
the beginning of creation

In the beginning there was nothing but a sphere of light floating questioning its existance and its purpose slowly gaining enlightment on its existance. creating everything with nothing making planets clash and be destroyed with a thought.creating life to be destroyed and be renewed. read the story of the sphere creating everything with nothing but themself

Cristhereader777 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 "the beginning"


" " -speaking

' ' -thinking

in the beginning there was nothing but the void, but in the center of the void there it floated silently a sphere of light the size of a basketball silently floating away, still waiting for it's awakening, unbeknownst to it, it was but one of many

'hmmmm my...now this is peculiary weird I don't see anything...it's all nothing it's disturbing me... wait wasn't it all like this since the beginning?now that's weird wait whats weird again. how is this weird to me?,who or what am I ?!,why can't i move, I can't move?!, but how do I move?, i don't understand this is confusing me.why am I here, how am I here? ' the sphere asked and asked itself it's questions but never getting an answer truly.

the poor sphere was tormented every second by loneliness,dread,and its curiosity and thirst for answers for its existence.


Years passed and the sphere was questioning on why it existed and it's purpose, slowly gathering doubt upon itself on 'why'.

'I want answers, I want someone or at least something to answer me please answer'. the sphere begging for it's questions to be answered only for nothing in the void to answer to respond for the poor sphere.

centuries passing by and still there was nothing

but the sphere floating idly in nowhere .

'I want light, I want to see' thought the sphere not knowing it can do everything it wished for from the beginning.

BOOM!!!.A resounding sound of something exploding occurred in the void of nothing.

A marvelous wave of light enveloped the sphere slowly separating itself from the sphere to form another sphere of light shining in a golden color reminiscent of the color of the sun, formed in seconds, but much bigger than the sentient sphere. having a much grandeur size, the sphere was surprised at the situation for suddenly something to happened in centuries of its torment of existential crisis finally something has finally happened in the void.

the sphere can not think for a second for it was surprised at the sudden appearance of something to occur but it can only think 'woah' at the marvelous giant sphere of light.

'Woah... its so beautiful, its breathtakingly beautiful.' thought the sphere admiring the giant sphere of light.

the sphere admired the light for an hour for finally something happend.

'so this is light... it's so beautiful.if i can do this with a thought... the possibilities are endless for me.' thought the sphere becoming excited at thought of finally being able to do something

the sphere was relieved that its loneliness finally ended having finally able to do something. suddenly a wave of information or to be accurately Instructions flooded their mind.

'AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!' the sphere screamed internally having a sudden burst of Information flooding its mind. its mind was having a huge migraine at the massive amount of information.

hours passed and the sphere calmed down to organize the sudden pile of information but to its surprise it was everything about itself and what it's purpose is.A message from someone or something written in alien words, characters that can break a mortal mind just from trying to understand the meaning of the character.

-Hello young one, this message may surprise you but do not fret for your questions will be answered in time of you reading this message. also you will acquire full sentience and sapience and also full knowledge of everything including the laws of life,space and of course creation and a dictionary for you to understand better.

1st. you are what is called a seed of creation

your purpose is to create as the name of your species name implies. your purpose is to create and survive in the void so that life may flourish again.

2nd.you are free to do whatever you desire be it destroying or creating. you are free

3rd. if you happen to meet another of your kind or a creation of them the both of you will then be aware of each others position then you will then be given three choices.

A.have a mutual agreenment and not attack each other and have the ability to trade to each other and form a Pantheon

B.attack each other to steal and plumage each other's power to strengthen oneself and then inheriting the creations and home plane of your enemy further expanding your home plane

C.if you choose choice A you will have the option to cease to exist having all your creations and home plane given to your chosen member or creation that you trust making them inherit all your possessions peacefully.

[please read information NO.6 if you want to cease to existing]

4th.be aware that your ability to create is limited and is only free for starting the basic foundation for creation. to start creating your foundation please create a starter galaxy or a infant star system. your ability to create will expire if your foundation is completed.you can resume creating if you have gathered the required amount of energy

[hint: you can gather more energy from faith from lower class creatures like basic sentient species and others.]

