
The Assassin With The Brightest Star

Retired from the life of an assassin after he was given a second chance. Ruben Hilston live his life with enjoyment, drinking and eating the best. Until the night before his 19th birthday, his father told him a story... a story of his brother... the night of his birth 19 years ago. His father passed him a chest. Opening the chest...... [You have receive a gift from the consellation The Forgotten Ruler $# %$# ?&%@$%] [System has been gifted...] Pulled into the world of consellations and streaming channels, Ruben accepted his fate and journeyed to find the truth. The journey to become the brightest star... Please note that some of the ideas in the stories aren't original and are inspired from my favourite novels. I hope you enjoy reading!!! WARNING: Some chapters may contain violent scenes unsuitable for young viewers and readers.

Laz_Idio · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 4

Waking up early in the morning, Ruben did his daily workout as a habit after ordering the servants to inform him when Charles is getting ready for work.

He plans to leave right after informing his father of his trip to the capital.

When Ruben was jogging around the neighbourhood to clear his, mind he did a quick sprint to end his workout.

He immediately noticed and read the notification popped up by the system.

{Skill: Dash, has been learnt}

He then checked his new skill.

Active skill:-

• Dash (level 1)

- speed is increased by 10% for 1 minute Cooldown: 2 hour

Intrigued, he looked around to check if there is anyone around. Confirming that he was indeed alone, Ruben activated the skill and ran back to the mansion.

He also noticed his surrounding slightly slowing down which he wouldn't have noticed if not for his sharp senses when he activated the skill.

'Looks like the small increase in my speed helps me sense my surrounding better as well.' Ruben thought.

He was told by the servants that his parents were having breakfast when he returned.

He headed straight to the dining room.

Ruben greeted his parents as soon as he entered.

"Good morning mom. Good morning dad."

"Good morning Ruben and happy birthday! Do you have any plans for today?" his mom replied with a kind smile.

"Happy Birthday Ruben. Is there anything you would like to have for your birthday?" Charles said with a straight face while eating.

Taking a sit, Ruben ordered the servants to have his breakfast served.

"Thank you mom, dad. It's alright. You don't have to prepare me any gifts." Ruben said with a smile which Charles nodded to in reply

"I am planning to make a trip to the Capital." Ruben added.

"Do you need some extra allowance for the trip?" Charles asked worried that Ruben may not have enough money from his allowance.

"It's alright, I still have quite alot saved up from my allowance. Don't worry."

Ruben actually had alot of money saved up from the inns he owned.

"How long will you be away?" Lily asked.

"I'm still not sure, it may be a few days or it may be up to a few weeks. I will send a letter if I ended up needed to stay for more than a week."

"Be sure to take care of yourself and stay away from trouble." Lily reminded him.

Charles and Lily knew that his trip to the capital may be caused by the letter or chest from Charles' brother. Which is why they didn't ask too much especially when he said he was leaving today.

They talked abit of his trip to the capital during breakfast avoiding the part where he was just informed of his adoption last night and the topic on Theodore, who is possibly Rubens biological father.

Lily then left the dining area as soon as she finished her breakfast after giving Ruben a short lecture.

"I have something for you." Charles said suddenly as soon as Lily left. He then signalled Frank to put a small wooden box on the table. "I got it without your mother knowing as I'm sure she would disapprove of it."

Charles then opened the box allowing Ruben to have a look at what's inside.

There was two revolvers inside with 30 bullets neatly arranged next to it.

It's metal parts were polished and shining with a white ivory handle which had some carvings giving it a better grip as well.

"I had it ordered and custom made months ago. Thinking of the circumstance my brother appeared with you, I guessed that you may need it later." Charles then pushed the box gently towards Ruben. "Becareful when you hold them, they are both loaded."

Being an assassin in on Earth, he had dealt with firearms before. If he was honest, Ruben was excited to see them.

Although they weren't as good as the glocks and desert Eagles he used to own, it was still a firearm.

Seeing his father giving him the green light, he grabbed one of the revolver.

He first weight it in his hands, finding it slightly lighter than he would have preferred.

Using the observing eye, he read the description of the revolver.

• Custom Revolver

- 150 damage per shot

He then opened the cylinder to find 6 bullets resting snugly inside and closed it back.

He then aimed it to the empty space in front of him.

Remembering that it would be a bad idea to show his shooting skills in front of his father, plus the sound would scare everyone in the mansion, Ruben retracted his hands and put it back in the box with a satisfied smile.

"It's perfect father. Thank you for the present." Ruben thanked Charles with a grin.

Still slightly shocked by how well Ruben handled and checked the gun, Charles nodded his head and pat him in the shoulders.

"As long as it keeps you safe. Remember to use it only when necessary, I didn't give it to you to harm others." Charles said with a serious expression.

"I trust that take good care of it. You are to be blamed if it is picked up by someone else and used on the innocent."

"Yes father. I will take good care of it. I promise not to use it on people who don't deserve it." He assured Charles.

"Good, take care on your trip. I'll head to work now." Charles said to him before leaving.

After finishing breakfast, Ruben took the box with the guns and bullets to his room.

He spent the rest of his time packing his suitcase and stored the extra bullets with his clothes.

He decided to pack his suits and wear them on his trip as well instead of his usual casual cheap clothings, making him look like a proper gentleman.

The suit would also allow Ruben to hide the two guns he had rested snugly above his bum. The long outer coat would prevent anyone from knowing he was armed.

