
The Bard's Isekai System

Transported into an alternate world, Saito Aoi and her classmates set out to change the fate of the human empire. However, she was suddenly betrayed by the very people who brought her there. Follow Aoi as she uncovers the truth of this world as she tries desperately to survive against the harm she is being put through. Oh yeah, she's also bard.

EthEn · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Inside of a tiny, studio apartment was a teen, scribbling onto her copybook. since tomorrow is Monday, she was quickly finishing her homework as she didn't have the time to do so earlier in the week. She breezed through the questions before closing her copybook all together.

Although she might be called irresponsible for doing her work so late, she had a reason for it. She has been busy all weekend with work so she didn't have time to complete it. Looking at the time, one could see that it was still 20:34, so The young lady stretched her hand upwards until a 'crack' resounding though the room.

"Fucking Finally." She said out loud. "I can rest a little bit."

Grabbing the remote next to the pile of books, she turned the on TV, illuminating the whole room. Dark Blue eyes with an almost purple gradient looked back at the screen. Her luscious black hair flowed down, curling on the floor.

Connecting her phone to the tv, she put on a very unknown anime by the name of "Attack on Titans." In the rare chance that she had free time, she would binge any show she could, but that usually only amounted to two or three episodes per day.

Tapping the table to the rhythm of the opening, our protagonist eyed the sparkling guitar next to the TV. It had been a long time since she had last played the thing. Not to toot her horn, but before quitting, she was pretty good.

The only reason she did quit was because she began working. But for some strange reason, today, a longing for the instrument awoken. It almost felt like it it was calling her.

Not one to waste time, She picked the guitar up and gently caressed it. A flash of nostalgia passed through her eyes as she recalled the little performances she would put on for her late parents.

Sadness soon followed as she remembered how they were taken away in a fatal car crash. Nobody there to mourn their funeral apart from herself. Not even their so-called "friends". But all of that is in the past now. there is no use dwelling on it.

Taking in a deep breath, she strung the guitar.

I gave out an ear piercing tune making her grimace. "Shit. I need to tune it" she swore.

Snatching her phone from the table, she started downloading the first tuner app she could Thankfully, it didn't take long. Managing to enter the app, she tuned the guitar till satisfaction. finally complete, she strung the guitar once again.

The passion that had seemed to have disappeared a long time ago relit into flames. That single harmonious strum had made her fall in love with music once again. Without her knowledge, he hands moved and started playing anything that came to mind. Even though it did come out like shit. But that didn't matter

Her fingers started to hurt a bit. After all these years of not touching the instruments, the once well formed callouses had softened. Especially as she is now needing to apply more pressure. But that didn't matter. she just wanted to play…

=== [] ===

Rubbing her eyes, she looked around only to find herself ass to the floor next to the table she did her homework in.

"Seems like I feel asleep while playing" She stated. Turning her head to her lap, she looked at the guitar with a slight smile. "I should start playing this thing again, shouldn't I?"

"Oh well, time to get ready."

Raising her arms high above, she stretched her muscles until a satisfying pop was heard. 'What time is it?' Picking her phone up, she realised that it was still early.

She got up, leaned the guitar to the wall and started preparing for school. Humming the tune she played last night, She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She then quickly combed her absurdly long hair, and prepared breakfast along with lunch for the day.

After that, she grabbed her bag, pushed the books and copybooks into it and made her way to school. Since she would be arriving early, she took her time, plopping her earbuds into her well… ears. She then took out her phone and put on a random song from her Spotify playlist.

As she approached the school, she was lost in thought, figuring out how she would make time to play music again. Perhaps she would have to sacrifice her relaxation time. Suddenly, she felt a hard bump as she stumbled backwards. her earbuds fell out. It seems like she was going to fast. She looked up to see another girl rubbing her back, apologetically.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" the girls said with concerned. She immediately recognised the voice as one of her classmates. Arai Aimi. The second smartest student in class behind herself. But unlike her, Aimi was very popular and extroverted.

"No no… It's my fault. I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going." She replied, feeling embarrassed.

With a smile, Aimi reached her hands with our protagonist following suite. "Thank you."

"You're Saito-san right?" She asked.

"Hn~" Saito replied with a simple nod. Her full name was Saito Aoi, named after the blue in her eyes. Very Imaginative, I know. (AN: Aoi means blue in Japanese)

"I'm Arai Aimi. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself.

Since they both had to go the same classroom, they each walked side by side even though Aoi herself wished that she was 50 meters back. It was incredibly awkward as she didn't know what to say. Though Aimi was dealing with it considerably better.

Arriving to the classroom Aimi walked away from Aoi, waving a slight goodbye as she walked towards her friends. Aoi meanwhile made her way to her desk and sat down. She took a deep breath, calmed her nerves and thought to herself: 'That was… uncomfortable.'

It's clear that she isn't exactly the most extroverted person. Despite her job as a cashier at a convenience store, she wasn't really talkative. She never really felt comfortable with new people.

