
Ch5: Shadow Games (Part 1)

(AN: Subligaria- is the Diaper/Underwear thing, re-watched the episode to find out about it.)


Julius woke to a new day knowing what was going to happen again, like the past week him, Barca, and Ashur were going to search for information about who wanted their Dominus dead. While standing at the gate waiting for the other two he looked over to his fellow Gladiators who were training, he could see that some were way to tired.

The Ludus was running out of water, that was actually an understatement really, it was nearly dried up there wasn't even half a barrel left of water for the Gladiators to use. They were having to use the water very conservatively, right before the other two showed up and they were leaving he happened to catch the sight of one of them passing out.

"Let's make haste, it has been hard to find this man. We don't need to lose daylight while it is still there." Ashur said when they were all gathered.

This time Julius didn't need to wear anything to cover himself instead he just went straight out with them, his debtors left him alone since they knew the Ludus wasn't making much money. Now he didn't need to worry bout them as much while he was out and about, instead he actually took in the sights as they walked around.

The place might smell bad but their were some places he liked seeing, the buildings were messy but still cool to see, this might also be one thing Julius liked about being in the past.

Like usual they let Ashur take the lead in talking, they were carrying around the rotten flesh of one of the dead slaves though, even if he suggested that they just cut the tattoo out. Their Dominus wanted to send a message though so they couldn't do that, he let Barca carry it though he refused to even touch the thing when they told him to carry it.

"I think that his memory needs to be refreshed don't you two?" Ashur said while grinning at the man who was dying of something, the blisters on his face was clear of that.

Barca and he moved together as they pushed the man into the maggot filled skin of the man, he tried to struggle but with the combined power of the two he couldn't move. Finally after a moment they lifted him slightly, "I-I think that I remember who that mark belongs to now." The man said not trying to not get pressed back into the skin.

"Oh then don't hold your fucking tongue and speak." Ashur said, they were all annoyed that the man stopped talking randomly.

"Remus, he is a slave trader that does business around here. He keeps a few slaves for himself who helps him do some work, if you want to know more you need to find him." The guy says while spitting out the maggots out of his mouth.

Ashur looked at the two of them and they both nodded, there was nothing more for them to do now, "Well seeing as we have our information do what you can while you can, we will go back later there is something I must attend to." Ashur says as they walked away from the man, he split away from them after.

"That man is a snake." Julius said looking at his retreating back.

"The cripple would stab you in the back the first chance he got, don't trust him no matter how much the Dominus uses him." Barca agreed as they threw the upper part of the body away.

They walked around and found themselves in the market, they took in the sights but as Ashur probably knew neither were holding coins on them. Julius wasn't because he put it all in his garden and since there was nothing he needed to buy he didn't use them.

Barca though kept them for himself since he was planning to buy his and Pietros freedom when he had enough, "You know we will never be free right?" Julius said as they passed some prostitutes who were trying to gain their attention, that got Barca's attention though.

"Maybe not you. But fuck if I will be a slave for the rest of my life, when I have enough Coin me an Pietros will be free from that damn Ludus and own our own little plot of land." Barca had so much determination in his voice at the moment.

"Ha, I will sooner have a cock in my mouth before you gain your freedom. Dominus might offer it but really unless the crowd of the stadium is on your side then you will never be free, the coin in your pocket means nothing. Why do you think the price is so high?" Julius tried to shine some light on the man.

If they had even a little bit of smarts they would realize that they make so little coin because some was taken out for their expense, plus they had to pay more then double for what they were bought at. Barca had to see it himself, there hadn't been a free man from the Ludus in years, they have only been leaving when they die, otherwise why is Crixus still there.

Barca spoke after they walked a little further, "If your words are true then why do they offer it?"

"To give hope, they plan it so that you will show loyalty to the house with the offer of freedom. Don't tell me you haven't realized, Crixus has been in the Ludus five years now bought for fifty Denarii. He is now the Champion of Capua, tell me why he isn't free within all that time, he has made more then his worth but still is behind the walls."

"I know he enjoys the battle and the roar of the crowd but he could still do that as a free man, but yet he stays there because he feels indebted to our Dominus, when really he could still be Champion while being a free man." Julius explained as they saw Ashur move closer to them from the other side.

