
Aurora defensive system

POV Julian Kingscrown

Two days before meeting Gideon

Here I was just entering Eden and seeing the old man with purple skin in front of me

"Barbatos why is the Acclorite a girl" I said while pointing at Dryas

"Don't ask me, those are your subconscious inclinations" he answered me with an irritated tone while approaching Dryas

"Fuck you how can you not know why it is a weapon with a humanoid shape when you were the one who gave it to me" I said while hitting his ghostly form

"Kid, don't do that, I feel violated" he said in a terrified tone

"Aggghhh old pervert how can you think that" I reacted sticking out my tongue in disgust

"Tch damn young people there is no respect, as for your question I don't know, these were the first prototypes we had prepared, to defend ourselves from the Asura, so we didn't know if they would work" he said looking back at Dryas closely

"Did you give me something that dangerous?, what would have happened if the Acclorites had drained all my mana until I was dry as a raisin" I replied in a shocked tone

"You would have died, that was all" he replied in an indifferent tone

"I'm going to blow your ghostly ass" I said while trying to affect his purple body with Ether

"What are you complaining about, aren't you fine?, besides one has already awakened and seems to be very useful with his skills" he said annoyed

"Just because it worked doesn't mean what you did was right, I would have received the Acclorites assuming the risk for the purpose we both share, but I have to know, you can't keep it hidden" I replied with a scolding to this crazy old man

"Jmmm" Barbatos snorted turning his gaze

This guy doesn't seem to feel guilty at all "haaaaa" I said sighing

"Let's not go on with this, I'll get tired of fighting with you, instead, I need your help, how do Runes work exactly?", I said while sitting in a garden in the east zone of Eden

"They are ways of channeling the power of Ether through what we call knowledge or intuition, with this information we can exert a particular control over reality and give them a specific use"

Cynthia told me that the runes she has are something similar, but with mana and less powerful, you could say they are an inferior version, if I manage to engrave runes with a specific use I could facilitate the process of mana absorption and amplify the durability of the defensive system Aurora but how do I do it

"Barbatos can you help me think of a way to recreate a rune to generate a field that repels spells based on mana"

After that we spent two hours recreating that and the result was "this is garbage compared to what we do" said Barbatos in an offended tone

"I know, you didn't have to say it" how do we make this work, this is too complicated to do in a single rune

"Silvie come here, I'm going to give you mana, to clear my mind" I asked the bond that was a few meters away from me

(Brother, the mana you give me is very special, I feel like I'm getting stronger) she said in a happy tone

(That's because I know the proportions of your mana, that allows me to distribute the mana I send you better) I said while absorbing mana from the environment and purifying it for Silvie

What do I do how can I overcome this, should I give up and use the electric force to generate the shields as planned or keep trying to recreate the Coulomb law to simulate the process of repelling magic

The main problem is, that it is too much information for the rune to process

(Julian why don't you create several runes, and then connect them while scaling their effects to achieve the result you are looking for) Dryas told me who had disappeared for a while

(Wow, that's a good idea, it will require some effort, but it's possible, thank you Dryas) I replied in a soft tone

"Barbatos, if we try to create specific runes and then join them by scaling the effects, do you think it will work?" I said to the Djinn remnant.

"It will, but we will have to work hard, the mana cost over performance will be very severe," Barbatos said as he meditated.

After a while we tried again, the results were better, but the cost/performance of the idea was still out of the expected range.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, that thing took a lot of my mana at once," I said in a choppy voice.

"Still, the result is very good, how did you think of manipulating Ether to create an interaction with mana and generate a repulsive force that would reflect the spells?"

"Most people can't warp reality like you did, so we tend to see things differently," especially in my old world, no one would think of changing the natural laws that make up reality, but here there are no such limitations.

If you know the laws and their applications, you can manipulate them to some extent, like the idea of generating repulsion when similar charges meet.

"Well, I guess maybe that's the way it is, although the idea is good, it won't be used even by the Asuras," Barbatos said with narrowed eyes.

"If not even I with Laplace could, it requires hundreds of calculations in an instant and that is something that an Asura brain could not process in a short period of time, this idea only works because you already have prepared the calculations to generate the repulsion on the spell in the runes and also the mana cost is too high.

After five hours I returned to the room of the Academy where I teleported.


Back to the present

Cynthia and I got off the carriage to approach the place where Gideon lived. In front of the door there was an old butler well dressed and mustache in the shape of a handlebar.

"Welcome director Cynthia," the butler said.

"Thank you for receiving us, Himes," she replied.

"Also welcome young Julian," he said as he made a short bow to both of us.

"Thank you very much for receiving us," I replied with a nod.

"The master, as always, is somewhat busy with his artifacts, so I hope you will excuse him if he is somewhat indecorous," Himes said as we walked down the hall.

"Don't worry, I know Gideon well enough, for this to cause any inconvenience," the director replied.

"Can I ask if Mr. Gideon is working on too many projects right now?" I spoke as I saw the multiple materials in the hallway as we approached the workshop area.

"He usually is, he starts one, but if something catches his interest more he leaves it unfinished," Himes replied in a tired tone.

When we got to the workshop I saw, a zombie, that guy looks more dead than the mana beasts in the dungeon that led to Hearth.

He had prominent dark bags under his eyes, his scientist coat was very dirty with the marks of multiple explosions and the glasses on his neck did nothing but highlight his irregular state.

I begin to regret a little, will this guy blow up half of Xyrus with what I plan to explain to him?

I know Arthur thought he was reliable, but he seems to me now a timed bomb that will explode at the slightest contact.

