
Everyday Life - I

Elio slid a piece of paper across the desk at me.

I took it and mulled over the situation at hand.

We had gone to Elio's office to talk about it in depth. But to basically sum it up, he saw that I had a knack for maneuvering uncharted grounds and wanted me to join him as an official apprentice Gate Explorer.

It was basically like the internships students could get as a Second Year when the various guilds and organizations came knocking. But instead I was getting offered it while still a First Year.

Elio laced his fingers together and said, "The contract is just a formality. What I really want is to train that talent of yours." He put on a serious expression and said, "There aren't many individuals willing to enter Gates. And a majority of those that do fail to return."

I looked up at him and said, "You aren't really selling me on this offer, Professor."

Elio nodded. "I am aware. It IS a hard sell. However, I can assure you that it will be to your benefit. Like you said, you are lacking in many regards. However, as a Gate Explorer, even honorary, you will be able to find the materials to close the gaps between you and your peers." 

It was true. While I only wrote a few in for Roland to explore, the general rule was that Gates had useful stuff. Even more if you managed to clear it. 

The problem was that these Gates didn't have proper clear conditions. Although it was possible to cut your way out of one with sheer force, that wasn't the same as clearing one and neutralizing it. Moreover, failing to properly clear a Gate made it increasingly likely for that Gate to <Shatter >, spilling out its inhabitants into the real world and creating a permanent <Field > where reality had been completely replaced by the Gate's territory.

In short, high risk, high reward. 

Even so, most students wouldn't take it. After all, even failing out from Starlight Academy was an honor. Graduating would be enough to set one up for life. And you could always spend credits to obtain materials from Gates. There was no need to go into one yourself.

But I was different. And maybe that was what Elio sensed in me.

Unlike my peers, I knew we were on a timer. Everything would hit the fan come the Winter Solstice Ball at the end of the semester. And when it did, at least a hundred of the 'extras' would be killed off when the Void Arbiters made their grand entrance onto the world stage.

So it wouldn't be wrong to say that I was a little desperate to gather more resources to try and mitigate that sort of scenario as best as I could.

"There won't be any danger." Elio continued and said, "You will never enter a Gate without my supervision, and I will never take you into a Gate without a secured escape route."

I picked up a pen from a nearby cup and said, "It seems like there's nothing but benefits for me, Professor." I looked at him and said, "What do you get out of this?"

That was the sticking point.

I had already planned to start taking some private expeditions and raid some Gates on my own when we were authorized to after midterms. But what made Elio seek me out to ask me to be his intern? I didn't remember the Exploration Guild lacking that many members...

"I get a potential colleague who can help me clear Tartarus."

I froze.

-Tartarus. It was the EX-Ranked Gate that sealed Elio's death in "Three Disasters and an Ending." A mythical Gate that had existed since the start of the Skyfall Incident, and one rumored to be able to bring a person back to life by retrieving their soul from the underworld. 

But I knew that rumor was true. After all, it was something I thought about having Roland clear to bring Evelyn back at the end of the story. Of course, I didn't use it in the end.

The way it worked was to recreate the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. A person that made their way to the depths of Tartarus would be able to make a request to revive a person to the ruler of the underworld waiting there. And if they managed fight their way back through Tartarus and escape without looking back, the person would return to life.

"...Do you have someone you want to bring back, Professor?" 

Elio smiled and didn't answer.

But I knew it without him saying. Evelyn's mother, who died in childbirth. The one he and his brother both loved, but who chose the Emperor instead of him.

Elio thought it wasn't fair. Therefore, he spent his whole life preparing just for that slim chance to bring her back. A completely unconditional and one-sided love.

I wrote it in as a casual backstory, but seeing the man before me... Well, I couldn't fault him.

Though foolish, it was still commendable. 

But I was getting sidetracked. I looked at the contract and gave it a once over.

The terms were simple and straight forward:

1. Elio Endless would provide resources to Alexander Smith to develop his talent as a student and in Gate Exploration.

2. Elio Endless would make arrangements for Alexander Smith to become an Honorary Gate Explorer and leave campus on normal class days and/or beyond curfew.

3. Elio Endless would take Alexander Smith on Gate Explorations as an Honorary Gate Explorer, but only after securing an exit and only to Gates within Alexander's level of ability.

4. The above terms would continue until Alexander Smith's graduation from Starlight Academy or four years, the later of which applies.

5. In consideration of the above, Alexander Smith vows to aid Elio Endless with the exploration of Tartarus upon graduation from Starlight Academy or four years, the later of which applies, be it in the form of preparations or in actual exploration.

Since it wasn't anything I disagreed with, I signed the contract and slid it back to Elio.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Mister Smith. You won't regret it."

"Just call me Alex, Professor."

Elio's smile widened and he held out his hand. "Then you can call me Elio." He paused and said, "Better to get used to it considering you may become family in the future."