Barca paused a moment, "We will speak later, I don't trust Ashur to speak on this subject more." Julius nodded while they watched him approach.

"I got word on Remus but we need to talk to the Dominus first before we go after him, he will be clear of anyone tomorrow while fucking a girl he favors." Ashur told them when he finally got close enough, he spoke softly though so prying ears wouldn't hear. Even if he didn't say the mans name, they were still planning a kidnapping so someone would report them to the guards.

The trio made their way back to the Ludus.

When they got back it was already becoming night time, they were led by a guard into the villa to talk to the Dominus, they had to wait though as he was speaking to Domina. Finally they went to speak to him Ashur explaining the situation to him, when he heard he stood there a moment and thought it over before he spoke.

"Go tomorrow and take him, do whatever you need to do to get him to speak. I don't care even if you have to remove his cock from his body but get me fucking words on why he tried to kill me." Their Dominus said before walking away, they nodded and were all led back down.

Since they didn't do much today they did not receive water to wash themselves, Julius didn't mind though as he used his magic to clean himself before going into his holding cell. Aurelius was leaning against the wall while messing with the dirt, "Ahh look who is back the little errand boy of the Dominus." He said in a joking matter.

"Shut it. Did anything happen today?" He asked while taking his spot on the other side, he could smell cum in the air, it seemed he spent coin on getting a woman tonight.

"Nothing to big. It was announced though that we will be putting people into the Primus fight for the shadow games, Spartacus and Crixus will be fighting Theokoles." He said like it was no big deal even adding a shrug at the end.

"Oh the budding love between the two, it seems that the Gods want them dead though. Who would think that those two would be put to fight against Theokoles, it seems like they are fated to die." Julius said shaking his head, he had to keep appearances even if he knew that Spartacus would come out on top.

"True. Though you didn't let me finish the line ups, it would seem we are doomed by the gods too that day." Aurelius smiled while looking at Julius's shocked face.

"What do you mean?" Julius asked, this actually did stun him since he was in the show he knew some things wouldn't be shown always but he didn't think this would happen.

"While we were granted the Primus, Dominus was also asked to fill some other spots by giving Gladiators. So we will be fighting a handicapped match, you and me vs. twenty other men, it seems that it is either us or them this time. They won't be slaves we are facing." Aurelius said while playing with a pebble tossing it up in the air.

Julius was stunned for a moment, he was getting his thoughts together as Aurelius asked for some water, Julius gave him some while still thinking, "What is our handicap besides the twenty men we will face, they won't just give us that as one."

"Smart man," Aurelius said while taking a big drink of water, "We are to be chained at the ankle, the chain will be no longer then half a man."

Julius sat there and didn't say anything for a long time, by the time he was ready to speak Aurelius was asleep it seemed he only stayed awake long enough to get something to drink. His eye twitched seeing that but he didn't say anything and went to sleep too, he would think about all of it later.


The next morning when he woke up it was still early, he was use to sleeping on the dirt and rocks now, but he had also been waking up earlier he didn't know why though. Aurelius was also awake and smiled seeing him, "You too huh? I have noticed since drinking that water you give me my body is better and I need less sleep. That is some good stuff."

Julius rolled his eyes, they sat there for awhile before it was time for them to eat breakfast, most of the men wouldn't be training today since it was the start for Spartacus and Crixus training. Walking out there he yawned while looking at Barca who was sitting with his usual people, Pietros was smiling happily while giving him water.

Seeing Julius look over he nodded before going back to his meal.

"Julius, you have been summoned by Dominus." A guard said while taking him away, he sighed but followed.

Following he usual path he made it to where his Dominus was waiting, "I know you have a fight coming for the Shadow Games but I still want you to go with Barca and Ashur to find Remus. When you bring him back you can start your training."

That was all he wanted to say before sending him back, Julius thought it was a waste of a trip to walk all the way there for that but he didn't speak his mind aloud. Going back down he saw that the others were watching Spartacus and Crixus train, he had to leave with Barca and Ashur though since their man would be at his woman soon.

They all headed out going straight to the prostitution house, they arrived just in time to see the person they were looking for walking in, Ashur got a description of the woman and Remus yesterday. Following behind them they waited until he was behind the curtains before attacking, Barca was the first to move in.

