
Longed For Return

POV Julian Kingscrown

You are amazing, Grandpa Virion, how many people could have reached those conclusions without the information that I have, I am far behind you when it comes to foresight.

I'm sorry, I know you're upset and I'm sorry, that's why I thought as I watched the connection of the communication artifacts fade away.

It was not my intention to hide things, but what else could I do, I want to think that my decisions have been correct, that they will save many lives and that they will help the people close to me, to survive.

Is it selfish?, yes and I really don't care too much how other people see it, I just want the best for mine and the continent, even if it means that they hate me or see me as a vile manipulator behind the scenes.

I was always prepared for that kind of treatment, I don't expect anyone to understand my motivations and I don't think anyone can really understand them, I act according to information that no one else knows, so my actions may seem strange, even ridiculous, but it doesn't matter.

"Don't think about any of that, I know many people appreciate you more than you think and they won't turn their backs on you, besides no matter how many people are against us, I'll always be by your side", I heard Sylvie as I felt her hug on my back.

"I didn't know you were here Sylvie thank you". I said as I felt my little bond on my back

"Are you going to talk to Mordain to wake up mom?".

"Yes, I think Silvia has waited long enough", I replied as I took the egg out of my dimensional ring.

The day Avier came after giving him everything he wanted to take, I went to Eden to pick up Silvia along with all the mana and Ether batteries charged to bring her back.

I considered doing it alone, but I was afraid something would go wrong because of the weakened state in which Silvia sacrificed herself, because of that I will ask for Mordain's help for her resurrection and treatment.

----------------------------------------------------------Mordain Asclepius

"Since you arrived here five months ago, you have requested more private meetings than all the phoenixes in Hearth", I said cheerfully.

Julian, in front of me, seemed to take my words positively and replied, "I always end up asking for a lot of help, so I appreciate that you can always meet with me", he spoke in a grateful tone.

"Well, the talks with you are usually relaxing, so I don't mind too much, now tell me how I can help you", I replied trying to know his request.

"You know what this is", Julian said as he took out a multicolored egg with beautiful feather embroideries from his jacket and gently laid it down in the middle of us

"Fascinating, so that's how you acquired your dragon body, and you kept it a total secret, do you know how big an influence this has?", I asked

How could I not recognize this, although I did not know the techniques of the Indrath clan, I knew very well what kind of skill had been used to end up in that state.

It is a very old technique, a sacrifice of loyalty and a token of affection to save their loved ones.

It is really amazing, I did not think that something like this was possible, but I can clearly feel the weakened soul of Kezess' daughter, Lady Silvia.

"I would like to ask you for help to wake her up, I have a rough idea of how to do it, but I would like to have supervision from an expert in the arts of rebirth", Julian spoke.

"I would be delighted to help you, but I also want you to understand the implications of bringing her, if she stays with us she will be safe, but if she decides to show herself both Agrona and Kezess will do everything possible to get her back", I spoke in a solemn tone.

"That is something that only she will decide, the only thing I can assure you is that I will not involve them more than the supervision of the awakening and the treatment after that", he said.

I understand, now tell me how do you plan to wake her up?", looking at the egg, I have a general idea.

Still, I want to know how the boy plans to wake her up, after all I can feel that her soul is not in the best condition.

"Thanks to you I have learned to use my third phase better and I could clearly see that her soul is somewhat weakened, that's why I planned to charge the egg of mana and Ether using the help of Sylvie, the Acclorite you saw the day of our first meeting and my third phase to ensure a safe rebirth", Julian explained.

"You plan to rebuild her soul with your third phase and increase her recovery with the Ether arts of Lady Sylvie along with the Acclorite, right?", I asked.

I saw him nod and asked another thing that was on my mind, "there is a small drawback the amount of mana and ether that is needed, you do not have the necessary reserves to do it in a short period of time and I doubt that Lady Sylvie also has them", I spoke exposing my concern.

"I have a solution", he said as he took out two spheres with strange markings, one had multiple multicolored tones and the other several purple tones, they were tools that stored energy, here we had some of those artifacts.

But none compared to those spheres in his hands, the amount of mana and Ether that was inside them was huge, besides it was an amount that could only be collected over several years or if they were in areas of high concentrations of that energy.

"How long have you been planning her return?", I asked as I approached to see the two spheres up close.

I said I would help him in exchange for nothing, but I would like to know how he made these things and if possible that he would give me some sample.

"I have two dozen of these spheres and I have been charging them for three years, so I think it should be possible to bring her back", he replied.

"When do you think you can start?", I questioned.

"Two days, but I need a secluded space in case something goes wrong, it would be preferable that it was a space where a large amount of mana and Ether do not leak, so we will run less risk of being noticed from the outside", Julian replied.

"I have the right place", I said as I got up.

----------------------------------------------------------POV Julian Kingscrown

It has been exactly two days since the talk with Mordain, he took me to a deeper area of Hearth in what looked like a sanctuary.

The place had several artifacts to prevent mana from escaping, I took advantage of the space and made several inscriptions of mana runes to prevent my control from getting out of control and thus in case of an emergency I would not explode in the face a surge of mana and Ether.

I had asked Dryas to come, quickly here and arrived half a day in his phoenix form, Mordain was very interested in her, so he asked her several questions about the skills she possessed to compare them with those of his Clan.

He said she was similar to me in the sense of being an anomaly that combined the power of the dragon and phoenix races.

