

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Ch 2

Vampires, they are real. They are a race of undead beings who drinks blood in order to survive. 

They are immortal and if given the chance, they can survive for thousands of years or more without ageing.

Vampires are incredibly fast and unnaturally strong. After they've been turned, all their senses will be hightened.

They'll develop a strong sense of smell which enables them to perceive anything from a few meters away.

They have hearing abilities which also enables them to hear just about anything from some meters away.

Despite all these abilities they do have a major impediment which they can't do without, and that is their insatiable hunger for blood.

Vampires can't stay too long without blood. If not, they will be weak and later on desiccate.

Blood act as the diesel in their engine and without it they can't function properly and will eventually break down.

These powers and abilities grow stronger with time, age, and the consumption of human blood.

Only the supernaturals like the werewolves and the witches, knew of their existence because they tried to keep it a secret from the human world.

Any human who knew of their existence will be killed or some times compelled to forget about them. 

So they live with the humans with them knowing who they truly are.

The Vampires, the witches and the werewolves hated each other for years and they are at the brink of war.

And here in Balkan City, they are all living here together and wanted to call it home.

Since daylight is harmful to vampire, they had to find a shady place to hide during the day and come out during the night. 

The vampires have an underground nightclub which is open to the humans and the Vampires only.

Any other being that is seen inside will be killed immediately.

They allowed humans so they can feed on them when they are thirsty and then compelled the to forget.

They consider the humans their food so they had to treat them with care.

In the club, people could be seen jumping and dancing to the music that was being played. 

The tension in the club was high and steamy. 

To a normal human being, they couldn't see exactly what was going on but to any supernatural being, they could see people being slowly drained of their blood.

Over at the corner was two male Vampires feeding on a girl who was looking helpless.

The girl was writhing and moaning against the wall as they fed on her but she's been compelled not to scream.

She's not the only one in this position, there are others both male and female that are being fed on.

Up in the VIP section stood a tall shadow-like figure. The skin of this beautiful creature was as pale as snow.

The lips were as red as blood, the eyes were fierce with a hint of crimson hidden behind those chocolate brown eyes. 

Underneath those heart-melting eyes were purple bruises, like he could need a good nights sleep. 

His dark auburn spiked hair danced in the breeze as the light shone down onto his perfect features, revealing a beautiful young boy. 

He looked like a tribute for a Greek God, standing there motionless and keeping his distance between the other vampires.

He walked forward, he's slender body purchased some muscles in his arms and biceps. 

He had a strong jawline and high cheekbones.

Hid features were impossibly beautiful, everything about his appearance was unbelievable, yet unconditional.

His name is Alexander Jordan. The oldest, fastest, strongest and the ruthless of all the vampires.

His looks may be deceiving to everyone but he's the oldest and the leader of the vampires.

It is known that a vampire grows stronger as they age making Xander the strongest of them all.

Just as he was the oldest, so was he the most dangerous and heartless of them all.

He was at his place in the VIP section, he can sense a heart beating rapidly and then turned to the position where he heard it.

He saw one of his men walking into the club and he can sense how troubled he was. The man happens to be one of his trusted men and one of the oldest.

The man walked up to him and takes a bow before him then stands upright.

"What bothers you?, Leon" Xander asked immediately.

"Xander, I've brought troubling news" Leon replied looking worried which gave Xander a more reason to be concern.

"Spit it already" Xander replied growing impatient.

"I overheard some people talking about a hunter who is strong enough to kill hundreds of vampires with his bare hands" he replied and Xander looked more interested on the topic.

"Who are these people?" Xander asked.

"I don't know. Before I could get to their location, they are already gone."

"Forgive me, I couldn't pick up on their scent either, so I lost them" he added disappointedly.

"That sounds like a trap. This could be the work of the werewolves. Don't you think maybe the werewolves are planning an attack?" 

"This could be their plan to send us chasing a wild goose while they plan an attack against us and you know there's another full moon upon us" Xander replied.

"They will be at their strongest and the perfect time to attack. so we can't take any chances" he added.

"You may be right but I think I should remind you of a certain hunter who could actually do this" Leon said.

"He's been asleep for a century and if he's going to be awoken it's going to be soon. Any moment from now" he added.

"And you know who that is and what he can do" he concluded.

"How can that be?"

"I had every member of the family all killed decades ago to prevent the hunter from waking up."

"I made sure I traced every last one of them and have them all killed" Xander replied.

"Only the blood from a member of this family can revive the hunter and they've all been killed" 

"The werewolves knew this as well, they just wanted to distract us for their evil plans" He concluded.

"Okay, but I'll just want us to sweep the city just to be sure" Leon suggested.

"Fine, take some men with you and look around for any trace of this particular family" Xander agrees.

"If a member of this family managed to survive decades ago then that means such person changed his/her name"

"Do whatever it takes, Find them." He commanded.

"What do we do if we find them?" Leon asked.

"Don't waste any minute. Kill them on the spot and bring me their heads" he replied.