
Epilogue: The Art of Love

Years later, Avery's art exhibit had become a renowned success, and she had even published a book about their love story. "The Awkward Adventures of Amour" became a bestseller, touching the hearts of readers around the world.

Avery and Jordan got married continued to live their lives filled with love, laughter, and the occasional awkward moment. They had built a life together, one that was rich with creativity, adventure, and unwavering support.

As they stood together at the opening of Avery's latest exhibit, surrounded by friends and family, Avery felt a deep sense of gratitude. They had found their perfect match, someone who loved them for who they were, quirks and all.

And they knew that, no matter what the future held, they would face it together, hand in hand, ready for whatever adventures awaited them.

"I want to ask you something." Avery whispered in his ears.

"Oh! I would love to hear that." Jordan replied while smiling.

"How about adding a new member in our house?" Avery asked,

Jordan was clueless,

"What?" He asked?".

"Oh Silly, I'm pregnant." Avery smiled and announced her pragnancy.

"Wait are you serious." Jordan had a mix of emotions. He hugged and kiss her.

"That's the best news you have given to me Avery, I love You."

"I love you to. She replied.