
The Attacking System

Alex a boy whose dream was to be a footballer to care for his family, died. But then he realised he came back?

Jimmy_Young12 · Ciudad
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35 Chs

The Aftermath

The whistle had blown, signaling the end of the match between Ajax U15 and Vitesse U15. Ajax had emerged victorious with a stunning 3-0 win. The players embraced each other, high-fiving, and some exchanging jerseys with their opponents. The crowd applauded as the teams walked off the field, especially after witnessing the outstanding performances of Alex Bram and Steven Gerben.

In the locker room, the atmosphere was lively. Coach Johan Berg was beaming with pride as he gathered the team for a quick debrief. The boys were still buzzing from the adrenaline rush of the game, and the locker room was filled with the sounds of excitement and celebration.

"All right, everyone, gather around," Coach Johan said, clapping his hands to get their attention. "That was a fantastic game. I'm proud of all of you. We played as a team, and the results speak for themselves. But let's not get too carried away. We have more games to play, and we need to stay focused. Enjoy this victory, but remember, the hard work continues tomorrow."

The players nodded, and there was a collective cheer from the group. Richard Klein, the center forward who had scored twice thanks to Alex Bram's assists, turned to Alex with a wide grin.

"Man, you were on fire out there," he said, giving Alex a friendly punch on the shoulder. "That reverse step-over you pulled off in the first half was insane. You left that defender in the dust!"

Alex smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He had worked hard to master those skills, and it was gratifying to see them pay off on the field.

"Thanks, Richard," he replied. "But you were the one who finished the chances. It was a team effort."

Steven Gerben, who had scored a beautiful curler from the edge of the box, joined the conversation. "I can't believe you pulled off that reverse elastico, Alex. That was slick! I need you to teach me that one."

Alex chuckled. "Sure, but you'll need to practice a lot. It's all about timing and precision."

As the players changed into their regular clothes, the coaches handed out snacks and drinks to keep them energized. Coach Johan approached Alex and Steven, giving them both a pat on the back.

"Excellent work, both of you," he said. "Keep this up, and you'll have a bright future in football. Just remember to stay humble and keep working hard."

Alex nodded, appreciating the coach's encouragement. He knew that the road to success was long and required dedication and discipline. But he was willing to put in the effort.

After the team had finished celebrating, they left the locker room and headed to the parking lot, where their families were waiting. Alex's Mother, Hannah Bram, was there, smiling and waving at him. She had been watching the match from the stands and were thrilled with the outcome.

"Alex! You were amazing out there!"Hannah exclaimed, running up to him and giving him a big hug.

Alex laughed and reciprocated the hug. "Thanks, Mom. I didn't even expect you to come."

Hannah just smirky. "As if I would miss your first match, Alex. You played a great game today. Keep working hard, and you'll go far.

Alex thanked his mother for her support and spent a few minutes chatting with her about the game. He knew that she had sacrificed a lot by coming to watch his match, and he was grateful for everything she did.

As the crowd began to disperse, Steven Gerben's parents approached, along with Coach Johan. The coach had a serious look on his face, indicating that he had something important to discuss.

"Alex, Steven, I need to talk to you both for a moment," he said, gesturing for them to step aside from the crowd.

The boys exchanged curious glances but followed the coach to a quieter spot. Coach Johan checked to make sure no one else was listening before he spoke.

"Listen, I've received some inquiries from scouts who were at the game today," he said in a low voice. "They were very impressed with both of you, and there's a chance that you might get some offers to join youth academies or even professional clubs. But I want you to remember that you're still young, and you have a lot of growing to do. Don't rush into anything. Take your time, and make sure you have the right people guiding you."

Alex and Steven listened intently, understanding the gravity of the coach's words. It was exciting to hear about potential opportunities, but they knew they needed to stay grounded and focused on their development.

"We understand, Coach," Alex said. "We're not going to rush into anything. We'll take it one step at a time."

Coach Johan nodded, satisfied with their response. "Good. Just keep working hard, and the opportunities will come. Now, go and enjoy the rest of your evening. You've earned it."

The boys thanked the coach and rejoined their families. As they walked toward the parking lot, Alex felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. The road ahead was full of possibilities, and he was ready to embrace the journey.

As they drove away from the academy, Alex couldn't help but smile. The match had been a success, but he knew that it was just the beginning. There were more challenges to come, and he was determined to face them with skill and determination.

With his mother by his side and the support of his team, Alex Bram was ready to take on whatever the future held. The next chapter of his football journey had just begun.

Sorry guys I forgot about the system mission and made Alex make two assists with no goals. So just take it that the first goal was scored by him

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