
The Awakened Of Infinite Mana

What would happen if a 15-year-old boy is given an overpowered ability? Would he be mature enough to wield this power or would he succumb to his desires or would he just do whatever he wants while unknowingly collecting and attracting yandere?

ADboy245 · Fantasía
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7 Chs



Daniel strengthened his resolve once more, and he thought that since his Mp is over 50, his maximum would be 70, and thus, he formed another 20 bone shots and once again, he targetted the boss and team. 


''Daniel you fucker! You better stop now or else!'' The Captain shouted. 


The rest of the team members sent their threatening gazes toward Daniel and it frightened him. Daniel even gulped down his salivae seeing all of the threats, but he did not cower in fear since he thought it was time for him to step out. 


Still, he's dumbstruck by how much Mp he has. 


'Is it 80 or 100!?' Daniel said. 


Suddenly, he had a terrifying genius idea. 


'What if I can form hundreds of bone shots all at once!?' He thought madly. The sight of him forming an endless amount of bone shots seems to excite him.

It might seem ridiculous, but it's a reckless yet efficient way to see how much Mp he truly has. 


The Bone Shot skill doesn't have any limits as to how many bones it could form all at once, as long as you can afford the Mp consumption then it would work out and Daniel did that. 


The team members were now being vigilant of him. And, they could not help but feel a sense of dread coming from Daniel.

They can't afford to leave the battle because if one of them leaves, it would be their doom, so, they rather deal with him later on than affect their lives.


For the first few seconds, Daniel already formed 50 bone shots, but he wanted to see how much further he can go so he formed another 50.

Yet, he was not feeling tired which encourages him more to do, and eventually, by the time he thought it is enough, he already completely formed 300 bone shots that were directed at them, preparing to shoot under the command of its captain. 


'What in the world is this...how much Mp do I have?' Daniel finds it unbelievable that he has that much Mp, having more than 300 Mp is equivalent to a peak rank of Rank F hunter and he doesn't know whether he should be gratified or terrified. 


'I should find out later on, right now, I need to deal with them all, including the boss' Daniel thought and afterwards, he shot towards them. 


It is extremely surreal to see exactly three hundred bone shots barraging towards the team and the captain, even with that amount of piercing arrows, it will deal at least some minorities damage to them. 


''Fuck it hurts!'' 


''Why are there so many bones barraging us!''


''How could that pathetic backpack boy have so much Mp!?'' 


All of them defended against the unexpected torrents of bones that either inflicted some cuts on their body or further worsen the wounds that were caused by the boss. 


Choosing the choice of defending against the bone's attack was a wrong choice, the bones did not affect the boss and it gladly took the chance to attack those whose defence was disturbed by Daniel's attack.


''Look out!'' One of them warned. 


The skeleton boss immediately summoned a huge cub made from bones and smashed it onto one of them the last word he said is ''Fuck me'' and then, his body became a mashed meaty potato. 


Daniel did not feel guilty about what he has caused. Instead, he felt happy about it.

Still, it disgusted him to see a human being smashed till he becomes a pool of blood. But that didn't stop him from forming another wave of bone shots. 


''Daniel you fucker, you better stop! Don't you know that if you kill us, you won't be able to survive!?'' The Captain panicked.

The Captain could not understand how Daniel have such a huge amount of Mp and the thought of losing his life seems to cause him to feel fear. 


He was sweating all over his head and this seems to please Daniel. Seeing this side of him seems to make Daniel satisfied.

By no means is Daniel the type of a boy that enjoys seeing people begging, it's just that he can finally venture out his feelings that have been bound all together, forming a deep hatred for people like them. 


''Captain...you know what you have done to me, don't you? This isn't our first time working together and I was forced to be in this group because no other group wanted to accept me. There were dozens of teams that I used to be in but they all kicked me out because I couldn't venture on higher dungeons'' Daniel said. 


''Did you forget what you have done to me? Did you forget that you took my money? Did you forget you have tormented me?'' Daniel said. His fear of the captain is decreasing as time goes on, flashes of pained memories went through his eyes and each time he remembered it, he clenched his fist. 


Because of his anger and pain, Daniel didn't hesitate to use everything that he has. Each millisecond, a bone shot would be formed and it didn't take that long before almost 500 bone shots were shot toward him and the rest of them. 




Due to the insane amount of all bone shots being shot all at once, it created an impact and something impossible to dodge and defence against. 


''Daniel please do- 


Before the rest of them could beg for their sins and forgiveness, their Hps and body couldn't handle the amount and stress the bone shot damaged their bodies.

Some even managed to pierce through their bodies, inflicting even more damage and causing blood to spurt and eventually, all of them died. 


However, even after death, their bodies couldn't rest in peace as they were smashed by the skeleton boss and it was a gruesome sight to behold. 


'Was it this easy to kill hunters and is this how they end?' Daniel thought as he watched the scene of their lifeless body being smashed by the boss. 


'No, it was all because of my absurd Mp which I can't help but believe is infinite' Daniel thought. And his heart pulsated in excitement at the thought of this, but first, he'll have to deal with the boss before he could find out what he has awakened.