have time to call or see them." Livious replied.

Kingdom of Devils

"Lord Relma!" as the guard calls out to him.

"Naoki, I am sleeping!" as the new king of devils yelled.

Then the guard entered the king's chamber.

"Good news." as the new king of devils said as he walks to the window.

"The alliance guards have found two kids." the guard said as he nearly choked on water.

"K-Kids? What of their mother?" he asked.

"If that is all then you get out." the new king of devils said.

The guard bowed in respect and left the chamber room.

"Naze watashi wa itsumo jama sa rete iru nodesu ka? (Why am I always getting disturbed?)" as the new king of devils asked while he mutters to himself.

Supernatural Alliance Kingdom

The king of the supernatural alliance is sitting on the throne chair dealing with affairs but when, the queen and prince then they hear screams then nothing but before anything could happen the doors are broken in and footsteps entering the throne room and as the guards are running toward them.

"Osama ni nani ga hoshidesu ka?! (What do you want with the king?!)" the alliance guard asked.

"What brings you here lord Crimson?" the king of the supernatural alliance questioned.

Then the unknown vampire smirked with his fangs showing and he bit the guard then threw the guard, onto the floor.

The prince went to his mother the queen and the unknown vampire and his vampires entered the throne room, in unseeible speed while he walks in.

"Why does weak and pathetic insects called humas, bother making an alliance with the supernatural world they don't know anything about? These vampires of our kind should be eating the humans not be playing with their food for 300 years. Just thinking about it is making me want to vomit." one of the vampires said in disgust.

The unknown vampire grabs the king of the supernatural alliance and bites him on the neck.

"Husband!" the queen of the supernatural alliance yelled.

She grabbed the prince and prevented him going to him.

After the unknown vampire removed his fangs one of the vampires handed him a bottle of water to wash his mouth out.

"Yuck! The blood did not taste nice." the unknown vampire said.

"What about them? Can we eat them?" the 7th vampire asked as he licked his lips and his eyes glowed red.

"No." the unknown vampire replied as he removed the body and sat on the throne chair and all of the gates, are shutting and locked even the supernatural alliance's flag is down.

All Kingdoms

"Dakara... Iyoiyo hajimarimashita. (So... it has finally began.)"

Continues in the next chapter