
The beginning of the end:Infernus in terra

Witches accidentally cause the end of the world , bringing rise to zombie like creatures and Zara , heir to the trinity coven gets stuck in her new school with some vampires, witch hunters , humans and a whole lot of undead creatures. They are ready to do anything in their power to survive.

chizialex · Adolescente
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1 Chs


Chapter 1:The beginning of the end

Hi , i am ....well who ever i am is irrelevant , what matters is that this is the story of how the world ended on February 28 2021.

You know there are many theories on how the world is supposed to end , like , the biblical Apocalypse , diseases like the Corona virus, nuclear bombs or even the earth getting unhabitable due to one reason or the other , its funny how none of these happened ....well not yet....cause I'm still kinda waiting for the biblical apocalypse...you know...hopefully it can put us outta this misery..... Point is...you'd think one of these things brought about the end of the world but ,No... No, witches brought about the end of the world and here is how it happened.

Witches were the elite of the supernatural world , they were powerful and respected creatures , feared and envied by other beings, they were untouchable , and they basically ruled the supernatural world, funny how one mistake turned all of that upside down, but that is a story for later , let's get into how the world ended on February 28 2021.

On the 28 of February 2021 a depressed witch casted a spell to end the world and it exploded.

___________THE END____________

I'm just messing with you alright...calm down...OK so where were we...

The 28 was like any regular day , Zara a young bossy witch , 17 years of age , heir to the Trinity coven , she had long braided hair and brown eyes rude but kind hearted , about 5'11 feet tall , she was going through her moms grimore (book of spells) trying to find a way to pass a test which she had this day . This day was very special for her school , right after the test which was being held from 3-4pm , they were to start preparation for an inter school basketball game in celebration of her school , Red winter secondary school's 20th anniversary, the match was to start by 7pm and after that the school was having a new month party which started by 12 am and ended by 3 am ...yep they were spending the whole day in school.

She was going to use magic to pass the test ....now I know what your thinking ...but NOOO...Zara Is actually really intelligent and manipulative , she knows how to get what she wants when she wants it, and the last thing that was in her mind right now was some dumb secondary school mid term test , although this was the first test she would be taking In the school , she just moved here 3 months ago and she got bigger fish to fry than some test she could easily ace with magic

"yes" she shouted , she had finally found a perfect spell for the test, a 'yellow sun spell' , she reads out the requirements for the spell

" A yellow candle, paper and blood" she hated the last part because she had to cut herself. Zara is a tough girl but cutting herself was one of those things she had to do as a witch even though she hated it .

She rushed to the kitchen , grabbed a knife, small but sharp then went to her dead mom's room , it had been a while since she had been here, she studies the room and glances at the bed , it sent some memories flushing back, her mom was her best friend , they did and shared everything together, no secret was to big or small to share amongst themselves and she hadn't gotten over her death yet .she runs her finger tips across the dusty study table, and sights some candles then remembers why she came here , she grabs a yellow candle and a matchbox laying next to it and dashes back to her room. She sits on the floor in the center of the room ,legs crossed in a yoga position, she draws a sun on a piece of paper she got from her backpack , she wasn't exactly artist of the year so the spell would just have to bear with her drawing skills , she picks up the knife and cuts across her palm and watches the blood trickle down and splatter unto the paper , when she felt that she had spilled enough blood unto the paper she chanted ,

"I invoke the yellow sun To grant me your light and wisdom

Until the next day is born

Then can be gone "

She felt the wind gush pass her face almost violently, putting out the candle and sending cold chills down her spine , she grabs the bloody paper and shoves it into her pocket, she needed to maintain contact with the paper for the spell to work.



"Chisom Nwalu"yelled the new class teacher Miss Adetayo , she started working in the school 3 months ago, no body really new where she transfered from , but within the short period of time she had spent with the school she had already earned herself a reputation of being strict and discipline.

"present " chisom replied .

"chineye nwazor".

"present" chineye replied .

"Daniel chukwujekwu".

