




•[He Captured a Princess]•

The Sheikh chuckled softly as the exotic dancer gave him a dirty lap dance while the others cheered effortlessly..

Partying was his own way of living and everything was going well —Well until the lights suddenly turned off..

'Ali what's going on??'..He asked his personal assistant but got no reply and in an instant he was hurled by someone over to the nearest wall...

His party guests all scampered for safety in the darkness and then the lights came back on with only him in the room...

'Who..who are you??'..He asked looking at the masked assailant wearing all black..

'I'm Jamal Gal but you can call me shadow'..The assassin replied and he quivered in fear..

'Shadow?? What..what do you want from me?? How much do you want?'..The sheikh asked and Jamal chuckled softly as he slit off his throat...

Blood gushed out of the Sheikh's neck and his hands stretched as he fought for his life...

'Who are you??'..He asked again in a strange voice and Jamal smiled..

'I am Shadow'..

Leana's POV••

A bright light shone upon my eyes and when I opened it mother was there..

'What is it??'..i asked in a murmur and she frowned..

'You're late for the royal hearing Leana and your father is very angry'..She said as she walked into my dressing room picking out an outfit for me..

'The hearing?? It's today??'..I asked in a yawn..

'Of course it's today Leana and the guests have arrived and Oh- lest I forget Ivan is right outside your door'..She replied and i smirked..

'Ivan come in'..I said aloud and my fiancee walked in in his usual graceful self..

'Hmmm have i ever told you my Cleopatra that you look beautiful in the morning'..He whispered into my ears and I kissed him softly on the lips..

'And have I ever told you that you look splendid in that cashmere coat you're wearing'..I whispered back and we went back to kissing..

'You are both going to be late if you don't stop what you're doing and head to the Court chamber'..Mother grunted and I smiled..

I've never met someone who nags as much as her..

'Good morning Queen Leah'..Ivan said..

'Good morning Prince Ivan i humbly implore that you leave right now so Leana could change'..She replied and my fiancee winked at me...

'I'll be waiting for you at the back of the temple'..he whispered walking away and I giggled..

Minutes later❤️

Clad in a gold strapless dress and a gold nimbus around my head I walked into the royal chambers..

'I am pleased to be here father'..I said curtly as I went down to greet my father..

'You're late Leana'..He muttered and I smiled and went to sit down near my mother..

The look I saw on Ivan's face was definitely price less and a lewd smile spread across my lips dwelling in the satisfaction of seeing his reaction..

'You know he really likes you'..Nevida,my best friend whispered as the function started and I chuckled...

'Yeah I know,I'm so happy with him and he says the nicest things too'..

'You're so lucky Leana'..she muttered and I nodded..

Nevida is the daughter of Sheikh Tej...

We've been best friends since we were kids and I don't see a future without her in it...

••Jamal's POV••

'How much would you pay me when I kill him??'..I asked the sultan who sat adjacently to my table...

Wanted in twelve cities the last thing I want is anyone suspecting me..

'Two million'..The Sheikh replied and I frowned..

'Three million'...

'Two and a half million'...

'Three million Sheikh and no less'..i muttered and he grumbled under his breath..

'Fine then three million it is Shadow and before I forget don't you rat out on me'..He said..

'I never reveal the secrets of my client Sheikh,send me a picture and consider your target dead'..

I grabbed my bottled water and tied a neck cloth around my nose so as not to be noticed by anyone and infiltrated into the market....

'Psst,psst Shadow'..Someone called in a whisper and when I turned around i smiled..

It was Jimmy,the twelve year old american hustler who lived in the streets..

'Hey Jimmy what do you have for me today??'..I asked and he smirked..

'Princess Leana from what i heard would be coming to the market today with her fiancee Prince Ivan'..He said..

'Are you sure about this Jimmy??'..I asked and he nodded...

'Here take this,go get yourself lunch'..i whispered with my hands ruffling his mop of brown colored hair and slipped a few notes inside his pocket..

'Thanks Jamal!! I could buy one of those fancy pies and cakes with this!!'..He said excitedly and ran off...

Ahh that kid...

He's just like me when i was his age.Left alone in the streets with no one to go back to...

All because of one person —The bastard that calls himself a king...

He made me who I am today...

A ruthless and wanted assassin who just wants revenge and revenge I shall surely have..

But first I have to wait for that princess...

••Leana's POV••

The hearing was over and every important guest began leaving the courtroom one after the other..

Hungry and tired I walked over to the buffet table and grabbed a piece of beef stocking into my mouth...

'You know you shouldn't be eating with your hands my princess'..A hand slid across my waist and I smiled..

'I'm hungry your highness and besides no one saw me'..i said as he placed a wet kiss on the nape of my neck...

'I can't wait for you to be my wife Leana,I just can't wait to make you mine'..He whispered and I slapped his hands that was resting on my bosom...

'You're such a pervert Ivan and since you're acting so corny today will you go to the market with me?? Just the both of us??'..I asked as he turned me around..

'The market?? What would people think of me Leana??'..

'That you're a sweet gentleman Ivan so wait let me change into more comfortable clothes and we can go'..i replied..

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'Can I come with you??'..He asked holding my hands..

'Haha you're crazy'..I said and walked off..

Minutes later❤️

I packed up my hair in a tight bun without the help of the maids and grabbed a shawl to cover myself..

'Don't tell me that's what you're wearing to go shopping'..Ivan muttered throwing me a skeptical look as I walked outside the palace..

What's wrong with my outfit??'..I asked...

'You're too beautiful my love so shall we??'..

Hereplied linking his arms in mine and we both left..

•Jamal's POV••

'Copper I need you to do something for me'..I muttered after knocking on a shackled house...

'What do you want Shadow??'..He asked in a grumpy tone...

'I need your help to capture someone Copper'..I replied..

'You never need help in doing anything Shadow what's going on??'..He asked as he came out..

'It's a really big fish'..I murmured..

'Hmmm Shadow what's in it for me??'..He asked and I smiled...

'A lot Copper,a lot is in for you if you lend me your men for some time'..

If my plan comes out successful the king would be so shattered that he would beg..

I would make him beg and make him suffer for what he did years ago...

He would suffer for every single pain he caused me,his kingdom would suffer for what he did and may the gods help me if i don't make sure of it I might as well be dead..

Princess Leana's father would suffer and i would make sure of it..

••Leana's POV••

I heaved a short sigh as Ivan and i walked around the market..

'I hate this place already'..he grumbled..

'Don't be such a grooge Ivan,let's go to the jeweler'..I replied linking his arms in mine and then we passed a narrow alley..

My eyes looked around the place and then i heard footsteps behind me...

'Is somebody following us??'..I asked and before Ivan could answer a man masked man grabbed my shawl and purse running away..

'Thief!! Thief!!'..i yelled running after him..

'Leana wait up!!'..Ivan called out from behind me but I ignored him anyway..

There's no way I'm letting this thief get away.

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