
The Bad Girls Of Houston High

CRAZY GIRLS OF HOUSETON HIGH PROLOGUE ***** BG high is a school for the rich people,any student that is poor only make it through scholarship. Anthony Adams is a student of BG high who is very rude,arrogant and lovely. He don't love he only joke with girls. The Adams family are known as the most richest in the all south korea. What will happen when Bantu comes to HOUSETON high?will she make fun of others because she is rich?will she act rudely or crazily? will she take it easy on Tony? Find out in this crazy romantic love story Like and rate my novel please

Tangle33 · Ciudad
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Who do you think you are?



The Williams company

Am really tired now,am very hungry,she yawned

"Maggi when are you starting your new school "? her secretary asked

"Tomorrow I think,but remember am Beaty not Maggi" ,she said rolling her eyes.

"i hate Maggi" ,she muttered

The secretary smiled at her childish words…


Houseton HIGH

It's lunch time, students are seen in the cafeteria eating, triple F's crew could be seen laughing when Rita and Kim walked into the cafeteria, after taking their lunch, Rita walked up to the crew with Kim walking beside her, she looked at Tony ,and said…..

"Tony, can I have sit with you?" Rita smiled at him sexily, try to flirt with Tony.

" I would rather have lunch with a dog than you, Tony said looking at her disgustingly

Common man that was harsh, fred said laughing

Rita was furious and embarrassed as the whole students in the cafeteria all looked at her laughing,

She dropped her lunch abd ran out of the cafeteria… just as Kim was about to follow her,

"Kim I will advise you take her to do some check up cause she is really sick", does she think I would have anything to do with her?? ,Tony said as he turned to his friends abd they began laughing…

Kim was angry with Tony, for treating her friend like she was a trash…. She ran after Rita to make sure she was okay.

Victor had a liking to Rita, he never liked the way Tony treated her, he stood up, and was about leaving, " where are u going to" Tony asked…

" non of your business " Victor replied and left….

When he got out of the cafeteria, he saw Rita and. Kim not far away under the tree close to the cafeteria.

He walked up to them and spoke to Rita….

"Common girl you don't have to bring yourself cheaply for Tony,

you know his personality, and yet you walked up to him the way you did,

you shouldn't have"…

,victor said …." So sorry for what happened in there" he left….

Fuck, Rita said folding her fingers, look at how Tony embarrassed me in there….

"I told you not to put you hopes up on him, you refused "Kim said


The Adams mansion

"Son, you look sad what happened,his dad asked

"Nothing dad just missing mom, and wishing she were alive" , Tony said sadly

"Don't worry son, she is up there watching over you, and I know loves you and she will want you to be happy always…. ,Mr Adams said, hugging his son, as he try's to control his tears…

It's been 5years that you left me and your son beauty, it hasn't been easy and we miss you so badly darling….. Mr Adams thought… sir, dinner is serve sir… nanny Betty said as she called her boss and Tony for dinner…

" you know what son, let go eat, as your mom wouldn't want us to go hungry, you know how she was," they both laughed remembering how Beauty would scold them if they refused to eat…

They both sat at the dinning and ate their food in silence….