"present " he replied .

"Zara Aje"....No reply ....."Zara Aje" she repeated, the class Rep (representative) was about to get up and say 'absent' but she gets interrupted mid-sentence .

"present " shouts Zara as she rushes into the class room .

"your late" says Adetayo with a frown forming on her face.

"im sorry , I got held up" she tells her Adetayo.

"Doing what?" Adetayo snaps at her.

"that's my business " Zara rudely replies

"watch your tone girl" as she gives her the exam sheet and goes on to share it to the other students.



Adetayo is walking through the seats of the students when she notices a paper sticking out of Zara's pocket , with disappointment in her face she goes over to Zara's seat .

"young woman what's in your pocket"?

"nothing" Zara says as she shoves the paper deeper into her pocket confirming Adetayo's suspicion .

Adetayo snatches the paper from Zara's pocket , looks at it and even fills more disappointed.

"outside " she exclaims , she takes Zara outside the classroom and she mistakingly drops the paper.

Adetayo steps outside the classroom and shuts the door behind her forgetting the type of teenagers that she was invigilating , as soon as they door is shut they start cheating in ways that you couldn't possibly imagine.

"what was on that paper? " Adetayo asks Zara .

"you saw it ,why are you asking me?" asked Zara putting her defences up.

" I taught you were cheating with answers written on a paper but....a yellow sun spell, are you trying to get us caught?"

You see .....Adetayo wasn't just a regular teacher, she was a 'pacifier' , zara's pacifier to be exact (pacifiers are creatures that basically guide and protect young witches) she was zara's mom's pacifier and best friend and after Zara's mom died she became Zara's pacifier, she sees protecting zara as her job, well it is.... her job ,she just takes it a little more personally because of the relationship she had with Zara's mom .

"No, I was trying to pass a test" Zara snaps.

"With magic? Detention ASAP" replys Adetayo.

"what?" Zara asks , the concept if detention was bazaar to her "ehn we are in Nigeria....detention isn't really a thing".

"If you weren't skipping school so much, you would have know that the international inspectors didn't quite approve of the method of punishment of most Nigerian schools, they recommended less physical methods and DETENTION just happens to be No1 on the list",Adetayo tells her.

"OK..so your sending me to detention for doing magic,that's absurd" ,Zara butts in , the anger she felt was clearly visible in her tone.

"No" Adetayo interrupts, "I'm sending you to detention for cheating in a test".

Defeated Zara submits to her pacifier and goes to the detention class.



Zara flings the doors to the detention room open, she studies the classroom. Most of the students had formed a circle in the middle of the class room sitting on the bare floor with crossed legs in a yoga position, they didn't even notice her storming into the class , they must have really been in engrossed in whatever they were doing right now.

Mr festus, the detention invigilator was in a deep sleep , if a bomb went of in there Zara was pretty sure he wouldn't wake up, Mr festus's deep sleep allowed the students students to engage in their current activity , they were playing truth or dare , they had arranged the tables and chairs at the back of the classroom , and were seated on the bare floor in the center of the classroom In a yoga position.

Awele , the school slut , well she wasn't a slut anyway , it was just a tag and like any other tag you get in high school , it stuck like glue , funny enough , she was still a virgin, she was not so far from a cold person , and she could do almost anything for cash, ALMOST , she was the definition of sly , and you do not mess with her , she was short, 5'6, but what she lacked in height , she made up for in sass, everyone addressed her by her nickname 'candy'. This nick name was also gotten from another false tag , there was this rumor that every guy who slept with her couldn't get over her because she tasted like candy, but this wasn't even possible because she had never slept with anyone.

She grabs the bottle from the center of the classroom room.

"my turn" she says , she glares at everyone in then circle then back at the bottle in her hand , places it in the ground , then spins it Like she was trying to win the lottery , this is an intense moment as everyone's eyes follows the bottle's circular movements, trying to predict who the bottle would land on .