I also decided to call Frei to use the synchronization, with Mordain having removed the seal of the third phase and my ability to control the aura that my body emits, I think it is a good time to test that skill.

My intention was that Mordain, did not see her, but it seems that Frei really has something to do with the real Tessia or at least with the fragment of the soul inside me, since Mordain could feel her and see her in an instant.

He asked some things about her origins and talked to her to try to find out where she had obtained that fragment of soul, but he could not find out anything.

I decided to investigate this when I see Tessia, to make sure that nothing bad was happening to her body or soul.

I also decided to receive the last report regarding Kai's actions, it seems that the guy disappeared again at the beginning of the holidays at the academy and we still can't locate Draneeve that bastard seems like a scared rat, he doesn't show up at all.

I don't know exactly what they are planning, but I can't stay much longer in Hearth, after I manage to bring Silvia back I will spend a few days here and then I will go to the pit that Avier told me.

And in a week I should be back in Xyrus, I have to be close to better monitor the actions of the terrorist group.

Getting out of my thoughts, I heard a voice, "Are you nervous?", I heard Chul behind me.

"A little, it's something I've been planning for a long time and I wouldn't like to fail in what I'm about to do". I replied as I saw that everything was in place to start the rebirth or resurrection process, I'm not sure what to call it.

"Lady Sylvie is just like you, too tense", he spoke again

"I know, but I can't do anything about it, it's her mother we're talking about", I replied.

"You worry too much, Mr. Mordain will intervene in case something goes wrong", Chul replied.

"That's part of what worries me", I spoke in a low tone.

I want to avoid something going wrong and lose completely the opportunity to bring Silvia back, that's why I'm so nervous.

"Fuuuuh", I exhaled and inhaled oxygen to calm my nerves a bit and waited for Chul to get to where the leader of the Asclepius clan was.

When everything was in place, Mordain spoke, "let's begin, I'll be attentive to anything you don't notice".

Sylvie by my side and I nodded, then I started the procedure, first I scattered the spheres of Ether and mana.

Then I started to pour my own mana into Silvia's egg, while Dryas did it with the Ether and at the same time the runes engraved on the floor began to activate flying around me.

Silvia's egg began to absorb all the energy from me and Dryas, as if it were a desert castaway in search of water it devoured everything eagerly.

Sylvie had to join quickly and start giving her energy, I, on the other hand, noticed that I had to enter the third phase, besides activating the synchronization with Frei to not lose control of the mana and Ether around us.

(Frei), I spoke through the mental bond.

(Right away), the Acclorite replied.

I had a feeling of omnipotence when I entered my third phase and with Frei's synchronization, in my mind I concluded that the retainers would be a piece of cake if I faced them in this state.


POV Sylvie Indrath

I was nervous when we started the process to bring my mother back, I would lie if I said I don't want to meet her.

I want to know who was the person who gave me life, who sacrificed herself for my brother and risked her life to keep me safe.

I want to be able to talk to her and thank her for letting me come to this world, because of those feelings of longing I was able to overcome my state of restlessness.

When my brother started the process I focused completely on the changes around the egg and my brother.

At first I only felt a kind of whirlpool absorbing all the mana and Ether from the environment.

I could see my brother and Dryas struggling to provide the amount of energy that my mother's egg was demanding.

That's why I immediately started to support them and placed my hands over my brother's, while sending mana with Ether to the egg, still it was not enough.

My brother, realizing that we couldn't keep up the pace activated his third phase, I could see how his white hair grew and two horns appeared on both sides of his head.

I was still worried that he would lose control of his body when he was in that form, but apparently Mr. Mordain managed to make it usable.

After a couple of seconds I felt a huge amount of mana that made me feel drowned under water.

It was like constantly drinking water, while drowning I couldn't even breathe properly and I also felt that I was getting pale with the seconds.

To top it off, the place where that mana was gathering was right next to me, my brother was in the center of the chaotic storm of mana and Ether.

Now, with his third phase active, he had marks under his eyes and on his forehead, I also saw several on his arms, that reminded me of Arthur's second phase.

This should be the work of his synchronization with Frei, as I can understand by our mental bond.

If my estimate is correct with this kind of power, maybe I can fight on equal terms against several retainers at the same time.

Even if I base myself on his memories, I could affirm that he has some chance of fighting against the guy who hurt my mother, but I'm not completely sure.

I took my eyes off him, to see the egg that devoured quickly the large amount of energy that surrounded my brother and soon after it began to crumble.

Then, in its place, a translucent humanoid form made of mana and Ether appeared, its silhouette looked like a woman.

Although I couldn't be sure that it was my mother, I could feel a familiar energy emanating from her.

I stopped flowing my mana and Ether to observe her, I felt my heart start to speed up because of the closeness I felt with that silhouette.

"Boy, are you okay?", I heard Mordain speak to my brother.

I returned my gaze to him, to see how blood came out of his nose, eyes and ears, as if he had some kind of internal overload.

He was pushing himself too hard, seeing that I started to pour again all the mana I had left to support him.

Mordain, seeing that, also came to his side and began to pour his own mana.

I was thirty seconds clenching my teeth for the absurd amount of mana that was draining from me.

The surprising thing was that the one who was dealing with almost all the load was my brother and he had not fainted despite the great burden on his body.

I looked at him worried, as I couldn't see an end in sight for the amount of mana and Ether that was absorbing my mother's egg.

But he didn't back down, when I was about to force him to end the process, there was an explosion of energy in front of us that left me blind by the flash in my eyes.