
The Astral Shadow

A young teen forges her own path apart from her elders within the stage of virtual reality

konrad_dunbar · Ciencia y ficción
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101 Chs

71 || Lilac Alexandrite's Luck (2)

Avenue feels a chill down her spine, like she's been caught. If she had heard Glory's analysis, she might have panicked. After receiving the Moon's Promise, she watched Tara's fight with White Mountain numerous times. Being able to track Stealth mode Infantries is practically an earth-shattering and heaven defying trait.

It was only after practicing a sense enhancing Technique she was taught since childhood that she gained access to the lunar sense. She hadn't gotten much practice with the ability till now but would definitely report later.

Avenue easily retaliating while taking less damage sends her opponents into a fury.

This, however, is nothing compared to the despair and anger Straw Monkey's adversaries are feeling. From the start Straw Monkey has displayed astounding maneuverability as if he were made of rubber. With his Prowess in Flexibility, his reaction speed makes it so he hasn't been struck once by their weapons.

Instead he's pulled them into his rhythm to the point where a well placed dodge causes the other Pugilists and the Infantry's blades to collide instead. They receive the damage while he slips into another more advantageous position. His hair flutters in the wind like a wuxia hero.

When he does strike them, his blows are strong as a Vanguard, fast as a Dagger Infantry, and pulsing with a Caster's energy. This is a combination of the Light General Armor, which took the form of martial artist robes, and his Flint Macaque Katars, which are hidden as red bracelets when unused in his robes.

The Light General Armor pushes his strength to 45 but with the Solar energy coursing through him it's more like 50. Though a five point difference, he could crush stones with his bare hands now. Straw Monkey was also granted Light Sense which allows him to "see" things on a different light spectrum. This was why the Infantry's Stealth had been neutralized!

The rare Pugilist Art Palm Thrust allows Straw Monkey to infuse his unarmed attacks with 30 percent more force and send it throughout his target's body. This is boosted to 30 percent when his Katars' Inust Ripple, adding Fire energy!

Chasing Glory sighs in envy. It is no wonder they devastated Scissor Heart to the point of leaving the Kingdom they had shared. Alexandrite, who is watching both fights intensely instead of just Dark Avenue's battle, notices it first.

Chasing Glory realizes once the 20 meter line has been crossed: Straw Monkey has been leading his enemies close to their main force. Glory looks towards the figure in black armor trying to figure out why Straw Monkey would do this. For what pur--?

Glory doesn't blink but somehow Syringa Fang has vanished from her sight.

"Let this be a warning." A rage filled but soft voice meets Glory's right ear as a heavy black gauntlet is placed on her shoulder. Syringa has somehow teleported to Glory's side. Syringa fully releases her Essence causing the circle of fourteen's shadows to roil as they fall to their knees. Their breath is caught in their throat and their stomachs are tight from the pressure.

"We are called Ruby Blade because your blood is what will be seen on our weapons when you mess with our own. Do not test us." Though Syringa does not shout or raise her voice, she wraps her words in her powerful Essence so all could hear her clearly and crisply. Everyone watching feels the threat through the screen, player or not.

"Avenue, Monkey. Let's scatter." She smirks as she picks up Alexandrite effortlessly into a bridal carry.

"Ah, and I was just about to finish my stretches!" Avenue pouts before smiling. Her presence spikes as her claymore shines with turquoise. Her blade swings even faster as her Annulet this time bottoms out the rest of her enemies' Hit Points.

Straw Monkey uses the Light General's active Skill [Light Travel] which allows him to teleport in any direction within 20 meters twice every 6 natural hours. Straw Monkey is immediately next to Livid Tourmaline and throws the much larger boy over his shoulder like a basket of apples. Before the Livid can shout, he and Alexandrite vanish with the two members as Straw Monkey places a hand on Syringa Fang's right shoulder.

The pressure that locks the 14 Player Killers disappears immediately once Syringa Fang is gone.

"After them!" Cutting Arrogance roars. "Capture the other m--"

They are cut off as they and the others see the tailend of a teleportation scroll. The magic circle is different from the returning scroll which would take one back to the city that was marked as their home base.

"Fan out, find them, and when you do kill them with your strongest Skills." Chasing Glory orders coldly with a snap of her fingers. Every Recording Stone returns to her Bag, cutting the feeds on her final words.

As this video was live streamed and watched by so many people, the fight between Ruby Blade and their mysterious assailants went viral to the point where it was pinned to the main forum as a cross-continental must watch.

The Eastern Continent's lower ranked Guilds and Workshops are thankful they don't have to contend with such a powerful upstart as Ruby Blade. On the Western front, many in the same capital as Ruby Blade heavily considered relocating to smaller towns or other cities within the Kingdom. With such a nail standing out the hammer of the first-rate powers will surely affect them as well.