The bottle's spinning eventually comes to an end and points directly at john , a basketball player , he wasn't playing in the match today though , he was benched and sent to detention by sportie ,Their coach (sportie was the nick name the players made for him) for going to a party and missing practice .

"truth or dare" candy asks with a little grin forming on her face.

"Dare" Johns says looking like David about to battle Goliath.

"Hmmm.....I dare you ..to", unable to come up with a good dare she decides to give him something he wouldn't do so that he could pay her the fine for not being able to complete a dare, "kiss Mr festus on the fore head"

"Fuck you !, I'm not doing that" John says feeling a little bit disgusted by the idea, actually he felt a lot bit disgusted by it, he remembers that he had another chance , if someone asks a dare and you don't like it , you could tell them to ask you a truth or pay a fine, "Truth" he says.

"Pussy" candy says, she knew what she's been playing at , "fine ...truth..... did you sleep with Lisa's sister".

There was a sudden silence everywhere as awkwardness crept in and filled the classroom.

Lisa , John's girlfriend, looks at him , her eyes were red and they were watering up, "John say something ....please" she pleads , the truth was obvious.

"I'm not not answering that question" he glares at candy.

"Then pay up" candy says stretching her armes forward with her palms open.

John reaches for his pocket and grabs his Wallet, pulling out a thousand naira note (N1000) from it, he shoves the money into Candy's hands . "Bitch" he mutters underneath his breathe.

Lisa was Candy's best friend and when she found out that her best friend's boyfriend was cheating on her, she had to do something about it and that was her best shot.

Lisa unable sit there any longer runs out of the classroom, subbing with her face in her palm as candy waves her middle finger at John and goes after Lisa.

Nobody says a word for what feels like a minute till Nachi, The schools golden boy decides to break the silence.

"OK my turn .....temi I dare you to"

A girl sitting beside him interrupts "you have to spin the bottle"

"No I don't"nachi says ,tossing the bottle away from the circle, " as I was saying , I dare you to.....get into Candy's skirt".

Temi who was gulping down whatever substance his water bottle contained splurts it out and chokes on it , coughing and gagging for about 30 seconds.

"r..r..right now" he asked , you could hear his heart slamming against his ribcage from miles away.

"No ...within this week" he says standing up and leaving the circle.



Zara was already seated and was conversing with a person she just met.

"By the way ....who is he"she asks mercy ,the girl she was currently gossiping with.

"who is who" mercy asks

Zara points at one of the guys sitting in the circle, "him"

"OK I get that your a new student but haven't you been here for like 3 months now" mercy says looking surprised.

"so"Zara asks , wondering what that had to do with her not knowing who the guy was.

"and you haven't heard of Nachi"

"so that's his name ,....he's cute" Zara says blushing a little bit but her black skin concealed the redness of her cheeks.

"girlll...every girl thinks he's cute, he is the schools golden boy, and he is golden in every way...well ...except for skin colour.....i bet his junk's also golden" ,she giggles... "His dad's the owner of Z-Tech enterprise , one of the largest tech companies in Nigeria, in short , he is rich , hot ,handsome and stylish,....mehn he's got the whole package, though recently he's been sort of an a**hole".

"why" Zara curiously asks.

"he's been that way since the accident" mercy replys

"what accident"but before Zara could complete her sentence, she felt Someone sitting down next to her

Zara was pissed.....who was this motherf***er who was interrupting their conversation , if black magic didn't require a sacrifice she would have cast a death spell on this son of a b***h she taught , then she turns around to take a look at the cursed soul who was disturbing them...and to her surprise it was Nachi.

"Hey ladies" Nachi says his smile melting Zara heart, he looks over to zara "you must be new here...I'm Nachi , and you are?"

Zara was hundred percent sure that her heart had skipped a beat , "Clara..I mean ....z..Zara" she says

Playing with her hair.

"cute name" Nachi says.

"So which school are you from"he asks.

"You wouldn't know it ..but you can think if it as Hogwarts" she says .

