
The start of it all.

Dazai was in the library as always, he was searching for a way to talk with Akutagawa when the acting director called him to his office, which was strange since he hadnt called him since after the hanahaki incident(which well talk about later in another chapter) so he was curious to know what would be the subject this time, he was once again surprised when he found out Chuuya and Akutagawa were already there.

"Why did you call us here?" Chuuya asked, really curious, afterall it wasnt everyday they were called to the office.

"I have a work for you" the acting director said.

Ryuunosuke Akutagawa asked what was it about, curious.

"You see how we always enter books and save them? well, today im giving you a totally different work, this time you're going to have to enter an anime, in which you are no more and no less than charecters" 

"WHAT?!" the trio of writers(and a poet) said at the same time, they coukdnt believe what they were hearing, usually, the library never did something like this.

"What you heard" the cat said "we'll do something we never do, we'll keep in contact with you while youre still there, that way you can know how to act, by the way, chuuya and dazai, I understand you're a couple since not so long ago, so i hope it wont interfere with this mission, and remember, cast all memories aside, this isnt the real world" the director said to akutagawa, and the now blushing couple.

"Dazai, you'll be a suicidal but "carefree" boy, you are supossed to have brown hair and brown eyes, youre an ex-mafia executive" the director said to the redhead with yellow eyes "i know the suicidal part won't be difficult to you, and the" carefree either, so, good look, you'll just have to change your red hair and wear contacts over your greenish eyes"

"Chuuya, you for the other hand are a short blu-eyed red head with short height and temperament, we'll dye your blond hair and you'll have to wear contacts in your red eyes, you have to wear the same hat you use always, for your height, dont worry, you're already short, and for your attitude you'll be less sarcastic and more angered easily"

"Akutagawa you have to make a more drastic change you have to cut your hair and dye it white and black" in that moment Akutagawa was horrified he for sure wasn't gonna cut his hair, but before he could deny it the director continued talking "and dont you even dare to deny it, you're doing it, im not accepting negatives, after all you're using grey contacts over your blue eyes" Akutagawa started getting annoyed "oh and about your personality, you arent self confident, you idolize dazai and needs urgent lessons of self love, btw dazai abused you and called it training and you have a sister and you lived in the low world oh and you don't have eyebrows!"

Akutagawa hid in a corner and staryed to cry, traumatized about what he just heard, meanwhile the other two looked mesmerized at each other trying to imagine how they would look now with the changes of look and personality.

"Well, i think thats all, now get out of my office right now, i have a date with a fish that seems miawlicious" the cat pushed them out of the office.

Ryuunosuke hid in his room and didnt go out for a while, but when he did he had already changed his looks, he was exactly like the director said but with eyebrows, he had faith he would be able to keep them.

Meanwhile Dazai and Chuuya weren't being as useful and were cuddling in the redheads room.

The next morning they got away, they didnt want to, but they had to do it so that they could prepare each other. 

Dazai cried when he noticed he had to do more effort and first decolorate his hair, so he did so, and after some hours of effort, he finished, he looked the most alike he could, which wasnt much, so he needed some help from chuuya, who had almost effortestly cosplayed his mental image of what the acting director had described.

Two days after the meeting with the acting director they had already practiced their new attitude and roles and they were ready to enter the book.

The cat was with them the day of the immersion. 

"Remember not to be so cocky and to not act out of character, oh and Chuuya and Dazai, don't worry about your couple affairs, the fans already suspect you're dating so.... as long as you follow the parts of the script everything will be fine and Akutagawa stop dramatizing, or this will be a hell of an anime for you, i mean, you're even gonna get shot, so..."

When Ryuunosuke processed and tried to ask what was happening they all entered the anime, in their respective places Chuuya and Akutagawa on the mafia and Dazai floating downsides on a river, trying suicide.