
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

Sweetflowlips · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
209 Chs

Chapter 44-Urgent

Zhi Hei quickly ran towards the next room to find Shi Xue trembling with her hands on her head in a fetus position on the floor. He approached her and touched her trembling body. The moment she felt someone touching her she slapped his hand's away. She screamed "NOOOO!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She didn't dare lift her head up to look at who was touching her. Her voice trembled as she screamed making Zhi Hei's heart shatter.

When Shi Xue woke up, she saw an unfamiliar room with a few men near the doors. She saw her ripped dress and bruises on her body. She couldn't remember what happened to her after she blacked out. She saw some blood on her legs, but out of trauma, she didn't notice the blood was from a cut on her leg. She thought she had lost her innocence to a disgusting bastard. When the doctors noticed that she was awake, they tried to approach her and inform her about her condition. The moment they moved to her, she started screaming and throwing things from the room. After a while of struggling, she held herself in the corner of the room and positioned herself in a defensive posture.

Zhi Hei couldn't bare to see her the way she is right now. He felt so much pain seeing her cry and scream to get everyone away from her. The more he looked at her miserable state and hear her cries calling out for his name for help, the more he felt helpless. He already forgot how many people were behind them watching them.

Yu Rou bit her lips as she saw how Shi Xue was pushing Zhi Hei away and Zhi Hei continued to approach her. She felt so jealous how he still cared about Shi Xue. She muttered to herself "This bitch sure knows how to act."

Even though it was a low voice, it was heard loud and clear in Zhi Hei's ears.

*SLAP* Yu Rou held her face in disbelief as she turned her head to make sure she didn't see wrong.

"Z..Zhi Hei! How could you hit me? I'm your fiance!"

Xia jing Lin "how dare you hit my daughter for a hoe! so what she got laid. my daughter is still chaste which part of my daughter is not better than this hoe whose screaming huh?"

Zhi Hei gripped onto Xia Jing Lin's collar and lifted him up. His eyes are no longer cold, it is now filled with hatred and disgust. Xia Jing Lin trembled as he gasped for breath.

"Zhi Hei! Are you crazy? Let my dad down!! He'll suffocate!!"

Yu Rou never felt this much suffering in her life. Her eyes reddened as she tried to pull Zhi Hei's arm from her dad's collar. The more she tried to help, the worse the grip became. She shivered in fear and turned her head towards Shi Xue who is still covering her head with her hands.

"Zhi Hei, you're willing to do this for that bitch?? What is there to love about her? Why can't you love me instead? How could she take you away from me like that? " She quickly changed her attention towards Shi Xue and glared with disdain.

"Shi Xue! You bitch!" she ran towards Shi Xue and held onto Shi Xue's wrist tightly. Shi Xue's first instinct was to bite Yu Rou's arm before she could attack her. Zhi Hei dropped Xia Jing Lin to the floor and ran to Shi Xue's side. Before he reached Shi Xue, a figure was faster than him. It was Mrs.Huang.

When they first entered the room, Mrs.Huang didn't see Shi Xue's face clearly and only recognized the champagne dress. She didn't act recklessly because she couldn't be sure whether the girl on the floor was Shi Xue who helped her earlier when she felt ill. Only when Yu Rou went over to grab Shi Xue's arm did she see Shi Xue's face and took action.

*Slap* Before Yu Rou could raise her head another huge slap landed on the other side of her face

*DOUBLE SLAP* leaving two huge prints of redness on her already dirtied face.

Mrs.Huang took Shi Xue into her arms and covered her from Yu Rou.

Yu Rou looked up to see that it was Mother Huang whom doted on her since she was little who just slapped her twice.

Mrs.Huang's cold face made Yu Rou lose colors from her face..

"mo..mother Huang...."

"Don't call my name like that! Miss.Xia, my son had already rejected you countless times and I don't wish to have any further relations with your family never now or in the future. "

"I...I'm your future daughter in law! how could you help a bitch and not me! she's an outsider!!"

"Who? I don't remember acknowledging any daughter in law so where did your title come from? Me and my husband had already rejected your family's engagement request, but your father didn't want to annul the engagement. It is all his own one sided doing, nothing to do with our Huang family. Right now the person who must leave this room is you and your father. You two are unwelcome here and never will be for any Huang events in the future.

Zhi Hei was also stunned by his mother's protectiveness of Shi Xue since they've only met just now. His heart was filled with warmth when he witnessed his mother protecting the woman whom he loved dearly in her arms. He knew his parents very well because they could be even more ruthless than him.


Father Huang was afraid this situation would get out of hand so the doting husband immediately walked in front of his wife in case Yu Rou makes any moves. Zhi Hei also stood next to his father as he focused his attention on Shi Xue who is still trembling in his mother's arms. Mother Huang had been patting Shi Xue's back and rubbing her to try and calm her down.

"So what if I've watched you grow up with my son? My son already claimed that he never loved you and right now he already has a girlfriend. Before, I thought that you were just a spoiled brat, but never knew how vicious you could be to do this. This lovely girl is traumatized because of your extreme jealousy and greediness of wanting my son's love. It's normal for her to react the way she is right now after such an awful experience! You even dared to say that she's acting?"

Yu Rou continued her tearing and screamed "She's acting! that's all an act to get your sympathies and so she can enter the Huang family! she's a bitch whose born from a lowly person not from a rich family. how can she match Zhi Hei? i only did it out of impulse because i love him too much i can't lose him"

Mother Huang: "...You can't be saved. You don't even realize you are wrong. Entirely wrong."

Zhi Hei: "What do you mean by you can't lose me, when you never had me? I was never yours and my heart was and will never be yours. Watch what you say"

Xia Jing Lin couldn't help see his precious daughter being scolded in such a way. He clenched his fists and walked up to father Huang.

"Old Huang, our families had been friends for ages. Are you going to let your wife speak like this? if so, our connections will end here and now."

Father Huang's gaze landed on Xia Jing Lin as he calmed stated loud and clear "What my wife says, goes."

Xia Jing Lin's eyes widened as he witnessed this protective wife doting man in front of him. Suddenly, he felt very disrespected, yet he couldn't help but feel inferior. Even though he had been known for his pampering for his daughter, he didn't treat his wife that well. He dotes on this daughter because he knew she will have a bright future and could marry someone wealthy in the future. So to summarize, his daughter is just another one of his tools that he claimed he loved.

Yu Rou sobbed even louder when she sees that the Huang couple is not budging with her crying act like they used to. She slipped down to the floor and covered her face as she sobbed. But nobody comforted her, instead they were all staring at her with ridicule.

This was the first time she felt such helplessness after being born. She had everything since she was born from her favorite dresses to her own toys. She never had to care about anything because her father would give her everything. So she knew when she cried for something it would be immediately handed to her. She thought to time would be no difference... except she is extremely wrong....

Her plan not only failed, but made the Huang couple despise her even more. The disappointment was long gone, only thing left was pity in their eyes, but this doesn't mean that they would let her go easily for what she's done.