
The Attacking System

Alex a boy whose dream was to be a footballer to care for his family, died. But then he realised he came back?

Jimmy_Young12 · Ciudad
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36 Chs

The Trials Showdown


As the whistle blew, the red team, led by Alex, showcased their attacking prowess. Their fluid passes and lightning-fast counterattacks kept the opposition on their toes. The club's scouts who had came to the touchline was mesmerised as Alex skillfully weaved through the defense, leaving defenders in his wake.

With the score at 2-1, the red team intensified their efforts. Alex, driven by his determination, rallied his teammates. They pressed forward relentlessly, launching a series of blistering attacks. The pressure mounted on the opposing team's defense.

Few minutes before the 51st minute, a moment of brilliance unfolded. Alex received a perfectly timed pass from Paul Jose his teammate, a golden opportunity to attack. With lightning reflexes, he sprinted past a defender, an Elastico past another leaving them in his wake, a step over to confuse the other, then a powerful shot that rocketed into the top corner of the net. The boys in red erupted in jubilation as their team scored yet another goal, 3-1.

But the battle was far from over. The blue team fought back fiercely, desperately seeking an equalizer. Alex, aware of the gravity of the situation, marshaled his team's defense, urging them to stay focused and resolute. They held their ground, repelling wave after wave of attacks.

With every passing second, the tension grew. The red team displayed unwavering determination, their collective effort shining through. Finally, the referee blew the whistle, signaling the end of the match.

As the final whistle blew, the scouts in the stadium was dumbfounded by the performance they just witnessed. The red team had emerged victorious in their trials, and Alex Bram's heart swelled with pride. He had played a pivotal role in securing the win. Even though he was sure that not everyone who played would be chosen

After the match, the boys gathered at the touchline waiting for instructions from Coach Johan. Their faces were tense because they knew that not all would stay.

Johan entered their midst. His presence commanded respect, they knew he was also the Coach of the youth team so everywhere fell silent. Johan's eyes gleamed with pride and also disdain as he addressed the team.

"Boys, I couldn't be prouder and disappointed of what you've displayed today," Johan began. "You displayed incredible skill, determination, and nonsense out on that field. You fought for every ball, supported each other, and some played shit."

Johan continued, "But let's not forget that this is just the beginning. Being among the boys chosen is a significant accomplishment, but it's only the first step on our journey. There are more challenges you are going us to face, and greater heights to reach."

The boys nodded, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding. Johan's words resonated deeply within them.

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