
The Assistant of God

What might happen if a higher being, like a god, for instance, were to kill someone? It seems he/she seize to exist, erasing all memories and traces that prove he/she ever existed. With that in mind, his soul is transferred, without any recollection of who he/she was, to where that god lives. And not just that! This god happens to need an Assistant, which means that he would offer that job to the person he just killed, as a form of apology of course. Being erased from existence, the new Assistant created a body and since he doesn't remember his name, he chooses a new one before going to his first assignment, a fantasy-like planet called Ditia.

JustSam3 · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Chapter 36

I was heading to the classroom for the first class of the day and came across Mina, who seemed to be heading to one of her classes.

"Hey there, Cael," she greeted.

"Hi, Mina," I said.

"I heard the Heroes are going to the Elf Kingdom tomorrow," she commented.

"Yeah, we are."

Right, like she said, we'll be going to the Elf continent tomorrow. The Heroes are excited about it; well, I guess possibly everyone who would want to go there will be like that. The majority of them look up to the trip since we'll be going by carriage, meaning that it will be, at least, a twelve-day trip to the border and then another ten days to the capital. With that in mind, it can be seen as some kind of... vacation? I don't know, maybe.

"I envy you. I would really like to go and get to know the Dungeon there. And also see their ritual. In any case, I'll see you later at the club. Bye."

I waved at her and continued towards the classroom.

Throughout the month, the club has explored about two more Ruins; on the last one, I was replaced by Adam. We were going to enter a Dungeon this weekend but since we and the Heroes are going to the Elf continent, it had to be postponed until we return, at least that's what Mina said to us but she also said that an expedition with the members that stayed would still work out. She's going to decide it later when we meet at the club.

In any case, we were told to prepare our equipment and luggage for the trip. In my case I don't need to since I can save it all on my necklace; not that I have much to take either, I'll just take my weapons and clothing.

I arrived at the classroom and noticed that there weren't many people inside, but then the Heroes started to enter one after the other accompanied by the teacher. Some of them seemed to not have slept for a couple of days. And that included Anna.

"Hello Anna," I said to her when she sat next to me.

"Hello Cael," she said.

"You look tired..."

"I didn't quite sleep last night. Some of us went to the city and brought back alcohol and we started to drink until late."

"Well, that's... what was the occasion?"

"The trip, probably. Also, can you lend me your necklace?"

"On the Free Class."

The class started not long after with a review of what the teacher told us about the Elf Continent a month ago, though this time she added questions to see if it was clear. It passed quickly, all things considered, more so when some of the Heroes got scolded by the teacher for sleeping in class. By the way, they did manage to control the mana outside their bodies. I wouldn't say that the progress they've made is going to help them in a fight against a high-level Demon or a dragon but it's a good start. Jillian told us he would teach them other things regarding Mana but it would have to wait for when we return from the Elf continent.

In any case, we soon passed to Human History and then to the Free Class where we left for the club with Anna, Shane, and Adam.

As usual, Mina and Selv were already there and Silvian arrived almost with us. As soon as we entered, Anna headed straight to the table, sat, and decided to take a nap.

"Did something happen?" asked Mina.

"There was some kind of party yesterday, so the majority of us were drinking until late. I guess Anna was one of them," said Adam.

"And you?"

"I don't drink."

"Alright, have you decided, Mina?" intervened Selv.

"About the explorations? Well, it might be ok with just the ones that remain as long as something unexpected doesn't happen."

"Then, are we are going with the same numbers or..."

Selv and Mina kept discussing the explorations of the Dungeon they'll be going on the weekend while Shane, Adam, and I were listening to them.

"With just the three of us, the exploration is going to be dangerous. And remember usually one of us needs to stay here to tell us about the time."

"I know. That's why I asked some friends to join temporarily. They'll come tomorrow. We'll have to do some sparring and practice on the Dragon Forest, but I think we'll be fine until then."

As Mina finished speaking, Anna lifted her head and asked, "Cael, can I borrow your necklace?"

"Sure," I said and passed it to her.

She held it in her hand for a moment and then passed it to me again.

"How can you store things inside it?" asked Anna.

"It's enchanted, I guess. It's a gift my parents gave me when I left home."

"Hey, would you mind if I put my stuff there?" asked Anna, and Adam and Shane looked at me, expecting my answer.

"No, I don't mind. And yes, you too can," I said, looking at Shane and Adam. "Just remember that I'm the only one who can use the inventory on the necklace."

When the Free Class ended, as usual, we divided into two groups and went to our different classes. This time, when we reached the classroom, some of the Heroes were already there, and they looked more rested than in the first class. That said, some slept through the class and got scolded by the teacher.

"Taking aside the celebration that seemed to have happened yesterday, let me remind you that the journey to the Elf Continent is primarily for you to get to know another culture and one of our allies on the upcoming war against the Demon Lord," said Jillian.

The day ended and I was heading back to my room accompanied by Anna, Shane stayed behind since he needed to talk to Mina or so he told us, and Adam's room is a floor above us, and we came across one of the half Demons. He has gray hair, dark brown eyes, and, if I'm not mistaking, should be a little taller than me. On his face, I can see a scar near his right eye and he seems as serious as Adam, though he has a slight frown right now. His name is Jiarden Darios. According to his status, he's eighty-eight years old despite looking a lot younger. He passed us and went in the direction of the stairs.

"Isn't he one of the others?" asked Anna.

"You mean the others that will come with us? Then yes," I said. "Didn't you see him when you received your guild cards?"

"Well... I guess. I don't remember the faces of all the ones that sparred against Jillian..."

"Or the ones that passed?" I completed.

"More or less," she said. "Hey, Cael, when can I give you my luggage?"

"Tomorrow. Just be sure to have it ready. I'll pick up Adam's and Shane's before we enter the carriages."

We said our goodbyes and each of us went to our respective room. Before laying on my bed, I saved my weapons, armor, and clothes on the necklace. After I did that, I went to my bed and closed my eyes.