I laughed and shook his hand. "Good joke, Elio. But I think you overestimate my abilities in being able to stand beside the Imperial Princess."

"And I believe you underestimate my niece's determination to arrange events for those she favors... But we'll see. Now." Elio ended the handshake and said, "How about we have a celebratory luncheon? We can discuss the details of your sponsorship there as well, such as your stipend and the like..."


The woods behind the school. There, a young man with crimson hair and a young woman with emerald hair were taking a stroll. Roland and Marisa.

Roland rested his hand on his sword while sweeping his gaze around the surroundings to keep an eye out for monsters. Though, considering his current companion, it was a bit unnecessary. Still, he continued doing it to maintain the habit. And afterwards, he glanced over at Marisa before smiling. "Thank you for accompanying me for training, Mari."

Marisa's cheeks turned a faint shade of red and said, "I-It's no trouble, Roland. Grandfather and Uncle always say I spend too much time indoors, so it's good to get some fresh air."

Roland laughed. "Funnily enough, my parents tell me the opposite. They say that I spend too much time swinging my sword outside and that I should stay inside more to read."

Marisa giggled. "Well, the life of a noble is a bit different, isn't it?"

Roland sighed. "Unfortunately so." He subconsciously glanced back at campus and said, "If I could be as carefree as Alexander, life would be quite different."

Though he was just the son of a Baron, Roland was still the son of a noble household. He might be able to run around for now because his parents were lenient, but eventually he would have to settle down to maintain the household.

It wasn't something he looked forward to. As a swordsman, he longed to test his limits and see how far he could go with his own efforts and not just his title.

That was in part why Alexander was so inspiring.

Although Roland knew that he had a tragic backstory, the fact that his friend had accomplished so much with so little showed what people could do. A large portion of that was due to Alexander's ability to stand unflinching in danger and wager his life. A smaller part was natural intellect and honed skill, but fundamentally it was a feat that anyone willing to throw their life on the line could replicate.

Unlike Nobles who rested on their laurels and relied on inherited physiques, talents, and resources, Alexander represented the true intent of Starlight Academy showing how anyone could become a Hero.

Which was why Roland was doing his best to help his friend get in the good graces with the princess.

After all, change was better if it came from within. And if the Emperor Consort was a person like Alexander, change for the better would undoubtedly flow.

...Of course that was just Roland's wish. He'd have to see if it was even possible first. His friend seemed to be either quite dense or quite stubborn about the princess's affection...

Marisa let out a sigh.

Roland blinked and then looked over at her. "Is something wrong?"

Marisa quickly shook her head, her face a bit red. "N-No! Nothing at all! In fact, everything is great!"

Roland tilted his head and frowned. "...Are you sure you are well? You expended quite a bit of effort when we captured that spy last night..."

"I'm fine! Promise!" 

"...If you say so."

"I do! And in any case..." Marisa took a deep breath to collect herself. And then she put on a serious expression and said, "What do you think of that situation? Headmistress Lux said she would handle it... but they were definitely targeting Alexander."

Roland walked over to lean against a tree. After that, he nodded and said, "I remember. You said you think it's because he's a genius, right Mari?" 

Marisa conjured a ball of wind to sit on. After that, she nodded and said, "He casually discusses theories and applications that would advance the field of magic centuries ahead. I haven't told Grandfather or Uncle about him, but if they knew they would come here in force to recruit him."

Roland laughed. "Quite the impressive friend then, our Alexander. Especially considering that he seems to have been scouted by the legendary Endless Explorer as well."

-<Endless Explorer>. That was the name given to the Emperor's younger brother who threw away his name in order to found the Explorer's Guild and standardize the methods of evaluating and exploring Gates. 

He was such a famous and capable figure that Roland still found it amazing Starlight Academy managed to have him as a professor.

And such an individual had taken an interest in Alexander.

Roland sighed and said, "I am beginning to wonder if Alexander does not realize his own value."

Marisa furrowed her brow and said, "I know! He should be living in a cozy library somewhere working on advancing magic instead of being a Hero!"

"...I meant that he was taking his life too lightly. But maybe that would be for the best as well."

Marisa blushed and then turned her head to cough.

Roland pushed himself off from the tree and then stretched. "Well... enough talking." He glanced in the distance and saw shadowy figures approaching. Monsters.

Marisa noticed as well and then composed herself. After she did, she said, "To confirm, you just want me to take notes on your magic, potential avenues of improvement, and then rescue you if things get out of hand?"

Roland drew his blade. At the same time, a golden light started wrapping his body as he preemptively cast healing magic for his next actions. "That's correct. ...And you may have to drag my body back as well. Apologies in advance." 

"No, no. Thank you."


"N-Nothing!" Marisa shook her head, face red again. But she focused and said, "Rank 2 Shadow Wolves and Rank 3 Vorpal Bunnies are approaching!"

"Understood." Roland shifted his blade into a combat stance. "Roland Lionheart, engaging!"