However, no declaration has been made nor any action taken following the display. Instead tension is so heavy on the streets that the average independent player can feel it. This is in part because those first-rates with a long history recognize some members of the kidnappers.

Many had either been killed or knew someone who had been killed by them in the previous virtuality game. They are expert Player Killers, a faction known as the Enforcers. Specifically, the faces that had moved against Ruby Blade were none other than the Ultra Guild level Queen's Charybdis!

The fact before the first-rate powers is that Ruby Blade toyed with such a legendary existence. This is regardless of the fact that the twenty members of the Enforcer Guild are still wet behind the ears, they were still known to the higher forces. That meant they had to take Ruby Blade seriously as a contender from now on as a ruler of the Kingdom's capital.

The small Workshop already had a two level gap with well known members such the Syringa Fang, if that is who was wearing the black armor. They had noted her back before level 10 simply because she had first defeated a hundred of Scissor Heart's members without breaking a sweat. Then she had led even her Artisan allies to decimate Scissor Heart which drove them to leave the Kingdom entirely. There is no saying how strong the young woman would have gotten now if she was also at level 18 and in a full set of Obsidian grade Equipment. They would have to be more cautious in the future.

Queen's Charybdis involvement did however have an unintended effect from their involvement: the rumor got out that the Artisans who were with the Ruby Blade members got killed by the unknown Enforcers. Thankfully this did not impact Dusk Spark giving out Escort Quests to independant or local forces they were being friendly with. It did, however, stop a large number of unaffiliated Artisan players from accepting Ruby Blade members to guard them in fear of an ambush. It was just their luck, really, but this was a problem for the near future to solve.

Speaking of luck, Alexandrite is still pressed against the armored figure as the four of them step out of a shadow. They've exited underneath a canopy of giant trees. She is carefully placed down on the forest floor while her brother is plopped down with a 'thump!'.

"Are you alright?" The deep but feminine voice makes Alexandrite's heart skip a beat. Syringa Fang taps the side of her helmet to reveal her handsome face. Syringa focuses some Essense on her finger tip before swiping at the rope binding Alexandrite's wrists together. "I apologize for getting you and your brother involved in our affairs."

"D-don't worry about it." Alexandrite takes Syringa's hand to stand up. Livid's eyes are bulged as he does a double take seeing a blush form. Until this moment, no matter what attractive guy or beautiful girl showed interest in his sister, she kept her calm and rejected them swiftly. So what is happening now?? Livid coughs into his hand once Straw Monkey sets him free. His sister seems to break from whatever trance she's under.

"Shouldn't we run? They won't take being put to shame lying down."

"We're inside Missing Cloud Forest's inner area, they couldn't reach us here unless they are all wearing Iron Grade Equipment. Much like your necklace or my weapon."

Alexandrite steps back a bit, her hand going to the gem resting against her ample chest. How did Syringa Fang realize it is Iron Grade when she hadn't even seen the use of an Appraisal or Identification skill? At this moment, the other four of their group exit from a magic circle. Alexandrite narrows her eyes as her mind begins to work.

"You set up this area as an escape point beforehand. Your armor gives you a Skill to teleport to a preset point."

Syringa gives her a crooked smile that causes butterflies in her stomach. "Close enough. Smart and beautiful, just as Sage and Rosemary said. I can see why you were mistaken for one of us."

"J-just my bad luck I assure you." Alexandrite flusters. Syringa tilts her head to say something in reply but Storm Kitty interrupts their banter.

"Your friends said your luck is rather phenomenal? They said you found all sorts of treasures and quests in the last game you played. And judging by the quality of your gear as an independent player I'm inclined to believe them."

Having played with Turquoise Sage and Rosemary Platypus for three years they had seen and done a great many things together. Once they started playing Renovel, Alexandrite had wanted to go on a similar adventure with her brother and show him this second world of theirs called virtuality.

That is how they had eventually collected the Ashguará Set, the Vanguard sibling of the Frostwolf Set, for Livid Tourmaline. Alexandrite herself, at level 14, hasn't had to change Equipment since level 7 because she aided a powerful NPC accidentally during a Gathering Quest. Her Obsidian Grade robes and Rod carry Growth property that'll stop at level 20. Her Iron Grade necklace was a more recent reward from the Event.

Syringa Fang tossing her a black bangle with a pink gem breaks her from her reminisce. A look of confusion crosses her face. She checks the item's stats, nearly dropping the bangle with a fumble.

"S-silver grade? What do you want me to do with this?" Alexandrite gawks at Syringa Fang before recognition clicks. A panicked look crosses Livid's face as his sister bristles and he reaches for her. Purple Lightning sparks in the air as Alexandrite glares with angry, puffed up cheeks. Alexandrite cackles before slamming the bracelet on. A wave of phlox pink washes over everyone as the ground beneath their feet suddenly cracks.

[Congratulations! You've found the Missing Cloud Forest Trial Dungeon!]

[Underground Secret Discovered!]