5th.this message will only appear if you discover your power of creation so I congratulate you for discovering it.

6th.you will now have two options and that is to continue to exist or to be peacefully be spread as cosmic energy throughout the void to help the creation.this is only a precaution and also a test to see that you have the "will" so that you can create.



'so I'm a seed huh...interesting... I choose yes i still want to continue existing... i still want to experience all the amazing that there is...if there is' the sphere decided. the sphere then glowed and became an inch bigger than it was. surprising the sphere. but not being bothered by the sudden change.

'huh i got bigger weird...Hmmmmmmm...ok...

so my job is to create stuff to fill this

emptiness. simple enough' thought the sphere finally having enlightenment at what to do.

the sphere wanted more lights to be spread and worlds to be created.then with a thought, burst of energy came through the sphere and formed stars.

satisfied with the stars they began creating worlds or planets to be formed, with another burst of energy the energy then condensed to form minerals and basic elements like hydrogen and iron then those formed to make planets of all kinds be it gas, rock, water or even planets made of diamonds formed across the void.

the sphere felt satisfied at its creation then it then created seeds of life composed of the basic elements that can build the foundations of life to be sent to planets that can house potential life across the plane.the seeds were tear drop-shape, green in color, releasing a green aura of life and comfort, it created 1 million in total for then he could then have the required amount of energy to expand his universe.

'ha I can't wait for life to sprout, its exciting me to the core to finally have company, now I just need to wait for life to happen so that I can gather energy from beings but how though...hmmmmm...it said that more energy can be gathered from faith so like a God... I mean I am pretty much a God. so that's that. so pretty much I just need to wait for life to appear then show myself to them to gain their faith...but that would be ruthless I'm the only one gaining something so I guess I would need to make a kind of heaven and hell to punish and reward people. so the realms to transport their souls later on when they die is then taken care of...wait if I can make life can't I make a guardian to protect me in the future but it would be embarrassing if I don't even a proper form I mean I'm just a ball of light when they see me, so I would need a body so that I can look cool when I gather faith...but what gender am I exactly?...I don't have a gender so I guess I would need to pick something between Male or female hmmmmm...I choose neither I decide that i want to be in between... I don't want to have the weaknesses of only having one so i'd rather have to be both and also the weaknesses to eliminated and be in between so i can have both strengths of each for the future , but first I'd need to create the body to fit to my liking and also fall to the category of beauty and handsomeness and with clothes too that can change however I want them too, but I can't do it yet since my power to create is temporarily sealed currently since the foundation is finished and then start the harvest of faith to resume, and also my name I don't even have a name but what kind of name... I want the name to be cool too... hmmm... I have chosen I shall name myself Exodus!!!.' they then glowed after it finished naming itself. Exodus then felt it became stronger but also some energy was shaved off.

'what just happened...I feel stronger but what was that I also fell as if something was taken from me a second ago. what happened ' Exodus thought realizing that naming itself made itself stronger, now having knowledge about the importance of names but not knowing why also confused but also made him feel relieved that know he now knows he should be careful giving names.

NEXT CHAPTER "Life begins"

hello author here just make some points

1."will the MC have any intimate relationships? "the MC will be emotionless to others such as because they have no moral compass until an event in the future that will make them have feelings since they are still considered a young one despite being centuries old

2."why is the the MC so happy." the MC did lose their dread and any negative feelings as a boost for discovering their power so please don't ask why their so positive.

3.if you have any question please do your free to question anything and also complain about some grammar or some plot holes if there is any so that I can edit it

4."how did the MC name themself and become stronger "for the naming part, the MC had been required to name themself since only their power to create was sealed only but I guess granting a name is also creating but the MC also needs the name so in the future it would be much be easier to call them their name instead of "sphere" everytime but also as a part to help them to harvest faith in the future as a "God", so that then Exodus followers will have a connection in them by believing in Exodus name.

5."where did the MC get the energy to name themself ?" the MC got the energy from the message as a support so the MC can start and also do remind you that the MC is omniscient to his universe since it is their universe in the first place.

6.please dont be hard for I am still a beginner and only making this as a hobby and also I am only one person writing this with no editor so please do point out some inconsistencies in the story.

by author.