
The Average Crossover Experience

Imagine dying and then waking up in the body of a thug in the Marvel universe. Sounds wild, right? Well, that's just the beginning of my story. One moment I was dying on the sidewalk, and the next, I'm in some rundown apartment, looking at two duffle bags, one filled money, the other with drugs. It's not long before I realize I'm smack in the middle of a city where almost everyone wants me dead. Every corner I turn, there's someone with a grudge, a gun, or both trying to take me out. Just when I'm starting to get the hang of dodging danger and figuring out how to survive in this new world, things get even crazier. I discover I can travel into yet another world—a game-like realm that's somehow connected to my new reality. It's like stepping into a video game where the rules are different, and the stakes are just as high.

Wickedward · Cómic
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45 Chs

The Request #29

As I walked into Professor X's office, the grandeur of the room struck me. The high ceilings, the walls lined with bookshelves, and the large desk at the center—all spoke of wisdom and authority. Professor X was seated behind the desk, his calm demeanor radiating a sense of control.

Behind me, Logan, or Wolverine as he was infamously known, followed closely. He purposely bumped into me, his shoulder hitting mine with enough force to make a point. I winced internally but kept my face impassive. Running into Wolverine was the last thing I wanted; he was known for being unpredictable, suspicious, and volatile.

If it were up to him, I'd be out the door without a second thought. I had no doubt his sudden change of heart was due to Professor X's intervention, telling him telepathically to stand down now that I thought about it.

"Welcome," Professor X said, his voice warm and inviting. "Please, take a seat."

"Thanks," I muttered, nodding as I lowered myself onto the sofa. Logan remained standing, his arms crossed and eyes boring into me, a silent reminder of his presence and his mistrust.

"So, what can I do for you?" Professor X asked, leaning forward slightly, his hands clasped on the desk.

"I have a problem that only you can solve," I began, my voice steady despite the weight of the situation. I trailed off, glancing at Logan. "It's kind of a private matter. I'd prefer to discuss it in private."

Professor X raised an eyebrow, but before he could respond, Logan scoffed. "That's not gonna happen, bub. You're already suspicious as it is... what do you really want? Are you here to stick a shiv in the professor's ribs?"

I sighed, knowing this was going to be a tough sell. "I understand your concern, but this is a matter of personal importance. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't, and I sure as hell wouldn't be offering so much money...."

Logan's eyes narrowed. "Personal or not, we don't let strangers waltz in and make demands."

Professor X held up a hand, silencing Logan. "Logan, if you're quite finished, please step outside for a moment." He turned his attention back to me, his expression patient and composed. "If our friend here proves to be a threat, then I'm perfectly capable of handling it, or calling for help at the very least."

Wolverine grunted, his eyes still narrowed in suspicion. "I don't like this one bit."

Professor X sighed, a hint of weariness in his eyes. "I've studied the human mind for so long that I can read people like books at this point." He turned to me and smiled gently. "I can tell this young man here is in need of my help, or at least he believes so."

Logan finally relented, though his frown deepened. "I really don't like this. But suit yourself, Charles." With that, he turned and exited the office, closing the door behind him with a heavy thud.

Professor X turned back to me, his demeanor once again calm and inviting. "Now, what can I do for you? Speak freely."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. "Right, I might as well start by introducing myself—"

"Vito Morreti," Professor X interrupted, his voice steady and knowing. "A wanted criminal who has supposedly been captured and confined in a maximum security facility."

I blinked, taken aback. I hadn't expected Professor X to know about me, let alone recognize me instantly. "How do you know about me?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Professor X smiled, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "I have an excellent security system and a woman with an extraordinary mind overseeing it. She goes out of her way to look into any unexpected guests, who arrive at the mansion unannounced...."

'He's probably talking about Sage... only she can identify someone from security footage so quickly...' I mused, keeping my thoughts to myself and putting on a smile instead.

"Of course, how come I didn't think of that?" I said, trying to inject some levity into the conversation. Then I cleared my throat, my tone turning serious. "Then I suppose I'll start by saying that I'm not here to cause trouble. I do need your help."

"I believe you," Professor X said, his voice reassuring. "Now, tell me about your problem."

I hesitated, second thoughts swirling in my mind. But as I glanced to the side, I caught Vito's amused expression. It was almost as if he was daring me to speak.

I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve. "It might sound strange," I began, "but I believe I have a psychological problem."

Professor X raised an eyebrow, genuine surprise flickering across his face. "While I might have studied psychology, I'm hardly a licensed shrink. Might I suggest a psychologist, who would be better equipped to help you? And very much less expensive."

I chuckled bitterly. "My particular problem isn't something any shrink can solve." I paused, searching for the right words. "I have the memories of two individuals in my head. One set of memories is mine, and the other belongs to a completely different person."

The professor's frown deepened. "That is quite interesting. Have you considered that these memories might be hallucinations?"

I shook my head firmly. "I'm perfectly sane, if that's what you're asking, but these memories... each of them feels like they were my own as if I was there when I wasn't. I've also mastered skills that I never practiced before."

Professor X seemed intrigued by my words. He retrieved a notebook and a pen, beginning to jot down notes. "Are there any other circumstances?"

I glanced at Vito again, hesitating. "The owner of the other set of these memories sometimes appears to me. He talks to me. I know how crazy this sounds, but that's exactly why I came to you, Professor. Because of your telepathic abilities."

Professor X leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen thoughtfully against his chin. "I will assume you came to me, believing I can ascertain whether you're simply insane or suffering from an unknown phenomenon because of my telepathic abilities... is that correct?"

I nodded. "Yes. If I had gone to a proper psychologist, I would have undoubtedly received the nutjob treatment..." I let out a bitter smile and continued. "And at the very least, even if it turns out I'm just crazy, you can't exactly throw me into the looney house seeing as you aren't a licensed shrink."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Vito grinning, leaning casually against the wall. "So you came all the way here to get rid of me when you could have just ignored me like you usually do," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or maybe you just don't know if you're going crazy yourself, do you?"

I shot Vito a dirty glare but held my tongue. Professor Xavier seemed to notice my reaction, his gaze shifting to the empty corner where Vito stood. He let out a thoughtful hum. "Is this persona you speak of currently present? Can you see it?"

I grumbled, "Yes, unfortunately."

The professor put down his notebook and pen, leaning forward with a serious expression. "Then there's a simple way to ascertain if you're insane or not. However, I'll need to access your brain, and for that, I need your consent."

I couldn't help but frown at his words. The idea of someone rummaging through my mind wasn't exactly appealing, especially with the many secrets I harbored. Though I suspected Professor X would ask for something like this, I hoped it wouldn't come to it.

He seemed to sense my hesitation. "I understand your concerns," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "Delving into the mind is a significant intrusion, but in this particular case, it needn't be. I simply need to attune myself with your brain waves so I can see what you are seeing."

I paused, considering his words. "So, you won't delve into my memories, or go fishing for some long-forgotten childhood trauma?"

Professor X shook his head with a wry smile. "No. However, if I find a reason to believe you aren't simply hallucinating or suffering from a psychological illness, I might need to delve deeper into your mind to identify, and even remove, the problem in its entirety."

I took a deep breath, weighing my options. Vito's presence had become increasingly unbearable. Though I could have avoided all this trouble by ignoring his advice, I didn't want a second persona in my head acting as my capricious, strangely impulsive shoulder devil.

"Alright," I said slowly. "You have my consent. Just... be careful and don't go poking around my brain more than you need to..."

"Of course," Professor X agreed with a nod. "I promise to be as respectful as possible."


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