

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Ch 1

Kate's POV

My city is crawling with the supernaturals and the lives of humans are at stake. 

We have the blood-sucking monster and creatures of the night who we know as vampires, and we also have the lycanthrope that we referred to as the werewolves.

This city was a peaceful one until they came here and turned things upside down. Death toll in the city was increasing by the day.

The humans are no longer safe because they stand no chance against this people. 

Not many people knew about their existence and those that find out about them are dead.

A few of us that know about them prayed for them to leave but it turns out this people are here to stay.

There is another supernatural being in the city and they are called witch. They are extinct but their power is limited.

The good side about the witch is that they don't hurt humans and they have no reason to do so. So humans are safe around.

There's a war going on between the werewolves and the vampire and this has been going on for over two centuries.

If the war effect had been between them, it would've been better but we humans are the ones that suffered the outcome.

It's been months since my parents told me about this mysterious hunter, who has been asleep for a century.

 According to my parents, this hunter is capable of killing any supernatural creature because that's what he's made for.

The vampires don't stand a chance against him. Even the werewolves won't dream of fighting him.

 According to my parents, this hunter is infused with an immense power which gives him superiority against any supernatural being.

Every supernatural being turned my city, Balkan city to their home and never wanted to leave and they are increasing in numbers.


Our family came from a very long line of hunters that hunt down these creatures but we aren't that strong to handle them.

The only thing we can do is to defend ourselves against them which my parents taught me from a very little age.

They taught me ways and how to kill them and I've done that some couple of times.

When my parents told me about this hunter, I was against the idea of waking him even though it might be for our benefits.

This hunter doesn't just kill the creatures alone but also anyone who stands in their way.

He has been asleep for a century and the world he knows then isn't the same anymore. Everything has changed.

What I'm actually afraid of is that, if the vampires or the werewolves learned about this they could hunt them down and killed them including me.

And besides, we don't even know if this hunter will be able to stop them because these creatures are evolving every year.

This is the 21st century and things are way different than the olden days. I'm not too sure this hunter is capable of protecting us.

Ever since my parents told me about him, we've been having an argument almost every day.

I tried changing their mind especially now that the time allocated for him to wake is near.


"Mom, do you really have to do this?" I asked again this morning as my mom is preparing for the trip.

In three days, they will be heading to the location where the hunter is sleeping to wake him up.

"Honey, why are you being like this?"

"Your mother and I have explained this to you so many times. Why don't you understand?" my father said showing his displeasure.

"Dad, try to understand me too. What if what you're about to do will bring much evil than Good"

"Mom, you told me this guy is very dangerous and he was built to kill"

"Why would you want to wake someone like that?" I questioned hoping they could see my point.

"The vampire and the werewolves don't know about us. If you do this they will all be coming for us" I added.

"This is why we have to do this. Only he can help us against the werewolves and the vampires"

"I'm not just doing this because of our protection alone but for a lot of people"

"This is my job and my destiny. My parents already explained all this to me" My mother said.

"This was passed down from generation to generation. This time around it falls on me and I have to be the one to wake him" she added.

The hunter was created from my mother's forefathers and only her blood and mine can wake the hunter.

"You don't even know this guy. He's been asleep for a century, even Grandpa and Grandma didn't know him before they died"

"He could kill you. I don't have a good feeling about this" I complained.

"Enough. One day, I'm sure you'll understand all this and the reason why I have to do this"

"The time has come. The hunter has to be awoken." She concluded then went back into their room.

"This is a very big mistake Dad" I said turning to dad.

"Look here honey. I believe you mother and I think you should too. This isn't some sort of story or folklore, this is real" Dad said.

"But dad, if they find out about what we're about to do, they will hunt us down and kill us all" I said.

"And if we don't, this hunter will hunt us down until he kill every last member of this family." Dad said and I spooked and draw back in fear.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Are you saying that just for me to agree with you?" I added even though I knew he won't joke around with something like that.

"No. It actually happened." He confirmed.

"Some centuries back, a family forgot to wake him up after sleeping for a 100years. The next decade, the hunter woke up and hunts them down"

"He killed every member of the family but save one" he concluded.

"What!, that is not a hunter, it's a monster"

"I thought you said he was supposed to protect us." I said.

"Yes, but in cases like that when he is denied his chance to come alive, he can do that" he replied.

"Now you see why we have to do this. It is to protect you and your brother" he replied.

"In other not to get caught up in the war between these two kinds. We need to protect ourselves by waking up this hunter"

"He alone is strong enough to stand against them; I hope you understand now?" he added and I nodded affirmative.

"I'm just scared that's all" I replied which is actually the truth.

"There's nothing to be scared about, we will be fine" he replied then hugged me.

"This is not up to us anymore; we just have to wake him."