As a habit which he kept as soon as he got his hands on them.

Ruben hid two knifes in his boots, he added two to each side of his forearm as well since he was wearing a dark long sleeved outfit.

Well, he might be retired but he is still an assassin.

Especially since he learnt that this world was not as peaceful and safe as he had thought.

There were people with superpowers granted by the consellations among them.

Taking along all the money he had that wasn't kept in the bank account he opened as soon as he bought the inns, Ruben left for the train station.

With a single suitcase in hand, he went up to the ticket counter as soon as he arrived at the station.

"Good morning sir, how can I help you." The ticket lady said with a professional smile.

"I would like to buy a single ticket, the earliest train leaving for Tairon."

Tairon is the capital of the country Ruben grew up in, Holberdan.

"Would you like to be sitted in the first class, second class or economy class? Your seat will not be assigned for the economy class so you might have to stand the whole journey if it is full."

"The second class please."

"The earliest train leaves in 15 minutes. That would be 14 coppers please."

Giving the lady 14 coppers, she passed him a paper ticket.

"Your train will be at Platform 3, your sit number is written on the ticket. Please speak to the other passengers of you would like your seats changed. Have a safe journey."

Thanking the ticket lady, Ruben went to Platform 3 and boarded his train.

Although the train leaves at noon which is usually the busiest time of the day during the weekends, being a Wednesday, most people would be at work or in school at this time.

Ruben was glad to find the train quite empty with a few businessman and ladies, no kids on his compartment.

He found his seat which was next to the walkway and had his suitcase put on the storage space above his head.

Having observed his surrounding as soon as he entered, Ruben wasn't able to find anything out of place so he sat down and rested his eyes waiting for the journey.

Not long after the train left the station, a man came to the compartment checking the tickets.

It didn't take long for the conductor to check all the tickets in the compartment and left.

In the middle of the journey, Ruben ate the sandwich he had the servants made this morning.

While he was eating, the system notification rang in his ears and words formed in front of him.

{A temporary dungeon opened for the next 2 months 5 days 3 hours 24 minutes is discovered near you.}

{Host is currently on the move and has left the radius of system's detection ability}

Taking a quick look at the surrounding and time. He noted that it has been 2 hours since he left the station.

He saw a dense forest outside the window of the train. Calculations the time and approximate location of the dungeon.

Ruben decided to drop by on his way back from the capital. He could jump of the train an hour after the train left the station in Tairon.

'A dungeon appeared faster than I anticipated.'

He was quite excited as this would be a new experience for him.

The journey continued without a hitch.

The time was 3pm when he arrived. Remembering the bank closes at 6 in the evening, he decided to check into an accommodation first.

He found a decent hotel which provided meals at a reasonable price.

After checking in, he suddenly had a thought,

'Since my uncle seemed to be involved in the consellation business, will I be in danger or exposed if I were to visit his vault in the bank?'

Eventhough the Royal Bank in the capital was highly secure and allowed entry to the vault of anyone as long as the key and verbal password were provided.

He can't ensure the secrecy and his safety upon leaving.

After some consideration, Ruben decided to delay his trip to the bank a few days.

As an assassin, he was trained in the art of disguise and fake alibi.

He is going to spend the next few days getting supplies that could help him disguise himself, at the same time tour around and act like a tourist on vacation.

As he was sure that he would be the first suspect if it was discovered that Theodore Hilston's 'nephew' was in the capital when his vault was visited, he had to make it look like he had come for fun with a proper alibi.

Fortunately, the supplies he need weren't hard to find as most of them were daily household items or necessities.

The importance was the skills and experience Ruben had that can use and transform them into disguises.

After some thinking, Ruben decided to change his disguise to that of a lady. This would help cross him completely off the suspect list as well.

The problem was getting his hands on a lady's clothes. In the end, the only idea he had was sneaking into one of the rooms of the guest in the hotel and borrowing it for a day.

He could sneak in at night and put it back the next.

The owner might not even notice that it had gone missing.

And so, Ruben spent the next three days making his disguise, looking for a target to lend a dress in the hotel and going around visiting tourist sites.

On the night of the second day, Ruben readied himself to grab a dress from the guest staying in the room next to his.

He left his gun behind since would be too loud to use if something unexpected were to come up.

He made his move in the middle of the night, skilfully jumping into the other rooms balcony from his.

He then picked the simple lock of the door leading to the balcony in less than 10 secinds ignoring the system.

{Skill: Lock picking, has been learnt}

He then sneaked in towards the closet and silently took a decent dress.

{Skill: Stealth, has been learnt}

Seeing no reacting from the lady sleeping, he then left the room and locked back the balcony door before returning to his room.

It didn't take Ruben more than 5 minutes from the moment he left his room.

'That was way easier than I thought. An age without CCTV is heaven for assassin.' He thought with a smirk.

Having ignored the system, he checked his two new skills.

• Stealth (level 1)

- able to hide your presence completely for 1 minute, cooldown: 3 hours

• Lock Picking (level 1)

- increase the speed of picking locks by 20%

Ruben was quite satisfied with his new skills. It would decrease the chances of getting discovered when he is in action.

Although he was already a professional at lock picking, every time his speed increases, his chances of getting caught lessens.

It might take him a few minutes when working on complicated locks. This skill would be highly useful at those time.

After checking his new skills, he went to bed after packing the dress with his disguises.