

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Ch 6

Evans and his dad gathered their things and put them in the car and they later entered. His mother came to him and they hugged.

"You can do this son, you're stronger than you think" his mother said.

"Thanks mom" he replied as they disengaged.

"We will be back tomorrow morning" His father said to his mother.

"It's alright darling. I'll be expecting you" she replied and they kissed lightly then disengaged.

"Let's get going son" he said as he turned to the car.

"Bye mom" Evan said as he opened the door to enter.

"Bye darling" she replied as the car drove off.


While on the road the place they are going, Evan decided to ask his father the question that has been bugging his mind for a while.

"Dad, I'd like to ask you something" he said and his father turned to him.

"Okay. What is it?" he asked.

"Is it going to be painful" Evan asked.

"Don't worry, it's nothing that you can't handle" he replied but Evan knew he's hiding something.

"C'mon dad, please tell me everything about this thing. You don't have to hide anything from me"

"I don't need you to sugarcoat anything. I need to know how bad it is so I can get myself ready for it"

"Please dad. Tell me everything to it. If this is going to be the way I'll be living then I need to know" Evan said with a mixture of fear and curious in his eyes.

"Okay then. The truth is, none of it is easy and everything about it is painful" His father replied.

"How painful is it?" Evan asked.

"Extremely painful" he answered and the look on Evan remained that of fear.

"Since it's your first time, you'll feel like you're going to die"

"You'll break every bone in your body over and over again. The pain will be so much that all you want is for it to stop" he concluded.

"That sounds extremely awful" Evan said already terrified.

"Yes I know" His father replied.

"Does it get better after the first time?"

"Does the pain later stop?" Evan asked with a hopeful eyes looking at his father.

"No. The pain is forever with you but as times goes on you'll get used to it" He replied.

"I don't care about that Dad. I don't want to get used to something like that"

"That sounds like a curse. How could you bestow something like that on me?"

"I don't want to experience any of things you just mentioned"

"I just want to be human and not a monster. You made me a monster" Evan said hurtfully as tears rolled down his eyes.

"I'm sorry son. I didn't mean for any of these to happen but it's not something I have power over"

"How I wish there's a way to bypass this but there isn't. Immediately you turned twenty years then you'll be just like us" He explained.

"I'm sorry this has to happen to you but I really need you to survive this" he added and Evan turned to him confusedly.

"What are you talking about?" Evan asked.

"This transformation requires only the strong to survive it" he answered.

"And if you're not strong enough?" Evan asked.

"You die" he replied and Evan gasped in shock.

"OHMYGOD" Evan said out in fear.

"It's alright Son. I know you can make it because you're strong"

"I know you're strong" he added.

"You don't know that. What if I'm not as strong as you think?" Evan asked.

"That's not possible because I've seen some things in you that proofs that to be true" he replied.

"Just believe in yourself son. You're stronger than you think" he added.

"Has anyone ever failed to complete the transformation?" Evan asked.

"Yes. There are some and most of them were girls but there are some girls that are strong enough for the transformation"

"If a girl was born in a family, she will start her training from a very young age to build her up so she can be ready for the transformation" he explained further.

"There's nothing to be afraid of but you need to be strong to overcome the pain" 

"You can do this"


After driving for some hours, they eventually got to their destination and others arriving for the ceremony as well.

They also pulled in and found a safe spot to park their car.

"Let's go" His father said as he got out of the car.

"I don't know if I'm ready to do this" Evan said.

"It's alright to be scared but trust me when I say this, you are ready" He replied smiling at him.

Evan took a deep breath then he also got out of the car and went along with his father.

He feels like a stranger in the place even though his father happens to be popular and well respected.

His father introduced him to everyone one after the other and he was surprised he knew none of them even though they lived in the same town.

Evan also found out that he isn't the only that will transform for the first time. There are others too and the ceremony was mainly about them.

While he was beside his father who was chatting with a man, a man showed up and everyone was giving a short bow as a sign of respect to him.

The man started approaching towards their position and Evan wondered who he is. 

His father wasn't aware of this but when he saw the man coming to him he stopped what he was doing and faced him. 

He also gave a short bow to the man as he got to him which only raises more curiosity for Evan.

"My king" His father said.

"John. It's been a while, how have you been?" Alan the alpha king said.

"I've been well" John replied then the alpha turned to Evan.

"This must be Evan" Alan said and Evan was surprised he knew his name.

"Son, it's customary to take a bow before the Alpha" John said and Evan did that immediately.

"It's alright John. I'm sure he will catch up" Alan replied smiling and John smiled back.

"Actually there's something I'd like to discuss with you in private" Alan said.

"Okay. I'll join you shortly" John replied.

"Evan, I'm glad you can finally join us today. I look forward to seeing you after the ceremony" Alan said then he walked off.

"I sure it's clear to you now that that's our leader and there's something we need to discuss"

"So I'll be right back. You can go around, make friends, meet new people but don't cause any trouble" John said.

"Okay" he replied then John went after the Alpha.


John went to the back of the house and he found the alpha with two more people and he knew something is up.

"Here I am" he replied.

"Alright, I want you to listen up. There's a situation on ground that need to be attended to immediately" Alan said which got everyone interest.

"There's a danger up on us and if we act up on time we can avert this danger" Alan said which only got them more curious.

"A troubling news came to me that the vampires are making a move on us. They are trying to wake up a hunter who has been asleep for a very long time"

"According to my source, this hunter is capable of killing a hundred of our kind alone"

"We can't let this happen. We can't let them wake up this hunter" Alan narrated.

"How genuine is this information?" John asked.

"My source is confirmed. For the this hunter to be awoken the vampire need a particular family and right as we speak the vampires are looking for the family"

"They haven't found them so we still have a chance to find them before the vampires do" Alan said.

"John, you're our best tracker which is why I'm assigning you to this"

"I need you to go with them and find this family today before the full moon" Alan said.

"Yes, my king" they replied and they dispersed.

"John" Alan called back and John turned to him.

"The vampires can't get their hands on that family. So I'm going to tell you what I told Ben"

"It's either you have them or kill them. It's either of the two"

"I hope you understand that?" He asked.

"Yes my king. I'll get it done"