
The Beautiful Sleeper doesn't want to Sleep

In every fairytale there is always someone to save the princess and meet their happy end however she feels bitter by this certain fate, She wished for her fate to be changed that until her curse has been casted upon her She begged the God's to undo this and let her live freely, The God's had finally answered her plea but in 1 condition,that she is to never fall in love and if ever she did The curse will be brought back as soon as she lays down and closes her eyes the night before yesterday, and only with the "Kiss of true Love" to fully lift the curse,she agreed and the next day she woke,surprising both the Emperor and Empress that they rejoiced her awakened state,They were overjoyed that the Emperor immediately made the princess as the crown princess who was to take the Emperor's seat Until a young Emperor from the neighboring country and a young Duke from a faraway kingdome was then introduced at their celebration banquet that was also made a coronation The young Emperor was often called a cold and unfriendly one and no body really knows what he is thinking, but is praised by the people for being a great ruler for their Kingdome, And within his rule his Kingdome was seen as something that was the safest of all since he punished the sinners honestly The Duke was described as someone who is carefree, sociable, and someone who flirts with every noble woman,However when it comes to politics and work,he is someone that can be trusted to do the job done and is very reliable despite his unreliable private affair, Duke does their Emperor's "dirty work" and was once seen by a civilian with blood soaked clothes With their unexpected friendship, none of them would have thought that they would feel "different" inside,And with their wits they help each other to remove all corrupted nobles creating an even stronger bond The princess who is determined to not fall into deep slumber, tried her best to not think of the feeling that feels "different"

NyCe_T · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Years had passed and Cela is already 6

The Bird's sang beautifully as the sun rose with

Cela tosses and turn and woke up by the sound of knocking

*Knock knock knock*

Cela opened her eyes slowly, and stared at the window

The outside looked lovely

Cela thought and smiled to herself 

*Knock knock*

They knocked again

Cela tossed to the other side and looked at the door


The door then opened slowly revealing Melinda, Cela's attendant smiling as she enters

"Princess, good morning it's time to dress up!"

Melinda happily said

Cela grumbled but sat up in the end

"Why so early?"

Cela asked

"Princess it's always been like this, but the empress let's you sleep in everytime"

Melinda smiled

Melinda came close to Cela with warm water and towel on hand

"But today, the Empress strictly asked me not to let you sleep in"

Melinda said as Cela washed her face

Melinda handed the dry towel to Cela, Cela took it and wiped her face with it

"What's the occasion?"

Cela asked

"I'm not sure myself princess but I believe it's about your princess duties?"

Melinda said while rubbing her chin

"Princess duties?"

Cela asked

"Yes princess"

Melinda answered as she cleaned

"But I don't want to do my princess duties!"

Cela grumbled and hid under her blanket


Melinda was startled worrying

"B-but princess, you must! The Empress herself has ordered you too"

Melinda said as she tries to remove the blanket on top of Cela

"No no no no! I'm not going! I don't want to!"

Cela angrily said

"Oh dear.."

Melinda mumbled


Melinda called gently and sat beside Cela

"It is part of you growing up, even the Empress did her duties as well as the Emperor too!"

Melinda explained


Buy Cela stayed silent

"I don't want too..."

Cela grumbled


Melinda sighed then gave up






Word spread around the palace that the princess refused to take part in her duties

And worried the Emperor and Empress

"Did something happen to the princess?"

The Emperor asked

"No your Majesty it's just that the princess refused to do her duties"

The Butler said

"I see..."

The Emperor answered

"Let me talk to her"

The Empress said to the Emperor

"Are you certain my Empress?"

The Emperor asked

"Yes your majesty, and you can't stay here for too long as well the people in meeting are waiting for you"

The Empress smiled gently as she said so

"*Sigh* very well then, please convince our princess"

The Emperor said worried

"Of course your majesty"

Empress smiled

The Emperor leaned in and gave the Empress a kiss on the forehead and said

"I'll be going then, my love"

With a smile

The Empress smiled as she watched the Emperor walked out of the throne room


The Empress sighed, she then raised her hand asking for assistance

Then the Empress's lady in waiting came immediately helping her with her long hem of dress

And walked to the door of the throne room

As soon as the Empress walked through the hallway, the servants then bowed down in her presence

The Empress continued walking with elegance then went straight to her daughters bedroom

*Knock knock*

The Empress knocked


The door opened

And the one who opened the door is Cela's attendant

"Your Highness!"

Melinda exclaimed


The Empress smiled

Melinda then quickly bowed down and made way for the Empress

The Empress went in and so does the 2 lady in waiting

The Empress noticed Cela hiding under the blanket without flinching, she hid still

The Empress the raised her hands giving the sign to leave them both alone

And the three followed

Melinda and the 2 lady in waiting bowed and quietly went out

Melinda stared back at the 2 worried and continued her way




"Alone at last"

The Empress sighed

She stared at Cela who still is hiding

She poked Cela but no response, she poked her again but same reaction

The Empress looked defeated but thought of and idea

*Click Creak Click*

The door opened then shut

And slowly Cela peeked out of her blanket and looked around


She sighed

When Cela was about to go down


The Empress jumped out of nowhere and screamed


Cela screamed in terror

From outside Cela's bedroom, the 2 were heard screaming but stood still knowing they're just playing

But the Attendants still felt bad for the princess who fell for the Empress's pranks

Then the Empress fell to her knees laughing

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this mother didn't know that you were easily frightened!"

The Empress said

"Who wouldn't?!"

Cela exclaimed touching her chest on the floor breathing heavily

"Oh dear, you finally came out of that blanket"

The Empress said wiping her tears away as she helps herself to stand

"That was the loudest I heard you scream since you were a baby"

The Empress giggled

Cela stood angrily pouting with crossed arms

"Oh, did this mother made you angry?"

Empress asked

"Yes, you did"

Cela angrily said

"Then what would you like your mother to do to be forgiven?"

The Empress asked smiling at Cela

"Cancel my princess duties, I don'want to do them"

Cela answered

The Empress sighed

"Look Cela as much as you don't like it, we can't do anything as this is part of every royal families duties"

Empress explained

"But why do we have to do this? Can't we just not study?"

Cela asked

"Cela my princess, that is just impossible someday you'll rule this kingdome and we want someone who is competent enough to rule"

"If you don't receive your studies early on then it will be too late"

The Empress said calmly explaining

"But mother why would it be too late?"

Cela asked

"Cela, at the age of 10 the curse will be cast upon you..."

Empress frowned

"But still, if I just sleep for the rest of my childhood why should I bother studying?"

Cela asked again

"So that in the future when you finally wake up in your slumber you'd be ready"

Empress answered

"But Mother, WHEN do I wake in my slumber?"

Cela asked confused

"You'll wake when your true love arrives"

Empress calmly answered

"But mother I'll only wake up IF my true love finds me, what I don't like them?"

Cela said then asked again

"Then you'll learn to love them..."

Empress said

Both looked sad and silence came in an instant

"I don't want to sleep forever mother..."

Cela said as she starts to sniffle

"I'm sorry dear, there's nothing we can do, just hope that the one will come for you"

Empress said as she kissed Cela's forehead then smiled

"So please, listen to us and study before its too late to do so"

Empress said

Cela didn't answer but just sniffled and hugged the Empress

"I know I know dear, it's overwhelming but you'll learn to know that it is important to know beforehand, because sooner you wake up from your slumber you get to rule this kingdome and be a competent Emperor"

Empress said as she caressed Cela's head

"I'm sure you'll wake up sooner"

Empress mumbled

Cela cried silently as the Empress comforted Cela

To be Continued~