Julius soon followed, the man was struggling but seeing that Julius came in he realized he wasn't going to be able to get away from them. Seeing that he calmed down Julius used the rope he was carrying and tied the man up, they stuffed a cloth into his mouth before carrying him out.

The morning saw that the market wasn't so busy, along with the cloaks they wore no one was able to stop them, they made sure they weren't followed before heading back to the Ludus. No one said or looked at them as they carried the man to a secure place in the cells, closing the door behind them they threw the man down.

"Well I will leave the rest to the two of you, I was only told to help bring him back I need to go train for my up coming fight now." Julius said looking at the two of them, he knew that they were going to torture him now and he didn't really care about that.

"Alright well get going then." Ashur said while moving to sit the man up, Barca gave him a nod too while moving to help.

Moving outside to the training ground he saw that the others were training, walking over to Aurelius he patted the guy on the back as he was working with a training dummy. "Why fight your family, did he insult you." Julius laughed getting his attention.

"You still aren't as funny as you believe yourself to be." Aurelius said while shaking his head, "Well what is your game plan for this fight we have coming then?"

Julius picked up a practice sword and started to twirl it, "Well I figure you watch my back and I yours, what else is there to plan. As long as we trust each other then there is nothing to worry about when the time comes."

"....I guess you are right, I trust you more then the others in here who might leave me behind if my body is to fall." He said nodding.

"Yeah they---" Julius was cut off by a guard who walked over to him.

"Julius, you are summoned by the Domina." He said before turning to lead him away.

Julius shrugged to Aurelius who looked confused, when he went to follow he also saw that Spartacus and Crixus was there, the only difference being Spartacus was chained. Raising a brow he didn't say anything but followed them into the Villa, they were led to a curtain but Julius didn't need to guess what was behind it, he could feel her eyes.

When they all stood there he had to look forward but he could feel her eyes on him, it took everything in him not to smirk seeing her sly grin as she watched him. She then turned her head to look at Spartacus but her eyes weren't as friendly, "Do you know who I am, Thracian?"

Spartacus looked at her but didn't say anything before looking forward again, that got their Domina to speak up, "Speak!" she told him.

"I have seen you. With Legatus Glaber." He said their was a hint of anger in his voice as he spoke out it though, he really hated the guy. Not that Julius could blame him after what happened to them he would feel the same way, especially if he sold his wife to slavery.

Ilithyia paused a moment looking to Julius before she spoke again he voice a little strained, "I am his wife. He is regrettably abroad, and will not be able to witness your death against Theokoles. But... I shall whisper of it to him, replaying the moment when we are.... met with each other again."

Julius saw that she paused before she said what she was going to say, it was probably something sexual but seeing him she didn't say it. He actually wouldn't have minded, sure he sees her as his but until he has had her in the way he wants her he wouldn't restrict her since he couldn't.

At that moment their Dominus walked in and looked them all over before speaking, "Apologies. I require the Thracian for a moment."

"Extend it by a lifetime. I am done with him." She said while taking a drink from whatever she was having at the moment.

"My office." He said to Spartacus as the guards led him there leaving Crixus and Julius with the women, "The Champion of Capua, and Julius the Fearful. A rare honor to receive a private audience with these two."

"One I am most appreciative of. Although, they do seem a touch overdressed for the occasion." She said with a playful smile as she looked right at Julius who was trying his best to contain his smirk the best he could, it was hard though.

"Your subligaria's. Remove them." Their Dominus said looking at the two of them.

Julius smirked slightly which they all saw, he wasn't really comfortable being naked near another guy but if she wanted to see him that bad who was he to deny her a look. After taking it off he heard her gasp, he was actually thankful for one thing that being his size, it was seven inches soft and nine and a half hard so he was more then happy with his equipment.

"The fearful in deed, he is bold to his purpose." Ilithyia said while biting her lip, he could feel the heat in her gaze as she looked at him and it was taking everything inside of not to get hard at the moment.

"I take my leave." Their Dominus said not wanting to be around his naked Gladiators or Ilithyia who he just saw as a spoiled little girl.

