
The Beautiful Monster

{Mature content R-18+} (BOOK 1 COMPLETED) The moment Alyssa laid eyes on mysterious bad boy Elias, she knew she was a goner. With his charming smiles and reckless face she has never met anyone like him. He was far more relaxed and causal, like nothing in the world could bother him. But the problem was, he was everything her parents warned her about. Dark haired and tattooed. The moment Elias laid eyes on Alyssa, he knew his college days was about to get interesting. He has never met a girl so innocent and full of hope in this crazy world. He made it his life mission to always protect her and be by her side. Except, he couldn’t. With sparks flying between them and dark secrets luring around. Their love story was one that happened once in a lifetime. Will Alyssa lose her heart to Elias-a man so beautiful and mysterious? Will she able to fight her forbidden desires and grasp the love that will change her life forever? Or she will face the consequences for falling for a monster, a beautiful monster like Elias? Excerpt; Alyssa felt that familiar pulling sensation deep inside of her. Even if she was close to him, she still didn’t feel like she was close enough. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. The momentum and intensity gradually picked up with each passing moment and each subtle movement of their lips. Elias leaned more into the kiss, amping up the pressure as his hands held her close to his body. Alyssa drifted one hand up into the back of his hair, sifting through the wet strands. She lightly curled her fingers around them as his teeth scraped her bottom lip. She breathed in deeply through her nose, trying to quell her rapid heartbeat. She couldn’t believe they were making out in a spring. How did she go from being so shy and cautious in the beginning of the semester to this person? Elias brought his hands lower, grabbing at the back of her thighs to draw her legs around his waist. His lips didn’t part from hers as they moved and pressed. Alyssa felt the lightest dash of his tongue against hers, prompting a soft moan from her that she couldn’t control. So many sensations were lighting up throughout her body. They say a bad boy is the ruin of a good girl then let him ruin her. For he was fire and she wanted him to burn her. Trigger Warning: Novel contains mature content and explicit scenes only intended for adults. {R-18+, No rape and No major misunderstanding} Cover commissioned by Edenn This book is exclusively only available on Webnovel.com Please support author by reading it on Webnovel.com. Check out my other story Flash Marriage: The domineering wife which is the story about Elias parents. Edited by: TSW

Chichii · Fantasía
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Kaleigh and Olivia whipped around to face none other than Elias. They looked just as surprised as Alyssa to see him standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You're new. Just letting her know that I don't tolerate disrespect," Kaleigh replied as she turned back toward Alyssa to smirk at her.

Alyssa felt her heart start to sink. Kaleigh was going to turn Elias against her. She wouldn't even be surprised if Elias jumped in on the attack too. He didn't exactly have the nicest look to him. With his dark eyes and lean muscular build, he looked more like a threat than anything.

"You're the only one being disrespectful," Elias replied, making everyone's eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" Kaleigh said as she narrowed her eyes.

Alyssa could hardly hear over the rapid and loud beating of her heart. He actually stood up for her. He didn't agree with her. She didn't expect that at all, but then again, she didn't know this guy. He could be anyone.

"Walk away," Elias said in a firm tone. He towered over Kaleigh, and he wasn't afraid to stare her down.

Kaleigh parted her lips to argue, but something made her shut her mouth and hurry away with Olivia right behind her.

Elias' eyes followed the girls until they left the floor. He then turned to face Alyssa. That usual little smile of his quirked up on his lips.

"Are you okay?" Elias asked.

Alyssa nodded. Gratitude swelled in her chest to a nearly painful point. He didn't have to come and check on her. He didn't have to stand up for her. It didn't benefit him at all, but he still did it. She couldn't help but wonder why.

"Thank you. Sorry if you were studying," she told him, figuring he had been working when all of that commotion happened.

Elias waved his hand dismissively as he moved to sit down in the seat next to her. He rested his backpack next to his black combat boots.

"I was just leaving. I couldn't help but overhear," he explained. "Sounds like she has it out for you."

Alyssa shook her head as she huffed. It was annoying how obsessive Kaleigh was being about this. She just had to prove that she was right.

"She didn't answer something right, and I did. She has the hots for Dr. Pierce," Alyssa replied.

A soft laugh broke from Elias as he nodded his understanding.

"Ah, I see. Well, she'll have to compete with like twenty other people," Elias said as he rested his arm against the table and angled his body toward her.

Alyssa was surprised that he was still here. She figured he would've gone about his day by now, but he seemed like he wanted to stay and chat for a minute. Not that she minded that.

"I guess people have their fantasies," she replied. Getting with her professor wasn't one that she had in mind for herself. She wasn't all that versed in sex. She hadn't ever experienced it before. It nearly made her blush that she was thinking about it now while talking to him.

"That isn't one of yours?" Elias teased at her, flashing his white teeth.

Now, she was really blushing. Alyssa shook her head. Even if she was asked what her fantasies were, she wouldn't even know what to say.

"I'll get an A the traditional way," she replied as she brushed her fingertips against the open page of her chemistry book. Chemistry was the last thing on her mind right now, especially with him grinning at her like that. The rest of the library seemed to fall away.

"Since you actually study and do your work unlike the rest of us slackers, you'll probably succeed at that," Elias said as he nodded to her book. "I'll let you get back to it."

Alyssa knew that she needed to wrap this up, tell him goodbye, and get back to work. That was the responsible thing to do. But that wasn't what she wanted to do deep down. She wanted to keep talking to him, to get to know him better because she only had a snapshot of who he was.

"I'm actually done for the night," she blurted out. She even closed her book for good measure. It wasn't like she was behind or anything. She could work a little extra tomorrow.

Elias brightened up at that. He checked his phone for the time, which was around nine o'clock at night.

"Well, if you're not busy, we could grab some tea and chat," Elias suggested to her as he stood up and slung his backpack on.

Alyssa wasn't sure how he pulled off the cool and casual demeanor so well. He breezed through his movements like effortless air. It was hard not to admire.

"Sure. That sounds nice," she told him before shutting off the computer she was using. Her night had taken a huge turn. She went from doing homework to hanging out with the cutest guy that had ever decided to talk to her. She struck luck somehow.

Elias waited until she got her things before leading her toward the stairs that led to the first floor.

"I'm Elias by the way," he said as he paused near the stairs to hold his hand out to her.

Alyssa reached forward and took his hand, noting that his skin was cool to the touch. She wondered if he had an iron deficiency.

"Alyssa," she introduced herself. She didn't bother to mention the fact that she had already sort of gossipped about him with Zoe. Then again, there wasn't much gossip since not much was known about Elias. Zoe just recommended that Alyssa get to know him since she had her eye on him.

"Nice to meet you, troublemaker," Elias chuckled as their hands broke apart.