
The Bastian System

In the far future, nuclear war has changed the world. New creatures roam the world, and those in charge rule differently than the world of old. Caesar and Xynthia have a simple choice to make, grow to face these challenges, or stay at the bottom of the world. Never knowing the truth... Mysteries abound about the secrets of the world they live in. A journey that’ll span the entire world and more.

ShirouBlue · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 11: What Did I Miss?

When I woke up I thought I'd still be on top of that mountain, or worse. But instead I was in what looked like an infirmary. The bandages around all my wounds only helped push that point. Looking around the room, all of the other beds were empty, some showing signs that they were recently used. There was nobody else in there with me, so I didn't waste any more time and got off of the bed and left.

Exiting the room immediately made me angry. For the rooms door was on the spiral staircase in the circular building. I clicked my tongue in distaste and descended the stairs.

"Even when you were fighting you weren't this angry, what's causing this?" Gil asked from inside the ring.

"This room is were we were all gassed until we passed out, and when I woke up I was on that island," I said as I grinded my teeth. "No explanation. Just thrown to survive, sink or swim. If I didn't find you and your stupid ring I would have died."

"Ah I can see why you'd be so angry then, but clearly they have secrets they need to hide for one reason or another, not any different from you now."

"Don't compare me to them or I ain't helping you find the rest of yourself," and with that Gil went back to being quiet.

I was left with a quick decision to make. Go outside and explore or explore inside this building. It didn't seem like anybody else was around, which was strange for sure. Who leaves an injured person alone?

I decided to leave that building as it continued to put a bad taste in my mouth. It would seem I made the right choice as the moment I left the building I could hear the sound of people talking. I didn't waste another moment and went straight towards the voices. No matter what, right now I needed to understand everything going on. I would not let somebody else risk my life for no reason.

The people talking seemed to be around my age. So I decided to trust them a bit as they were probably thrown into this just as well as I.

"Umm, hi there, do you guys know what's going on here?" I asked as I slowly walked towards them.

"You're the boy who crossed over first right? I'm Kyla, and this is my friend Daron." The one on the left said. A girl with long straight brown hair and eyes to match said blushing.

"What she meant to say is we would be happy to fill you in as we walk to the mess hall, it's lunch time, and from what the talk around has been, you've been unconscious for a couple days," the boy, Daron said. He had short black hair, and gray eyes that seemed to look right through you.

With less than an idea of what was going on at the camp and what's happened since I passed out on the mountain, I decided following them wasn't the worst idea I could have.

On the way there they filled me in on what I've missed. Which was just everybody being told where they would now be living, and the daily schedule. The rooms and cafe were in the building on the far left with the winged bird, they were coming from the opposite side which was the building with a shield. Apparently that building is where how to defend yourself, avoid fatal injury, and perform basic medical procedures was taught.

The other two buildings were for different training, the crossed swords was for combat and weapon training, and the serpent was for ability practice. Each building had a head chief, those were the five people we saw upon arriving. Most of them have yet to talk to anybody, apparently they only wanted to do introductions once, and me being unconscious they decided to wait and let everyone else do as they please.

As we got closer to the winged bird building, or the dorms as Daron and Kyla referred to them as, I started getting a weird feeling. As if somebody was watching me. I figured I had to be crazy and ignored it, only to be tackled as soon as we entered the building.

"You absolute idiot! How could you go and get hurt and worry me like this?! If you didn't come back what would I have done?!" Xynthia both cried and yelled as she kept weakly bringing her fists down on my chest.

Kyla seemed absolutely taken back from somebody attacking me out of the blue, and Daron couldn't stop himself from laughing at the scene.

"This isn't the greeting I thought would happen next time I saw you, but glad to see you're doing just fine," I said as I got her to stop her episode.

Her outburst garnered some attention, so once again me and Xynthia had everyone's eyes on us. People just passing by in the hall stopped to look at us too.

"How about we continue whatever it is you two are doing in the cafe? I'm still hungry," Daron said starting to walk off.

"Lead the way. I don't know where I'm going," I said as I stood up and followed him. All the while I could feel the two girls staring daggers at eachother.

"Life never can stay dull for long can it?" I muttered under my breath.

Adding in some new characters to diversify our cast

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