Once he was gone Ilithyia giggled as she stood up, she walked over to Julius and caressed his chest, he didn't move so he saw that his Domina was glad that she didn't go to Crixus. He didn't miss Naevia being happy about it too.

"His flesh is so hard, like marble. Even the scars do nothing to take from the beauty that he shows so, what it wouldn't be if every man was carved as such don't you think." Ilithyia said as she moved around hims he hand never left his body though as she touched him, she looked over to their Domina hoping she would agree.

At that moment he saw something flash through the eyes of his Domina, it seemed she finally realized that Ilithyia didn't favor Crixus but was using it as an excuse to get to Julius. A sly little grin took over her face but she didn't comment on it, "True they are bred a different breed, are they not." She was looking at Crixus as she said it though.

"You are right. Julius, what do you think the odds are of the Thracian and Crixus in their up coming fight against the shadow?" Ilithyia asked him while moving back in front of him, blue meeting blue as they looked into each others eyes. She looked like she had much more to say then that but was holding back since there were more people in the room.

It didn't escape his notice that she was wearing the bracelet that he gave her, he smirked seeing that, "Their odds? Slim, even if he is the Champion of Capua he refuse to work well with the Thracian and is fueled by his own ego, it will see them both falling at the hands of the Shadow." He said speaking the truth.

His every word though made his Domina frown while Ilithyia's smile grew more and more, it was the smile of someone who was a sadist at heart. He loved seeing that smile though since he too was the same, but his favorite thing was breaking a sadist and watching them scream out in pleasure beneath him.

Ilithyia giggled while lightly scratching his chest, "Good answer. It would be 'pity' to see such a man marred." There was heavy sarcasm in her voice but apparently their Domina didn't catch it.

"Perhaps there is a way to see such a tragedy averted. If your father where to speak to the magistrate." Their Domina said with a hopeful face and voice, of course Ilithyia didn't catch it seeing as she was following the movements of Julius mouth as he handed her a bottle discreetly which she was able to hide in her dress.

Of course Ilithyia was shocked to see it come from no where but it just fueled her desire more to be near the man, she felt as though she would gain a lot of interesting things with him. Plus she couldn't deny the lust and attraction she had to the man which was even stronger then she had to her own husband.

'Answer her.' Julius mouthed when he saw her in a dazed state just staring at him, that seemed to bring her back.

"Perhaps... to what end?" She asked but her eyes didn't leave Julius and she grasped the bottle tighter wanting to see what was inside but she held back since they were in mixed company.

"To seeing Crixus replaced in the games." Their Domina said like it was the most natural thing in the world to happen.

That got Ilithyia's attention as her head snapped to Crixus who has been standing there the entire time, he didn't move an inch as everyone else was talking. Though he was pissed about what Julius said about him there was nothing that he could do about it, he saw how Ilithyia favored him.

"Is that what you want? Do you fear entering the arena with Theokoles?" Ilithyia asked her body was angled where it was leaning against Julius as she lightly scratched his chest. She seemed not to care any longer for those who were looking since they could do nothing about it, plus they would rather have her favor then her husbands.

"I long for it. The Thracian will only hold me back as everyone will witness me separating Theokoles head from his shoulders." Crixus said not even pausing to think about it, well it was in his blood and he had been groomed to be a great Gladiator so Julius saw nothing wrong with his behavior.

"As I long to see it," Ilithyia said with a giggle, she looked at Julius as she whispered, "Could you do that cleaning thing you did, my body is feeling a little sticky from all this heat."

Julius raised a brow at her before doing what she asked, a smile taking over her face as he did so, "That bottle is endless. There will come a day where I will tell you all but trust is earned and not easily given."

She looked him in the eyes and smiled wider hearing that, "We'd best not keep them. Their training resumes at first light." Their Domina said after hearing the word of Crixus, she was upset and was hoping to get him out of it but there was nothing she could do about it.

At least she saw something that Ilithyia liked in their Ludus, she thought while looking over at Julius who picked up his subligaria and was following the guard out.

After a night of rest Julius found himself in the Dominus office, "We found out that Ovidius sent Remus to use those men. I want you to follow him today, we are going to make a move on his family. If he comes home early I need you to delay by attacking him and his guards but do not kill him just attack and run, if he comes when I expect by night then follow him in."

