
The Awakening – From a Nobody To The World’s Strongest Antihero

One day a young boy awakened powers of raising the dead as his summons, and a shady group of researchers got a hold of him. They experimented on him in hopes of replicating his one of a kind powers but failed. Suffering through countless gruelling years he was rescued by Dr Grace who sent him to a special high school, but his troubles never ended there after hoping for a better future for himself. He was constantly reminded that the world back then is just as cruel as today and gives up. Not knowing what to do someone helps him redirect all those emotions towards the corrupt leaders who created such a society to exist. Forced to retreat, he escapes through a portal to another world. Having grown up and with a clear direction in mind, he slowly builds up his army defeating powerful monsters with nothing other than his wits as he navigates the difficult political climate of the world he is in and back home. Wherever he goes chaos follows as he slowly puts together the pieces of clues about the origin of the Awakening. Expect adventures, epic boss battles, wars, politics, dungeons, portals to other worlds etc...

raycrimson · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 12.1 – The Most Wanted Criminal in Yuinia The Awakening

Noblemen and the other military officials looked on with confusion. What else could be just as dangerous as a war? Their thoughts were interrupted.

"An other-world portal has opened, and is now considered to be the closest one to our capital!" General Redwood revealed.

The hall descended into dead silence as many of the official's mouths were left wide open by surprise. It also sent a sense of fear within them. The Reckoning which took place six years ago occurred due to an other-world portal, and now another one has shown up, and it's even closer to the capital. They could not believe what they were hearing.

A quiet voice was heard from a group of noblemen.

"Has anyone come out of the portal?"

That question sent chills crawling up some officials spines who were still deeply affected by the Reckoning.

"Since our scouts had discovered it a few days ago we had monitored it closely from a distance, as of yet no one has crossed over, but we have no idea how long it has been there. We scout the nearby areas every two weeks to make sure no new dungeons appear. So it could have appeared any time within those two weeks."

One of the generals got frustrated and shouted, "Two weeks! Another-world portal has been on our doorsteps for two damn weeks, and no one has noticed? An invading army could have crossed in that time and destroyed us all by now. How do we know for sure that no enemies have infiltrated into our side already?"

"We don-"

General Redwood was cut off by the massive gates opening, and a scout who was out of breath rushed in with a piece of paper. He slurred, "P-p-eople fro-from the p-portal has c-cro-"

"Calm down boy, and then speak," ordered General Quenten.

The scout finally caught his breath and reiterated, "People from the new portal have crossed over, 6 to be exact they have already slain half the scouts located there who had carelessly initiated the attack. They had asked to meet with the ruler of these lands immediately, or they will declare war. They are waiting outside the palace gates my Lord and demand an audience with you!"

Everyone becomes shocked by this sudden news as they struggle to process the information.

"You fool! You brought the enemy straight to the Royal Palace. Are you trying to get us all killed!?" Raged General Quinten.

"Bring them in," commanded the King.

"But my Highness the enemies could be dangero-"

General Redwood was cut off by the King, and they all waited for the guests from another world to appear. Many thoughts raced through their minds as they imagined what type of monsters they could look like. Only for them to be surprised as six humanoid figures in cloaks entered the hall. Everyone in the hall had stiffened at the tense atmosphere these individuals had brought with them.

"You may speak!" Ordered one of the guards who had escorted them.

"One week ago, one of our people crossed over to your side. He is a dangerous criminal who is being apprehended for numerous crimes. If we found out your nation is harbouring and protecting such an individual, it will lead to an all-out war with my people. We have already noticed that your civilisation can not compete with that of ours. It is in your best interest to do what we say unless you wish to see your nation reduced to rubble."

One of the noblemen got angry and shouted, "You dare insult our lo-"

At incredible speeds, one of the assassins decapitated the noblemen and returned to his position. In the eyes of the others, he and his men hadn't even moved an inch. The head fell onto the floor as it rolled to a stop. The only one who had noticed the movement was the King's guard; a Palladium ranked ex adventurer.

"As you can see we are not to be trifled with, if we wanted too we could slay everyone here in under three seconds."

"Preposterous!" shouted a nobleman.

"3... 2..."

Everyone started to panic, and the guards who were already transformed raised their sword into defensive positions.

"Wait." interjected the King.

The leader of the assassin group who had been counting down smiled at how easily they gave in.

"You have made the right choice. We will supply you with a picture of the suspect and have your men find him at once. We will return in seven days."

In a blink of an eye, all six had disappeared, the King looked towards his guard who had nodded as he saw them all exit the room at incredible speeds.

The officials were still in shock at what just happened. The escort picked up the paper with the suspect's face and became astonished by how realistic a picture can be on paper.

"Hand that over to me right now!" ordered General Quentin.

He looked at the piece of paper which was not from this world and was taken back by how high quality it was. He couldn't believe how an image could be so realistic on a piece of paper. Other generals noticed his expression and became intrigued and walked over to him and saw the article as well. All of them had the same look on their faces.

The language was the same, and they could read what it had said. There was the name of the suspect and the crimes he had committed.

"Quickly get all the best artists we have to copy this picture to the best of their ability. As for the reward place it at ten platinum coins!" Requested General Redwood.

"10 platinum coins for one person? Have you gone insane?"

"If these crimes are true and for the safety of our country it's worth it, is it not?" Asked General Redwood.

He became silent. How could you put a monetary value to the safety of the kingdom? The King, who had heard enough accepted their decisions. On the same day, they had their best artists copy it and spread the posters across the kingdom: every city, town and village.