"Himes! I told you not to let anyone in, Oh it's you director Cynthia, I see you've come to see me," he said nervously.

"It's good to see you unharmed Gideon, after all I often hear about the explosions you cause with your inventions," she said triumphantly.

"They are necessary steps for the creation of my works," he spoke proudly as he brought his fingers to his nose in a sign of arrogance.

Definitely this guy will blow up the city, if I show him what I have, I thought as I turned around to get out of here before he created nuclear radiation by mistake in this world.

"Julian, aren't you going to show him your idea?" Cynthia asked me.

"No, director, Gideon seems like the kind of person who will blow up Xyrus if I show him the idea," I said, trying to get out quickly.

"Wait, what do you have, let me see it," Gideon said, running after me, trying to take the notebook with notes from me.

"You're dangerous, how do they let you work with explosives," I said, pushing his face away from the notebook.

"Let me see, kid," he replied, applying more force.

"Don't worry, Julian may seem careless, but I assure you he won't cause any damage," Cynthia said.

"Are you sure?" I said, giving Gideon a complicated look.

Cynthia just nodded and I had no choice but to show him the idea of the Aurora defensive system.

"I'll do it, but there are conditions," I said, staring at Gideon.

"Speak," he said, moving away from me and sitting proudly.

This guy pretends to regain his dignity this way, I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, don't look at me with pity," Gideon shouted.

I decided to ignore his tantrum and began to state my conditions.

"First, regardless of whether you accept the order or not, the information of the invention does not leave here," I said, waiting for his response.

"I can work with that," Gideon replied.

"Second, after you start working, no one can know what you are developing," I said again.

"Why so much mystery about what you have in your hands, is it that dangerous?" Gideon asked in a confused tone.

I ignored his words and continued with my demands, "also, after it is ready, we will not present this project to the public, it will be made known until four or five years from now."

"Kid, why so much care, you're starting to scare me," Gideon replied, somewhat confused.

I approached him and created a sound barrier, "I have nothing that can prove what I'm going to say, but I can assure you that in a few years Dicathen will be in danger and everything I'm going to ask you to do will be to help us, can you promise me that all I want is to help people?" I said to him, looking him firmly in the eyes.

"How dangerous is what you're seeing?" Gideon said with narrowed eyes.

"Enough to destroy entire civilizations, especially you who are going to be the Artificer of the things I have in mind, you are even more in danger," I said, waiting for his response.

"I suppose you are not specific with the problem to protect me to some extent," Gideon replied.

"Yes, but in a few years the truth about what I'm telling you will be revealed," I replied solemnly.

"I accept the proposal, but in due time you will inform me about this situation that will endanger Dicathen," he said, extending his hand.

I took it to close the deal, and then I showed him the initial basis of the Aurora defense system.

When he started reading it he said, "it's not as impressive as I thought," he said in a bored tone.

Five minutes later...

"Can you let me extract the secrets from your head?" he said with a creepy smile.

"No, and take this, two thousand gold for you to start testing the runes and buy the materials you need, especially the Ironite diamonds, what we plan consumes a lot of mana, if you can, I would appreciate it if you find ways to reduce the cost," I said, tearing some pages from the notebook and arranging them in a folder.

"Here are the details you might need, take care of them and don't let anyone see them, I also don't want to hear that you blew up the building next door," I said with a sigh.

"If you need my help, director Cynthia will be our liaison," I moved, shaking his hand, "and thank you, for not asking too much," then I turned to the exit.


POV Gideon

"He's a very interesting boy, director Cynthia, why doesn't he focus on being an Artificer?" I asked curiously.

"He has his own situation," she said as she began to walk toward the exit.

"Do you know anything about what he told me?" I asked again.

"Something," she said, giving me a farewell sign.


POV Julian Kingscrown

Three months have passed since I spoke with Gideon for the construction of the Aurora system, he calls me once or twice a week to show me the progress and consult me his doubts, the pace has been quite fast, but it will still take another year and a half to be practical.

In the meantime I was doing the assimilation process, everything was going well, I finally managed to put into practice the skill of Laplace for combat, I did not test the skills of the Crescendo of Wieder, since getting beasts was very expensive unless you found them yourself.

As for the extinction, I was still far from being able to overcome the World Eater of Aldir, it seems that I needed the Acclorite to use it in large ranges and unfortunately Dryas is not the one who has the support for that art of Ether.

With the help of Cynthia's books I managed to greatly improve the uses of the deviants and the normal elements to use them in combat.

As for the legacy, I got a better control and with my resistant body the skills can be used for a long time as long as I keep them in the range that the core can withstand, something above it generates pains or needle pricks to the core, the sensation is horrible.

Dryas managed to find only once information that Kai passed to Draneeve, but they have not noticed me yet, I think no one has seen me except Claire and occasionally, it seems that they see Ingram or Galia, but the mana beasts ignore them and run away.

As for Vanangard and Rex, they walk often through the academy but do not cause trouble.

Silvie, on the other hand, I have kept by my side and we go out from time to time around the city or to Eden, since I do not want her to be noticed, I am very careful in the places where she can be free.

"Aahhhhhh" I screamed as I executed a lightning-charged cut on a practice dummy that Gideon gave me, I call him Tobi.

I'm sure he created it a few years in the future in the comic, I hope this doesn't bring repercussions in the future.

(Master, I'm outside the door) Vanangard spoke in a nervous tone.

How strange, did he do something? I thought as I remembered his behavior and arrived at the door, when I approached and opened, I saw Vanangard in his puppy form, being carried by a girl of my age dressed in very fine clothes, with dazzling black hair and doll face.