A couple of minutes passed before the bell rang. The first class for the day was going to be chemistry theory. Contrary to how it started, the day passed by rather quickly and it was already time for lunch.

Aoi picked her bento from her bag and placed it on the table. Opening it, the appetising fragrance of chicken and rice pierced her senses. She was about to start eating when she got interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. Turning around, she spotted Arai Aimi, once again, along with 3 other people. Those people were what one would call the "Popular kid's" in the school and it was obvious to see why.

"Y- yes." She stammered out, confused. "Do you need anything?"

"Can we sit with you?" Aimi asked.

"Sure?" Aoi replied, still very much puzzled. She never expected this kind of development, so she had no clue what to do. Before she could even start and comprehend anything, her thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking.

"Hello. I'm Teruya Takeshi." A brown haired guy spoke. He had quite the handsome face with a somewhat softer jawline. He reached his hand forward for a handshake. Aoi took the offer and the guy put on a soft smile.

"My names Okumura Cho." This time, a more feminine voice spoke. She had short black hair that barely reached her shoulder. She is quite the blunt character. She is also openly lesbian. Aoi meanwhile, didn't really talk much about her sexuality as she felt that it was unimportant. Studying is more important right now.

"And I'm Miyata Dai" This time, a muscular guy came forth. He had a tanned skin with dark black hair, giving him a rugged look. Though contrary to his appearance, he gave out a warm smile putting Aoi at ease.

"I'm Saito Aoi. Nice to meet you all." Aoi said, still trying to process what's happening. "Do you guys need anything?" She asked

"No, not really. We just wanted to talk with you." Cho said. "So, watchu eating?"

"Umm… I'm eating rice with chicken."

"Can I have some?" Dai Asked. Cho who was next to him, hit him on the shoulder. "You have your own food dumbass." she stated.

"It looks good though." Dai tried to justify.

"Stop leeching out of other people Miyata-kun"

A slight chuckle came out form her side as Aoi looked over to see Aimi. Meanwhile next to her, Takeshi decided to speak. "Don't mind them. They are goofing around."

Despite what it might look like, everyone in this group was incredibly smart. They all ranked among the highest in the school. Even Miyata, who by looking at him, you wouldn't figure that he was smart.

The minutes flowed by as the group chatted amongst each other. Everybody apart from Aoi. She was sat quietly, picking at her food as she tried her best to become invisible. Some people from the class would sometimes stare at her direction, confused as to why she was even in the group. Thing is, this wasn't her choice.

After an agonising 30 minutes, the bell finally rang indicating that the recess period had finally ended. The group that had gathered around her desk dispersed and went back to their seats.

The students that had gone outside started returning one by one as the teacher herself entered the class. The class this time was biology, so everyone gathered their books and placed it on the table. As the teacher began explaining, she was interrupted by a shorter than average girl who busted through the doors.

"I'm sorry I'm late miss. I had to-" But before she could even finish what she was about to say, a circle with strange, lit, engravings appeared on the floor.

Then in an instant, the class was engulfed by a bright, white light. It was so intense that it seemed to cover everything in it. Out of instinct, everybody in the classroom closed their eyes, trying to shield themselves as they got covered by the warm glow. The light slowly died down revealing a room left with phones on the ground and any modern appliances too. The only thing that had disappeared was the 34 students along with their clothes.

=== [Point of view: Aoi] ===

As the light gradually faded, I slowly pried my eyes open, adapting to the now dimmer environment. After a second or two, I could finally make out that we were no longer inside of the cramped classroom. No, this place felt more grander.

The cold floor where I had fallen down onto seemed to have been made out of marble. Hundreds of people surrounded us from all angle with joy written on their faces. Scanning the area, I noticed that some of my classmates seemed to have been confused.

I could also see what seemed to be translucent white orbs flying and fading away. At that moment, what happened finally clicked into my head.


We were no longer on earth.

=== [AUTHOR NOTE] ===

I'M BACK BITCHES. well hopefully. So, hello to my little readers that I've kept waiting for far too long. I hope you are having a fantastic day.

As you might have noticed, a lot has changed from the original version. One thing that is quite blatant, is the gender of our protagonist. Yes, it has gone from a he, to a she.

This was done as it didn't feel right to switch the gender of our protagonist in the middle of the story. Gender is a sensitive topic to some and I didn't want to hurt anyone with my story. It also felt like I had to write something about gender dysphoria if I did that, but that's a can of worms that is better left untouched by an uneducated fellow like myself. Stories like that are better suited for other individuals. (This isn't a diss to people who write gender-bender. Those stories are pretty good and I personally do read them and like some of them <3)

Something else that I would like to talk about is my pretty long absence. To put it in short, I had fallen out of love with writing. Major writers block took over and I basically couldnt write anything for a year. But I'm back and hopefully I can start pumping out more chapters for y'all.

Dont expect me to be consistent though as well, my butt cheeks will probably get bitten by writers block again. Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading <3