
The Beauty In The Dusk

Dusk is a bored vampire who has lived for a few hundred years and has seen it all. He became obsessed with romance books, consuming them, and wished he could experience that type of love. One author, in particular, has attracted his attention, and he has now read each of her works at least ten times. Because of how accurately she describes vampires, Dusk has decided he needs to meet her.

Blythe_Felicity · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter Five | The Lonely Night Walker


"You like that particular book, bro?" I immediately looked at the book in my hand when I heard Morana's question. We are together in the living room, and both read a book. "I saw you erasing some of that girl's memory last night." I pretended not to hear Morana. I've been busy finishing this book I've been reading since last night. "I have a pass on Serene's book signing event. Do you want to come with me?"

I shook my head after hearing Morana's offer to me. I have an exclusive pass since Serene is one of my temporary students in my History class. When I discovered that Beauty and Serene are the same, I became even more obsessed and bought all her books. My room became instant book storage because of my sudden obsession.

"I have my ways to meet Serene," I said and closed the book I was reading.

"How? Could you take me with you? I'm also curious how she can write things about us. Is she a vampire too?"

"Research." Beauty told me last night about how she wrote the works.

Morana was about to ask more but was stopped by the news that suddenly flashed on the big TV in front of us.

"Four bodies were found again on the side of the Meadow Ville Cemetery yesterday morning. The bodies were identified as Ms. Bitavarra, Mr. De Leon, Mr. Ruiz, and Ms. Leonedes, professors at Meadow Ville University who their relatives identified. The professors were last seen alive in a bar outside the barrio. The police are still looking to see if it is related to the first body found recently."

I heard a deep sigh, and that's when I turned my gaze. It's my brother, Renwick, again. Morana also turned her attention to our brother. The look on Renwick's face surpassed that of a Chinese businessman who experienced a loss I knew.

"I have to think of a new business. No one comes out at night to go to my bar. I've already been robbed of a customer, and this is still happening." Renwick complains that I don't know whether to give attention or just let it go. "Anyway, how was your date last night? I saw you hanging out with that beautiful student of yours."

This brother of mine is also fond of gossip. Where did they get the idea that I dated last night? I came out to return Beauty's notebook, which she dropped in the cemetery earlier yesterday.

I have to erase some of Beauty's memories to avoid further commotion in the future. I erased those memories, such as our meeting at the cemetery and the sudden blowing of the wind even though the windows were closed. I don't want her to remember those things or be attached to a human like her. But again, her novels hooked me, and now I want more.

Something that those characters in the book felt.

Something that I cannot think of if it applies to vampires like me.

"That's her student?" Morana said in shock.

"Go to hell, you both," I said and left them.

None of us wants to end up in a burning place. We're afraid of fire or anything that can cause it. Vampires are undead and only fire can kill us for good. So as much as possible, we all avoid the fire that can kill us all. But sometimes, forbidden things are addicting...


I was on top of a tall building in the middle of this chaotic place. I am staring silently into nothingness. Every voice I hear from here is a lament, if I call it. Others pray from the statues they worship made of living wood. I didn't come here to fulfill their every request. I'm just here to live quietly, but even in the middle of the darkness, something keeps breaking my silence.

The whole city was again covered in a thick fog that I knew wasn't Renwick's work. Someone else is doing it, and it's the same fog as when I met Xyza. The first victim of what is believed to be a wild animal. But after the attack last night, I thought slowly that another entity was responsible for my colleague's death.

"Dusk, Dario." I turned to look at the one who called my name. Midas Ettore, the leader of the evil vampires, has also been silent for a long time. We all were quiet until a series of killings happened.

"You are not welcome in this place, Midas," that voice I heard came from my side.

It was Vladimir, and he was here immediately because he was watching over me. I don't know why he's so interested in my life - I'm not dead either - and he's still watching me closely. But I must commend his appearance tonight because I cannot deal with an enemy alone. It's not that I can't fight alone. I'm just not in the mood tonight. I came here to be alone, but someone was still bothering me in an unfortunate case.

"I heard that you no longer drink human blood. Did you like our gift? The people you're protecting are cunning and never satisfied." Vladimir and I looked at each other. My brother guessed right last time. They did come back to trouble this place. "Take those lifeless bodies as our gift; there's more to come until you three come out of your newly found habitat."

That was it, and suddenly Midas disappeared. Vladimir and I were left staring into space, and we ran through what Midas had said. There are more to come, and they're all just getting started wreaking havoc here in Meadow Ville.

"We cannot let their clan tear up the peace in this town, Dusk,"

"What will we do then?"

"Protect what's ours and kill the real enemy."

My brother suddenly disappeared after saying that, and I was left thinking deeply. The feud between our clans and the Ettores has been going on for a long time. Back then, Midas' family was known to be evil and treacherous. Those who were killed in the past and yesterday, Midas tricked and then led them to their unfair final rest. So how do we protect people based on Midas's description of those who don't know how to be content?

I shouldn't have thought about it, but since everything was broken, the things I heard filled my mind. Until I go to sleep and wake up the next day, I think about the threat to the peace of this place that I considered my new home. Do I have to do what Vladimir said when I'm too lazy to do that? Suddenly, I thought of seeing Beauty, which caused my mind to change and become agitated.

She's just bothering me, and that's the truth.


"Coffee?" I asked as I sat down in the chair in front of where Beauty was sitting. We're both inside the local café, and around us are books waiting to be read and touched. "Do you always stay here?"

Beauty smiled and then accepted the coffee I gave her. "If I get suffocated, this is my go-to spot. How about you? Why are you here?"

I saw that she was reading the works of Jose Rizal. Maybe she's writing about that timeline where girls like Beauty don't have the right to express their thoughts. As the years passed, the situation changed, and now women have become world leaders.

"It's Saturday, and I don't know what to do inside my house besides reading." I showed her my book; it was one of her writings. "Is it okay for a professor like me to have your autograph?"

Beauty giggles, and even that affects me. I will be honest this time, but I know this results from being hooked on romance novels written by the woman in front of me. She's reminding me of someone for the way she giggles and smiles. It's someone I met in the autumn of 1865, several years before my supposed death in 1920.

"Okay, can I have that book of yours?" I gladly gave it to her and watched her sign it. My gaze shifted when a familiar figure entered the café. It was Midas, and that smile on his face, I know what it means. "You know what, last night I came up with a name for you, Mr. Dario."

"Dusk. Call me, Dusk because we're not at school." I may sound distracted, but I bet Beauty doesn't even notice.

"Dusk." He repeated, causing me to smile slightly. "Do you want to hear what name came up in my brain?" I tried to read it, but I heard another voice. "The lonely nightwalker. That's you, Dusk, and somethings urging in my chest wanting to know more about you."

"She's pretty..."

"Shit!" I suddenly cursed.

"Are you mad?" I immediately looked at Beauty.

I immediately shook my head and stood up, then took the book she signed. "I have to go. Something came up, and I'm not cursing you, Beauty. Thank you, and see you."

I couldn't wait for her to answer. I quickly left the cafe and ran away. I crawled to the wall and climbed to the highest building, where Midas interrupted me. I couldn't stop rushing at him, strangling him by the neck and lifting his body in the air.

"If you ever touch that girl, I'm the one who will burn you to death, Midas." I threatened, but it seemed not to affect Midas.

"Why? Because she's part of the past, you're trapped in? The lonely nightwalker, that's silly." I tightened my stranglehold and lifted him in the air a lot. "Y-you killed the woman whose face is the same as the woman a while ago. You k-killed her!"

I threw him, and his whole body hit the big water tank and fell to the ground. I quickly went to his spot and stepped on his neck. I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands in profound anger. I pressed my foot on him until he disappeared like black smoke in a gust of wind.

"You cannot change the truth and make amends in the past, Dusk Dario. It will always haunt you until your fated death..."