
The Beast God System

A teen boy specifically a 15 year old 5 11 black haired blue eyed boy. During a normal environmental science class everthing changed. [You have been chosen to be the successor of the Beast God] Picture is not mine

Opposed_god394492 · Fantasía
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The successor of the Beast God

Hi my names is Luke Stone and I'm your every day teen. In 10th grade never had a girlfriend average looks and grades maybe even a little Below average in both.

I'm getting up for school right now my everyday routine is wake up then wake my brother up at 6 take a shower brush my teeth eat and leave for school. I'd say I'm pretty lucky since my school's only a 5 min walk. It is pretty chilly since it's winter but I can deal with it.

Once I reach school at about 7:30 I still got about 40 min left before ELA startes I usually just sit on my phone.

Rrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg!!! 🔔

Dammit always hate that bell.

Now for today's class I will be helping correct essays with people as I'm going around please work on the assignment in the online classroom.


Around 2 hours later in 3rd period


Ugh math was so boring wasn't it.(Alex)

Ya it felt extra long today(Luke)

Attention class today we will be working on water pollution and how it is affecting the world.(Teacher Ms. Amanda)

My Schedule for the school year is


2 Math

3 Envirmental science

4 studie hall

5 History

6 Lunch

7 Gym Monday and Friday study hall the other days.

8 It's some damn thing about business and money so on.

9 Monday and Friday study hall well Animal science Tuesday to Thursday.

Usually during this class I sit in this comfortable red chair at the front right of the class next to are class bunny ya bunny we got a class pet actually 3 class pet in this one bunny and 2 chinchillas.

The Bunny can be a jerk sometimes because it always wantsto run around the class or well hop but its in the cage most the and when it is in the cage or put back after being out it gets cranky.

While the two chinchillas just chill around one dark gray and one light gray the dark gray is nice while the light gray one is a jerk and won't let anyone pet it.

As I was sitting in my chair listening to the teacher that's when everthing started to change.

A holographic screen appeared infront of me

[You have been chosen as the successor of the Beast God]

Um Ms Amanda can I go to the bathroom.(Luke)

Yes go ahead.(Amanda)

Holy sh*t holy the f*ckedy sh*t.(Luke)

Is this a systems or am I just hallucinating. I went to the bather to not make any big deal in class but this is amazing.

System what functions do you have.

[Ther are status, Missions, and Skills]

That's not much but at least it's somthing.

[Would you like to open the begginer pack]


[Opening.....Gain 3 status to all states and gained skill Nature's Child.]

Oh hopefully these are pretty good...open status.


Name:Luke Stone

Physical: 15

Intellect: 12

Charm: 13

Well this is...pretty basic. System what's the average amount of states.

[That would be 10]

Oh than this is pretty good to start. I wasn't really all that smart so originally having 9 Intellect is expected.

As I looked up into the mirror of the bathroom I can see a change in my charm quite a bit my face is more detailed and my skin has cleared up a bit but the biggest part of it is probably due to my strength Increase I used to be a little chubby but with the increase in strength I don't have any belly fat or anything. Don't get me wrong though I definitely don't have Abes or anything.

Well I better get back to class in case anyone thinks I'm just skipping. On my way back to class thought I got another notification.

[Mission: You are the success of the Beast God you need to naturally show you control over animals. Show people your aptitude with beastes/animals.

Reward: Can 1 random states to your states.

Failure:No reward.


I accept.(Luke)

Hehe let's go farm some states from my class.

As I enter my class everyone looks over at me naturally it's not because I'm to handsome or famous in my class it's just that the rabbit is out of its cage and they don't want it to run out the door so I just close the door and go over to my assigned seat. Yes assigned Jordan took my red chair so I had to sit in my assigned seat. It ain't all bad though since these have wheels on the bottom just not as comfortable as the red chair.

Due to my new skill Nature's Child I give off a calming aura and bit of a beastly/Wild aura or that's just an effect of being the successor of the Beast God. Even my classmates started to feel it. But the bunny could feel it way stronger than any human. The Bunny felt like I was family to it. As it nuzzled it'd head against my leg I lifted the guy up.

Hey guys look.(Luke)

I was showing them this due to the mission but it still wasn't complete.

So I did the next best thing.

Bunny high-five.(Luke)

Naturally the bunny didn't understand what I said but seeing my palm extended towards the bunny it gave it's paw.



You taught the bunny a trick amazing.(Nicole)

[Mission complete gained one point to charm extra reward given due to this being your first mission complete gain lesser talent to all]

Ammmm system I understand the first part but what's this about lesser talent.

[This has made everthing from piano talent to your fighting talent are all lesser talent now. But as a negative affect all higher grade talents will go down to lesser talent.]

Whattttt system how much higher talents did I loss.

[You have lost ruffly 24 higher talents but most of them were ones you did not know about such as you having quite the high talent for Tennessee but as you never played Tennessee before you never new.]

F-fine but atleast tell me there's a way to get back those higher talents.

[Yes there is as you do more missions you will naturally get reward and higher talent is one. Can't have the success of a God to not be talented and be a piece of trash]

Aghhh That was hurtful 💔 (Luke)

Completely ignoring me the system continued.

[As you do more quest a reward might give you a higher talent overall. Just need some luck.]

Ya ya.(Luke)

And with that the day continued with nothing important happened all through school.


Name:Luke Stone



Charm:14 ]