
Act1:Scene 2

( as the devil is in hell thinking about how he will come again and win)

Devil: b**** He won me again What will I do What will I do Damn

Brian: your majesty I think I have an idea remember the ornament power that Daedalus gave you what of if we use it to fighting maybe we will win at least we will take over the Thrones of Heaven through the Earth and do whatever we want

Devoe: yes Lord that is perfect idea we can use this and win

Devil: yes you guys are right I mean this is the first time you dumb headed pigs have actually gotten something right but we can work with that so what else do you have in mind?

Devoe: Lord we could move there as quickly as you can before anything spill out to anybody

( unknowingly to them Ripley the daughter of devil sister of Hellboy was planning to snitch them to God and and her place back in heaven)