
The Battle-Crazed Demon Slayer

Takeo Yasushi lives for the sword. Winning countless competitive bouts, his hunger's never satisfied, that is until he's killed by a jealous opponent and reborn in a different world. (Could go to Other Anime's/Series in the future)

OM90 · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 11 : 11th Stance

After making a new "friend", Takeo cleaned up his plates and took a shower before he got into a black robe to sleep in. 'That meal made me even more hungry', he thought before he entered his room.

Already inside was Yuko, laying on his pillow as if it was his. After eating a-lot, he also went to sleep, but was still guarded in case Takeo really wanted to eat him.

'Does he think it's his?!', 'This cheeky rat', he thought, before he grabbed a spare futon, and laid it out on the floor.

'Your lucky I'm nice rat', he thought, before he got tucked inside, and closed his eyes. His blade always close to him if something were to happen.


In Takeo's dream he saw countless demons all around, baring their teeth as they used their demon arts before they all charged at him.

In response, he smiled before he dashed towards them with no fear.


When he woke up, he was covered in sweat, it wasn't because he was scared, but he was itching for a fight. That dream made him so excited, that Yuko hardly had any sleep, and so he had move away from "his" comfortable pillow and sleep in Master Kenzō's room. Noticing Yuko was gone, 'So he went back to his nest', he thought, before he went to dining room.

When Takeo went to eat some fruits for his breakfast, he heard movement in his Master's room. He immediately stopped eating and focused on his hearing. "Squeak~", he heard. 'That little rat!', he thought, before got up and headed to the door quickly.

Right before he entered, he made a short prayer aimed towards his Master Kenzō, "Master please forgive me! I'll punish that rat for you!", he said before he quickly entered.

On the bed, Yuko was dreaming of being surrounded by food. He hugged the meat , but for some reason it gave him a deathly glare causing him to wake up quickly. When he opened his eyes, his paws were hugging Takeo's face, and he looked like a demon.

"YOU LITTLE RAT!", He shouted before he chased Yuko around the room. When he had his hands on Yuko he stated, "You're not allowed in this room. This is my master's".

At this point Yuko was really annoyed, "You bastard! Telling me when the deed is done so you can do this! You humans think you're so clever", he shouted at Takeo, justifying his actions because Takeo hadn't told him earlier.

Looking at Yuko, Takeo scratched the back of his head, 'He is right. It's my fault, I invited him in and didn't tell him, and now master's room is dirty', he thought, before he looked at the carnage the two of them caused.

"Silent now aren't you!", Yuko stated with a smile, as if he had won a competition, to which Takeo retorted, "If you don't be quiet, I'll eat you!", with a devilish face, to which Yuko began to sweat.

"Now what am I going to do with this mess", he said, "That's your problem, not mine, i'll be having my breakfast now", Yuko stated as he exited the room like a king.

'One day I'll kill you', he thought as he closed his palm to form a fist, before he tightened it in anger.

And so Takeo began to clean his master's room for him.....

The objects that were broken, were taken outside, and if they made of wood, Takeo would later attempt to construct them back together.

When he was almost done, he noticed a couple of boxes, and a letter on his Master's desk in a far corner.

The letter was addressed to Takeo Yasushi, which was obviously him, so he picked it up and opened it.

The letter read :

"Takeo we haven't been together for long, but I want you to know that I think of you as a son, and I want no harm to come to you from my mistakes. I really see myself my old self in you. You see when I was young, my parents died just like yours....they were brutally murdered by a demon. In revenge I trained like crazy, leading me to create the Flame-Thunder Breathing Style. I rose in rank quickly because of my skills after I joined the Demon Slayer Corps and soon became a Hashira. However, not many will remember or know me because of what I done for revenge.

One day on a mission, I met a demon called Muzan Kibutsuji, I quickly overpowered him, as at the time he wasn't as nearly as strong as he is now. Before I decapitated him, he begged for his life in exchange for a chance to hurt the demon who killed my mother for all of eternity. You see that demon has a extremely powerful Regenerative Blood Demon Art, which means he can heal any wound, no matter if he is decapitated with a Nichirin Blade. The prospect of hurting and punishing him for as long as I was alive made feel exhilarated. And so I let Muzan go....a decision I constantly regret. However, just like he agreed, he drew that demon to me, allowing me to imprison him in a volcano, only I know where I imprisoned, I chained him by wisteria so I could make him feel what my parents felt. When it was discovered I let Muzan go, I was kicked out of Hashira, and labelled as a traitor which is equivalent to scum.

Takeo I'm sorry that you have such a horrible Master....I just hope you don't forget me like the others. The demon's Regenerative Blood Demon Art has began to evolve under those harsh conditions, making his cells stronger. I believe he will escape soon.....I'm prepared, and sure I will die in this battle, and so I have you all the forms and techniques for the Flame-Thunder Breathing Style.

I hope you can make the legacy of the Flame-Thunder Style capable to shake everyone in the world....

The Demon's name is Zamuza....

Sincerely, Your Former Master Kenzō

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