He laughs out loud..."why its not like it's a magic school," he says.

"Yh...m..magic's not real" she says ,a little bit nervous.

"Yh" he says noticing the wound on Zara's hand...she hadn't tried to take care of it in any way.....why would she though .....she could use magic ...the wound was starting to bleed a little.

"your hands.. There's blood on it" he says.

"yh".....i accidentally cut it....but I was going to take care of it" she says pointing at a first aid kit a table away from her .

He leans over to grab the first aid from the table.

Zara could feel his breathe softly brush against her lips as he leaned to grab the first aid kit , if he got any closer they would be locking lips... She was in a lethal battle with the voice in her head telling her to kiss him

He sits properly placing the first aid kit on their table, and takes her hand gently

....applying the hidrogine peroxide, then he bandages it up.

"Hey do you wanna go watch the b-ball game..." he asks.

"but we have detention"she says.

",yh but Mr festus is sleeping like a baby" he replys.

"yh but the teacher who sent me here is like my aunt...if she catches me I'm dead"

"she won't" he says assuringly "plss" he pleads, giving her the puppy eyes.

"ugh fine"she says and they both get up from their seat quietly and head to the bball court .

Meanwhile in the hallway... Zain was walking by when someone grabbed her by the neck and slammed her on the locker room but not hard enough to hurt her....she looks at his face , it was Tyler, the guy she had a crush on , he brings his face close enough to hers that their noses are touching.....but he has a girlfriend... Why was he doing this she taught as his lips made contact with her neck ....he was a vampire but zain wasn't even aware they existed ....she felt his teeth slightly touching the vein on her neck..only enough to leave a hickey.....she was turned on by him.

Tyler ....feels someone's hands on his shoulder yanking him of zain and sending him crashing into the locker opposite her...it was Derek...another vampire who had feelings for her....Derek was one of the few vampires that were black in Nigeria as vampires were a foreign breed of creatures....they were outcast of the supernatural world because of their predatorial instincts..... They were like snakes... They could go for months without feeding...the concept of vampires feeding on humans in the advanced world of 2021 was barbaric and had been put to an end....vamps were on a strict animal blood only diet...but there were vampires who still did it....and Tyler a rebel vamp , had been longing for some zain dinner.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you man.....you feeding on humans now?". Says Derek in a tone audible to Tyler alone .

" relax... I merely gave her a hickey

...if I was feeding on her she would be dead" he says shoving Derek of him and walks away.

"What was that about" asks zain unaware that Derek had just saved her life...."your no fun" she says and walks away leaving Derek behind her.



The game was about to begin , the cheerleaders were cheering , the moms and dads were clapping , and the players were warming up and getting ready to come to the court as Jay Ekeh, The schools MVP(most valued player) went to the court to take the first throw. This little tradtion of their school involved him going to the court alone and scoring a 3-pointer in one shot ,it was normally carried out by the teams captain but he was unable to because he was injured from their last game and had to be benched.

Jay walks up to to the court and catches the ball sportie throws at him from the sidelines....he makes his to almost the center of the court ....eyes in the Net..... he bounced the ball for what felt like forever , then shoots.

Everyones eyes is filled with anticipation as the ball leaves Jay's hands and travels upward into the air, then its starts plummeting towards the net but before it gets close enough to the net, the whole court gets engulfed by total darkness....there was a black out in the school , and there was panic for about a minute but then the back up generators kicked in and to everyone's surprise jay was laying on the ground motionless on his stomach. Sportie walks towards him and says

"hey whatever prank you think your pulling, cut it out or your getting benched for a month, but jay just lay there motionless.

He decides to turn him so that Jay would be laying on his back....as he turns him over , a huge puddle of blood splashes on his face.

Sportie stood there petrified as he stared at jays stomach, it was open and blood was ozzing out and his intestine was hanging out .....Jay managed to voice this words just loud enough for everyone to hear then gave up his last breathe ...as chaos and all hell breaks loose at the auditorium..."RUN".

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