
The Assassin With The Brightest Star

Retired from the life of an assassin after he was given a second chance. Ruben Hilston live his life with enjoyment, drinking and eating the best. Until the night before his 19th birthday, his father told him a story... a story of his brother... the night of his birth 19 years ago. His father passed him a chest. Opening the chest...... [You have receive a gift from the consellation The Forgotten Ruler $# %$# ?&%@$%] [System has been gifted...] Pulled into the world of consellations and streaming channels, Ruben accepted his fate and journeyed to find the truth. The journey to become the brightest star... Please note that some of the ideas in the stories aren't original and are inspired from my favourite novels. I hope you enjoy reading!!! WARNING: Some chapters may contain violent scenes unsuitable for young viewers and readers.

Laz_Idio · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 11

After leaving his luggage, he went to the dining room.

He found his whole family already seated and sat next to his eldest brother, Luke.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried while I was away." Ruben said with a guilty face.

Hitting the back of hid head lightly like he used to when they were kids, Luke said, "At least you knew. You had no idea how worried mom and dad was."

Charles looked at Ruden and checked all over his body to see if there was any wounds with his eyes like Lily.

Charles too had the same worry as Lily that Ruben had ended up like Theodore.

While the servant was serving their meals, Lily said, "Now, tell us what happened. It's alright if you don't want to tell us of the details but at least convince us that you weren't in any danger when you were away."

Giving an awkward laugh which led to Lily giving him an icy stare, he froze and stopped laughing

'I may be an old man who is the king of assassins but I can never win against mother.'

Sighing, Ruben decided to mix some truths with lies

"Uhmmm what happened was actually unexpected. I originally planned to return in a week or two but on the way to the capital, I was told of a small event a week or two journey away from the capital which got my attention."

"A few days after sending the letter home, I went on a short journey. After a week of journey, I met a group of people and became friends with them"

"They may be a particular bunch, but they were nice people so we ended up travelling together. Although our destination were different, we really hit it off and they ended up inviting me along with them to hunt for a rare creature in the forest."

"Since I have never hunted before, they thought me some self defence and basic tricks. One of them thought me basic knife throwing skills and another taught me how to use a dagger."

"There was even a guy who is an amazing Archer and was able to shoot down nine apples which was thrown up the air at the same time!" Ruben talked about the consellation Archer Who Shot Down Nine Suns with a change in details.

'Damn, I'm good at story telling'

Seeing how his family is really absorbed with his story which sounded believable from Ruben's acting. 'Cough, acting', Ruben continued.

"And so I got along very well with the group, becoming friends. We were going to return 4 weeks after we met, but an idiot said that we were close to the rare creature they were hunting."

"It was all thanks to that idiot that I returned home later than promised. Although the guy is an idiot and acts like an assh*le, he is actually quite alright if you got to know him. Other than the problem that he loves pranks and dragging people towards trouble."

"In the end, I just got to catched a glimpse of the rare creature they were hunting but gave up in the end. It was Giant Spider almost a meter and a half tall. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

"And so that that was why I ended up getting back later than expected, all thanks to that idiot Kilo." Theo simply made up a name for Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks.

Theo ended the story while eating his lunch.

Unknown to him, his whole family were surprised by his story. It was abit too detailed to be a lie.

"Wow, it looked like you had a fun adventure!" James said slightly jealous since he is stuck with paperwork and the family business.

"Haih... here we were getting worried for nothing." Luke added

Lily and Charles was still invested in the story.

"Can you tell me more about your friends? They sound interesting." Charles asked interested in his son's new friends since he has never heard him speak of others before. Lily nod her head wanting to know more as it was pretty interesting.

'Sigh, looks like I have to make up a bunch of names for them.'

"Alright, so there's eight of them." Theo decided to pick up all the consellations at were always on his channels and active in the chats.

Slightly looking at the nonsense gossip Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks is talking about on the chat, Ruben smiled suddenly and continued telling his parents.

"As I've said, there's Kilo, he may be idiotic and speaks like an assh*le but he always pulls through and actually helped me a few times in the trip. I could have gotten hurt by an accident but was saved by him.

Zehna, a hyper-active immature but adorable young master of a rich family. I think he may be a noble from another country or something. He is sometimes like the little follower of Kilo

Yoihu, the excellent Archer I talked about. He often argues with Kilo of the smallest issues like who has better weapons and such. I was told that he is married and loves his wife very much.

Coalt, a middle age man from the south who loves hunting. He often give advice related to hunting. He thought me the basics of using the a dagger along with Seth.

Seth is a quiet guy but seemed pretty skilled in using blades. He acts tough and doesn't talk much but after spending sometime with him, he turns out to by shy and soft on the inside.

Remtias, who seems to handle animals well. She is a keen observer and is always making sure nothing is wrong. She often lectures Zehna like a sister.

Kumi, who I didn't interact with much but taught be the basics of throwing knives. I don't know much of him other than him being good with the throwing knive.

Finally there's Gichou who seems to be the oldest. He is a wise man who often give advise and moral support. He doesn't interfere much but he often contribute during the journey with his knowledge as well."

