
The Bastian System

In the far future, nuclear war has changed the world. New creatures roam the world, and those in charge rule differently than the world of old. Caesar and Xynthia have a simple choice to make, grow to face these challenges, or stay at the bottom of the world. Never knowing the truth... Mysteries abound about the secrets of the world they live in. A journey that’ll span the entire world and more.

ShirouBlue · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: Breakthrough

For a few moments, I was in shock, whether that was from the pain of where the claws dug into me, or the fact that this boy seemed so calm despite what just happened.

"Oh where are me manners, the names Icarus, and yours?" He asked as he extended his hand to help me back up.

"Uh, I'm Caesar," I said as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me.

I couldn't help but be confused by this man. He was a little over five feet tall, and very thin. Honestly if you told me he was starving I would have no problem believing you. But despite that the grip from his hand was incredibly tight. He had shaggy brown hair that covered the top half of his eyes, and from what I could see of them they also were brown. He had this air about him of confidence that reminded me a lot of my sister.

"Well Caesar it's nice to meetcha, what do ya say to the both of us sticking together? Power in numbers and what not."

"I say that it sounds like a plan, I was heading to the top, I'm guessing you were too?"

"Hit the nail on the head, shall we go?"

With that we began our trek up the mountain together. Conversations would pop up and quickly end as we would see another beast and decide to stay quiet since we wanted to avoid trouble as much as possible, especially since on my condition, I would only be good bait.

From our talks I learned a bit about him though. His upbringing was much different than mine. He grew up with his actual parents in a small village that got by mostly by fishing. He had no siblings and was one of just five people that had left his village for the camps, and unlike my town, in his they talked about the camps and what they were like.

Apparently we will keep being thrown into survival situations in areas high in radiation. The mixture of radiation affecting us, along with our heightened adrenaline is supposed to trigger a reaction in our bodies that will allow our power to break through. The numbers we got before being separated into different camps was to show how much direct radiation our bodies would be able to handle without overloading it before our powers broke through.

What happens if an overload happens? Apparently nobody was sure from his experience because nobody went to the wrong camp on purpose and stayed there. So, I started to get worried.

"Hey pal, I think we better start thinking of how and where we will rest, the sun is looking like it's about to call it quits for the day, so we should as well," Icarus said.

"You don't think we can make it to the summit before then?"

"Do I think we can? Absolutely. Do I think we should? Not at all. We would be exhausted and if something is waiting for us up there, we should be in tip top shape, err well, I guess the best we can in your case."

"You make a fair point. Let's see if can find something of a shelter for us then."

As we were looking I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear, "would you like some help?"

I turned to see the angel floating next to me smiling. I looked over to see if Icarus had any reaction to them, but he just seemed confused as why I was staring at him.

"Oh he can't see or hear me. Only you can. Think of the two of us as tied together. I can always be by your side whenever I need to be, and likewise you can see me whenever you need to."

"You make less sense now than you did last time, but sure, help us find some shelter," I whispered so Icarus didn't think I was crazy.

"An easy enough task to be done. Just follow me and I shall lead you there."

As skeptical as I was, it seemed to be true that only I could communicate with them. So I decided to put some trust that they would actually help me out.

After a little more climbing and circling the mountain, we reached a small alcove. While both sides were completely open, the floor and roof to it seemed incredibly sturdy, so it was a good enough place to rest.

"This should fit what you're searching for yes? If so I will depart again. Try to survive for us both?" And with that the angel dissipated into white smoke and disappeared.

"Nice job finding this, since you're injured how 'bout I take first watch and you rest?"

"You're a good guy Icarus, I'll try to get some sort of sleep so you can switch off with me when you're ready to hit the hay too," I said as I laid down and closed my eyes. Between the exhaustion and pain, I passed out quickly.

I had another strange dream of different animals lives. This time though one in particular stood out, it was the wolf beast that had pounced on me, I was reliving those moments, but from the other perspective. Having no control as I attacked myself was for sure the strangest feeling ever. For one I watched my own body struggling to survive, but on the other hand having the power of the wolf felt refreshing. The dream changed the moment the rock hit the back of my head. It shifted to a blank grayish space. The only things there were me and the angel.

"Welcome Caesar, it took you a while to find your way here," they said smiling.

"Are you gonna keep leaving me with more questions, or do I finally get some answers?" I asked as I eyeballed them, expecting something to go wrong.

"I'll give you all the answers you want when the time is right. But for now instead I've been helping you out without asking anything in return. Unfortunately that has to change, I do have a few requests to make of you."

"Ah of course. The vague apparition that keeps appearing wants something from me. Let's hear it then," I said upset.

"Easy there. I am on your side, hell if it wasn't for me you'd have died of radiation overload back in that cave, that's why your senses were going crazy. Soon enough your mind was going to crack and you'd have died. But that was luck, if you didn't end up lying on that ring that's now in your pocket I wouldn't have been able to manifest to you."

"You mean this little thing," as I pulled the ring from my pocket, "is what you are?"

"Close. My essence is inside of it, well it and four other pieces. That is one of the favors I will request of you. To collect all five."

"And what happens when all of them are together?"

"Well then i can fully manifest into a new body, don't worry not yours, along the way we will make a doll for me to reside in."

"Well what's in this for me to do that?"

"I shall share my power with you, you will become far stronger than anybody else ever could. All you must do for that, is to put that ring on when you wake up and accept the offer it makes."

As soon as they finished speaking I was jolted awake by Icarus. Before he could speak I saw why, on both sides of us there were more of the wolf beasts.

"Got any ideas, because I got nothing?" He asked nervously.

"Just one," I said pulling the ring out of my pocket and sliding it onto my finger, "we fight."

Things have been busy with moving out of college dorms into a house in renting with my friend and getting our cats to get along. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go slow on chapters again.

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