

Dan a young man who lost his parents to a sinister joke of fate, embarked on a journey to find the answer to his questions, meeting friends, living romances, wrestling with strange beasts and trying to change the world's inevitable destiny along with the allies you find on the go. **Art work is not mine. If you want me to take it down please contact me**

Kreizien_Knul · Fantasía
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21 Chs

3. The Day Of The Landing

We arrived at Verf Blauw at noon, when we disembarked in the port all the crew lowered the remaining supplies and the materials that we obtained on our trip.

I was walking near Mr. Dragan as I helped him carry one of the chests that were in the old man's office.

"Dan, you must visit my house, I have a son your age, you can play with him" said Mr. Dragan saying goodbye.

"Sure sir, I'll visit you soon" after that I approached the old man to speak.

"Hey old man, where are we going to sleep today?" I asked.

"It is not obvious, in my beautiful baby" I answer pointing to the boat.

I was speechless and I could only roll my eyes, after talking to other crew and finishing landing, I observed the port, it was a place full of life, there were all kinds of races in that place, from humans to lizardmen.

I walked around the nearby stalls a bit observing everything they were doing, some were selling parts of aquatic beasts, others were selling weapons I even saw a person who was selling his boat.

People of all kinds walked from one side to another, I was amazed at the scene because I had never seen so many colors together, the smells came from everywhere, some were delicious.

I approached a stall selling skewers, made of a crab-like beast, when I approached to ask, I knew that the price was something I couldn't afford, discouraged I turned around but before I started walking again someone I touch my shoulder.

I turned quickly to see who to hold me and at that moment I saw them, eyes that shone like two beautiful suns, radiating a light that seemed to erase all the darkness in the world, accompanied by a white smile, and wheat-colored hair, everything adorning her beautiful face, that image stole my soul, a fire arose in my heart, I had never seen someone so beautiful.

I tried to speak but the words didn't come out, she smiled and extended her hand towards me, there was one of those skewers.

"I've eaten enough and now I'm full, you can have this" I had never heard such a beautiful voice, that voice stole my soul, I smiled awkwardly and tried to thank her, when a voice called her.

"Keira, what are you doing talking to this beggar" a shrill voice sounded, I turned my gaze and there was a well-dressed young man, he seemed to be the same age as me, he had beautiful and shiny clothes, it was obvious that he was a rich young man.

"Don't be rude Luke" replied the girl "goodbye, I have to go, I hope you enjoy it" she said as she walked away from that pretentious boy.

At that moment look at my clothes, bring one of the grandfather's shirts and the pants of a crew member, he definitely saw me as a beggar, i thought discouraged I returned to the boat while.

Keira, I will never forget that name, I will train and I will be a man worthy of such a beautiful woman, now I understand what my mother said, you have to practice magic, only magic and power can change your destiny.

When I return the old man was sitting in a port area playing dice with other men when he saw me return he got up and walked towards me.

"We finished disembarking, now we have the whole afternoon free, what do you want to do" I ask myself with a smile.

"Teach me how to fight, I want to be strong" I couldn't help but expose my true feelings.

He just curled his lips and said, "What is the use of being strong if you look like a beggar, let's go buy some clothes, go change your clothes, let's go for a walk in Verf Blauw, the biggest shopping city in the area "

I ran to change my clothes, I was very excited. In the last month, the old man treated me like a slave, I spent all the time scrubbing the floor and washing cutlery, at no time was I taught to fight, I just played with the dagger that Mr. Dragan gave me.

When asking the old man why he did that, the scoundrel told me that it was a punishment for mutiny against the captain, I was furious, if he had not encouraged me to fight I would not have done it, although I think he did it for my own good, later getting all my accumulated fury out, was able to clear my mind.

Remembering the day that changed my life I couldn't help but get angry, I was angry, angry with my lack of power, I wanted to make myself strong, I wanted to tell the old man to teach me how to use the sword, I wanted to use magic, I wanted to learn martial arts, I wanted to everything.

While I rambled, I finished changing my clothes and I got off the boat again when I got to the port, I looked for the old man, now he was wearing very elegant clothes, totally different from how I met him.

"Well you are ready, we must first buy clothes, these clothes are useful for the life of the sea but not to pick up girls, later you will register as an adventurer and we will visit the coliseum"

I agreed with his words, he started to walk out of the port and into the business district when a voice spoke to us.

"King Shark, I see you came back early this time, perhaps the strongest man in the South Sea found a problem"

The old man stopped and said

"Henry Walrus the fat, is there anything I can help you with?"

The man who spoke was a pirate, a very fat man, he had a butcher knife on his waist and tattoos covered his arms and belly, he had red hair and his mustache was so long that he was braided, he was missing a large circle of hair and his eyebrows were very thick.

"Hahahaha, there is nothing in this life I need your help" replied the fat man.

"If you don't have anything then I'm leaving" the old man walk continued on his way and I walked behind him.

The fat man turned around and went the other way. I have to admit this was very strange.

The old man was silent until we left the port and entered a crowded highway.

"That man is Henry Walrus" said the old man "he is a pirate like us, but he does not hunt treasures, he hunts other pirates, be very careful with him, he is very strong"

I just nodded to his words, we talked about trivial things along the way, he pointed out some places and explained to me what they were or who lived in certain houses.

He also talked to me about the crew members, until we arrived at a tailor shop, which we entered.

There were clothes of all colors, I was very surprised, the old man took me to an area where an older woman was standing.

She greeted the old man politely and then took us to choose the clothes, we bought clothes of all kinds, the old man put everything in a space ring, after finishing we went to buy everything necessary.

When I finished I was excited, but the old man did not go to a gun store, we went to a huge building in one of the busiest places in the city.

We entered the building and I could not help looking everywhere, that place was the adventurer's guild, there were people of all kinds and of all races.

My eyes flew from one girl to another, all the girls in this place were beautiful, there were also many stout men with all kinds of weapons, it was a place worthy of being called adventurer's guild.

We approached the reception and completed the registration, they gave me a plate made of obsidian in which were my name, my age and my mission registry, when my grandfather finished, I talked to the receptionist for a while until we left the guild, and we went to the coliseum.