"That's all of them" Ruben said completing his meals.

"Wowww, you are like the least impressive among them" James said.

"They sound like an amazing much! You should bring then here." Lily said.

"That would be difficult as they are from all over the world and may have left the country already." Ruben made up an excuse.

"I am glad that you were able to meet new people and got along with them." Charles said to him with a slight smile.

"I'm sure you're tired from the journey, You should head to your room and rest." Lily told Ruben.

"I'll be heading back to work now, rest well you troublemaker!" Luke said rubbing his head which Ruben ignored since he was used to Luke's action since he came to this world.

Ruben returned to his room right after having finished his meals.

Back in his room, he kept all his weapons including his firearm back in time the space ring except for the two daggers which he kept hidden in his boots.

He would feel uncomfortable if he didn't have any weapon on him which he could use anytime.

'I've to find a weaponsmith to buy more bullets.'

As he was thinking of his future plans, a servant came to inform him that a guest came to the mansion looking for him.

Guessing that it was someone who worked for or is a Marked, he went to the waiting area lost in his thoughts.

'I understand being followed for entering the vault of a dead man but to investigate this much seems unnecessary...'

'There was nothing special other than some weapons, assessories and Consellation Gems which I'm sure aren't unavailable or rare among other Marked...'

'It may be impressive for a normal person but after receiving the gifts from the consellations in his channel, the things from the vault seemed mediocre...'

'Theodore Hilston... he must be involved in something big 19 years ago...'

Having reached he waiting room, he stopped his train of thoughs and see what he could find out from the guest.

Entering the waiting room, he found a well dressed man in his late 20s inside. Ruben used the Observing Eye on him.

Name: Filsan James

Race: Human

Health: 920/920


Strength: 19

Agility: 20

Stamina: 18

Perception: 16

Mind: 19

{Skill: Observing eye, has upgraded to level 2}

Seeing Ruben entered, he smiled and shot out his hands and said, "I apologise for the sudden visit, I am Filsan James, a royal investigator from the capital."

Slightly shocked that he is investigating for the royal family but didn't show any change in his expression.

Seeing his right hand which didn't hand a star mark, he lifted his hands and returned the greeting.

As a sharp assassin, he noticed Filsan checking out his plam secretly.

"I don't remembering doing anything illegal, is there anything I can help you with?" Ruben asked politely.

"It's nothing much actually, something happened in the bank more than 2 months ago during your time in the capital. Although we have investigated and found that it is most likely unrelated to you, we have to follow procedures and ask you some questions."

Nodding to show that he understood, Ruben then stop and ask confused, "I don't think I went anywhere near the bank during my visit, what has it got to do with me?"

"It's nothing much really, it's because someone with the key to Theodore Hilston, your late uncle's vault may have stolen some important documents from the bank during her visit.

After checking all the visitors on the day it was stolen, we found that the person who accessed the late Mr. Hilston's vault has used a stolen identity on her identification form.

As the vault Theodore Hilston had in the bank belongs to anyone who knows its password and has the key that is able to access it, someone must have gotten their hands on the vault key and used it as a pretence to get their hands on the documents in the bank.

You don't have to worry, as I've said, this is just a routine question as it was related your uncle."

Ruben nod his head while thinking, 'Damnnn, they can really come up with an excuse to start an investigation. Sure I used a stolen identity but hell with the stolen documents.' He laughed inwardly.

With a look of understanding, "I understand, it would seen suspicious to you guys since my visit to the capital coincide with the crime and my short dissapearance after that made it look worse." He said with a small laugh.

With a relief sigh, Filsan said, "I'm glad you understand now I've some questions to ask. May I ask the reason for your trip to the capital?"

"It was a birthday trip, since I haven't been to the capital before, I decided to celebrate it myself and since I rarely left Halum City, I felt that it wasn't a bad idea to do some travelling after as well."

Ruben being an assassin was ready for any questions and answered with a believable excuse which he was really good at.

Nodding his head, Filsan wrote down his answer in a small notebook in his hand.

"Where were you on the third day of your visit?"

Pausing for a few seconds to act like he was recalling something, he then answered, "I believe I went to the museum that day... or was that after... ah yes! I was in the museum

that day."

Writing down the answer, Filsan continued, "Where did you go after the capital?"

"Ah... I got a huge scolding from my mom because of that." Ruben acted like an embarrassed young man. "I was planing to head to the beer fest in Ballam but met some interesting people on the way. While travelling with them for a few days, I decided to follow them for their hunting trip when they invited me. Having never been or seen a hunt before, I thought that it was a good opportunity since I could go for the beer fest next year instead."

Slightly surprised by his answer, Filsan nod his head, "It isn't too important but is there anyway to meet these group of people?"

Looking slightly frustrated and down he said apologetically, "Sadly they are not from the kingdom. They have long left, I have no idea where they continued their journey."

Shaking his head, Filsan said with a a small laugh, "It's fine it's fine, just the routine question. That will be all. Thank you for your honesty"

The investigator left right after.

This chapters are full of hints on the real names of the consellations.

Laz_Idiocreators' thoughts