
The Average Crossover Experience

Imagine dying and then waking up in the body of a thug in the Marvel universe. Sounds wild, right? Well, that's just the beginning of my story. One moment I was dying on the sidewalk, and the next, I'm in some rundown apartment, looking at two duffle bags, one filled money, the other with drugs. It's not long before I realize I'm smack in the middle of a city where almost everyone wants me dead. Every corner I turn, there's someone with a grudge, a gun, or both trying to take me out. Just when I'm starting to get the hang of dodging danger and figuring out how to survive in this new world, things get even crazier. I discover I can travel into yet another world—a game-like realm that's somehow connected to my new reality. It's like stepping into a video game where the rules are different, and the stakes are just as high.

Wickedward · Cómic
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45 Chs

Horrible Enemy #41

The figure, none other than Spider-Man, crossed his arms and tilted his head, his white eyes narrowing slightly. "Remember me?" he asked, his tone casual yet probing. "Last time we met, it was also in a dark alley, but it seems like you've stepped up your game since then."

His gaze shifted to Big C's unconscious form slung over my shoulder. "I see you kidnap shady-looking men in dark alleys now instead of running for them."

I cursed internally. The last person I wanted to encounter right now was Spider-Man. "This... this isn't what it looks like," I stammered, awkwardly glancing at Big C. "Okay, maybe it is, but this guy's a scumbag. He had it coming."

Spider-Man's eyes widened in recognition. "I know him. Big C, One of Silvermane's goons. But that doesn't mean he suddenly loses his civil rights, or that you get to kidnap him." He took a step forward, his posture tense and ready. "Let the man go and come with me to the police station. Willingly. Or I'll have to make you."

Vito materialized beside me, his expression one of impatient annoyance. "Just hurry up and shoot him so we can get out of here," he muttered.

I gritted my teeth, holding back a curse. The very idea of drawing a gun on Spider-Man was ludicrous. Even if I did, his spider-sense would have me disarmed in a heartbeat. I let out a sigh, realizing that reasoning with him wasn't going to work. I needed to take drastic measures.

Looking directly into Spider-Man's eyes, I said, "You're making a mistake, Peter."

Spider-Man's stance faltered, his surprise evident even through the mask. "What did you just call me?"

I took a step closer, lowering my voice. "Peter Parker. I know that's who you are under the mask, and I know a lot more than just that... in my head, there's shit you wouldn't even believe." I gestured to Big C, "You probably think this is just a part of some gang war, but you have no idea what's at stake here.."

Taking a deep breath I continued. "I think it will be both of our best interests if you took a step back on this one. It's got nothing to do with you anyway..."

Spider-Man's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Are you threatening me?"

I shook my head slowly. "No, I'm just trying to show you that I'm not your enemy. I knew who you were from the first time we met. You're secret is safe with me."

I paused, letting my words sink in, then continued. "At the end of the day, there's one thing I'm sure of, and it's that you don't want to make an enemy of me, Peter. I'd make a horrible one..."

Spider-Man clenched his fists, the tension palpable in the air. For a moment, I thought he might attack, but then he stepped aside, opening the way. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth, his voice low and controlled.

I nodded at him, my tone calm. "You did the right thing," I said as I walked past him, my mind racing with the implications of our encounter. I knew this wasn't over. By antagonizing Spider-Man and revealing that I knew his secret identity, I had just painted a target on my back.

Spider-Man was known for his strong moral compass and willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good. His resigned acceptance was probably just an act so he could gather more information and find a way to take me down without risking his secret identity. But it just so happened that time was all that I needed.

As I continued through the alley, I ran through my options. I only needed to have someone from SHIELD contact Spider-Man and tell him that I was working with them. Worst-case scenario, I'd get Captain America to vouch for me in exchange for more intel on Hydra. But until then, I had to stay one step ahead.

I heard Spider-Man's web-shooter thwip behind me, and I glanced back to see him swing up and out of sight. I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

To think there would come a day when I had to threaten my childhood hero with his secret identity... it wasn't often that I felt the weight of my decisions so heavily, but this was one of those times.


In an abandoned building not too far from the bar, Carlo and his wife sat on the dusty ground, their gazes alternating between the gagged and tied-up Big C and Vito, who was having a heated argument over the phone. The eerie quiet of the building was occasionally punctuated by the sounds of Vito's raised voice.

The Vanwyrm and Nitewing circled the sky above, keeping a vigilant watch for any pursuers.

Finally, Vito finished his phone call, slipping his device back into his pocket with a frustrated sigh. Carlo stood up, brushing off his pants, and approached him. "So, how are we getting out of the city?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Vito shrugged. "A helicopter will be here to take us away shortly."

Carlo raised an eyebrow. "A helicopter?" He gave Vito a strange look. "You sure have gotten close to your spook buddies."

"Not really," Vito replied, his tone nonchalant. "It's either they do as I say and send a helicopter, or they deal with the cover-up of me forcing my way out of town."

Carlo crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "You're playing a dangerous game, Vito. These people don't seem like they should be messed with."

Vito sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You have no idea, Carlo. But they need me. I can handle them."

Carlo nodded slowly. "I suppose you know best," he said before returning to his wife's side. She looked up at him with worried eyes, and he offered her a reassuring smile.

Soon enough, the distant sound of a helicopter cutting through the air reached their ears. Vito straightened up, nodding toward the exit. "Our ride is here."

Carlo helped his wife to her feet, and together they made their way outside. Vito hoisted Big C over his shoulder with a grunt and followed them. Once outside, they watched as the helicopter descended, the intense wind from the rotors whipping their clothes and hair.

Big C began to stir, his eyes fluttering open. Dizzy, disoriented, and confused, he squinted against the bright lights of the helicopter. "What's.. uh, what's going on? Where... are we... where are we... going?" he mumbled, his voice barely audible over the noise.

Vito smiled down at him, though there was no warmth in his eyes. "We're heading to a private island. The exact location isn't something you need to concern yourself with though."

Big C started to say something else, but Vito cut him off with a swift headbutt, knocking him unconscious once again.

"You keep hitting that guy on the head and he'll soon turn stupid... no good to anyone..." Carlo said, sighing as he helped his wife into the helicopter.

Vito grunted as he deposited Big C into the helicopter. "Doubtful. The guy's got a thick head..." he said, taking a seat while holding his head, clearly in pain. "I should have just hit him with the gun again..."

Carlo couldn't help but offer an awry smile, saying nothing as he shook his head.

Giving the pilot's seat a few light knocks, Vito braced as the chopper took off. As it began to gain height, he glanced out the window, watching the city lights grow smaller and smaller.

Vito had managed to save Carlo and his wife, but this was far from over. If Manfredi didn't know his alleged arrest was a ruse, then he did now. What's more, he was now on Spider-Man's radar, and many more people were starting to become aware of him.

Vito leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes for a moment's respite. His thoughts drifted to the complications he'd face in the future, but he was ready. He had to be.

The sound of the helicopter's rotors was the only thing that filled the silence, a constant reminder of their precarious situation. But Vito knew one thing for certain: he would do whatever it took to protect himself and thrive.

He was given a second chance at life and Vito had no intention of squandering it. With that resolve, he allowed himself a brief moment of peace as they flew toward their uncertain future.