"Yes Dominus." Julius said.

He took the cloak given to him and left, he now remembered why Barca dies, it is because he lets Ovidius's son go which he tell to Pietros causing all his death. He would have to remind the man to not tell him or get Pietros to lie about it, Barca would be a good asset for them when they are escaping and he didn't want to see him dead.

Knowing what he had to do tonight he walked around until he saw Ovidius, the man was currently just with his guards as he visited the many people who owed him coin. It was actually boring and Julius knew he wouldn't get back until the night so he didn't take following him seriously, instead he ended up at the Senators Villa.

He saw the carriage so he knew Ilithyia was inside of there, the guards looked at him since he was watching the place but they didn't move towards him at all. He just wanted to see her reaction to the bottle, he decided to walk around the Villa to see if he could sneak in.

It wasn't until he saw a hole in the guards post that he slipped right in, after that it was easy to make it inside the Villa and to Ilithyia. At the moment he found her inside what seemed to be a sitting room, the only people inside were two of her maid-slaves.

There weren't any guards either, smirking to himself he moved closer to the door but he didn't go in he stood just outside and listened in.

"I swear that man astounds me, how could he get such good water. And for it to be cold no matter how many times I pour it is just amazing." She said while smiling to herself while twirling the cup in her hands.

"Well I do aim to please." Julius said as he walked into the room gently closing the door behind him.

He got a shock gasp from her as she almost dropped the cup, as he took his hood off she smiled widely getting up to move to him, "You risk lashes to sneak off and see me. Actually you risk death if you are in here unannounced."

"Ahh I think your lips will not part telling anyone of this, you would miss me too much if I was to die." He laughed while pulling her against him when she got close enough, he cleaned her which made her shudder and smile at him.

"How come you are out? Another run in the Pits?" She asked leaning her head against his chest listening to his heart beat.

"No, another purpose sent by my Dominus but it was boring. I figured I could come see you and lift the boredom that consumes me." He took her by the waist leading her over to the seat she was at, he maids looked shocked but didn't say anything. Julius was glad that there was no such things as cameras in this era, or he would be fucked.

"Well aren't you bold." she giggled leaning into him as they sat in the seat.

"So you like my gift then?" He asked bringing her attention back to the small bottle on the table. There was actually some metals he had that were enchanted to hold things like a storage, the best he had was a bottomless one, hence his reason for giving her this one full of water.

"Truly a wonderful gift. Such a small bottle but even after pouring five cups I still have not emptied it, is it truly bottomless? How have you achieved this?" She asked looking really intrigued by it all.

"As much as I would love to tell you I can't," He couldn't resist kissing the tip of her nose when she pouted looking really cute since he didn't tell her, "Sorry but who is to say that this last between us, I am the only on giving in this. For all I know after the puzzle is solved you will lose interest and I would be the one locked away forced to do what your father pleases after you tell him."

She pouted more but didn't speak she sat there a moment in her thoughts, "All I can think to do is buy you from Batiatus and Lucretia... but that would not put on equal footing. Is there truly nothing that I can give you?"

Julius didn't say anything since she was speaking to herself at the moment, sex would be something that is to come either way and they both knew it so she wanted to do more. She didn't have much time to waste on this though as soon a guard came knocking and was announcing something.

"The carriages of Lady Licinia, Lady Caecilia, and Lady Domitia arrive. They will be in the Villa soon." he didn't say much after that he actually took off.

Ilithyia frowned more but there was nothing she could do now, she could send them away but that would just raise more questions and they did plan to meet today. "I am sorry I for---" she went to say but he shut her up.

Kissing those full pink lips Julius couldn't help but groan, "Don't worry, soon I will not leave your side unless you send me away yourself. I need to go complete what I am out for anyway, but remember to think on what you just were."

She seemed to have more questions but held her tongue, "Go, and if there is ever a chance come by again."

Julius took one last deep kiss from her and moved her off of his body, he nodded to the to maids who nodded back before looking out the door. Seeing that the place was clear he took the same way back out, luckily for him he left when he did since they ladies were entering the Villa right as he left.

Pooped out another one for you guys, be thankful I didn't feel like writing today.

BloodyEat_Delightcreators' thoughts