
The Assassin in the Super Secret Society

The SSS (Super Secret Society) a group of super powered individuals who chooses to keep their identity hidden from the public. They mostly work above the law however there are agents that walk the moral line of right and wrong. An assassin in this group finds herself playing robin hood however one of the heroes in the society is hot on her trail to stop her from going about things in such a morally ambiguous way.

Zenothesama · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Persistent and Annoying

I can hear the pulse of many. The heart beat is constant but not always consistent. When I was told I could kill Stellar Starlight…I knew life afterwards would come easy. One mission to end it all. Assassination if the strongest Hero all because the information about my powers are limited. Know thy enemy and oneself to win 100 battles. They don't know me and I know them so my plan is simple.

Firstly, my power lets me slow down the heart beat of anyone Im looking at to a complete stop. Although it takes a few minutes. By the time someone notices, it will be too late. In order to kill Stellar Starlight, I have to be inconspicuous. This event that's taking place is a perfect cover. I could pose as a citizen in the crowd to stop her heart however once the EMTs make it to her she'll likely be out of sight before I can finish the job. However posing as an EMT, I can stay with her body then finish the job once she's incapacitated. You see, Stellar Starlight's body is said to be hard to pierce and obviously staying with her body until her heart kills her is not viable, someone would figure it out before then, however her enemies have made special materials to inject her with poisons before. That's also why I have the lethal poison from the super villain Black Viper. I managed to get hired for this job as an EMT for this event. Stellar Starlight is supposed to be guarding the mayor during a public speech for the opening of a new park. Void promised me 50 million for this…even Stella Starlight can't counter a well thought out plan.

So now I'm next to the Emergency van focusing on Stellar Starlight. As expected her heart takes a much longer time to slow to a halt however I can hear it slowing down. As long as I can maintain concentration on her she'll fall soon. Then, as if someone knew, I hear a bang at the window next to me as I'm sitting in the truck. I half way turn my head and roll the window down so that I can keep my concentration up. A woman with black hair and shades is at my window. I roll it down and my civilian partner looks over as well. "We're busy here, what do you need?" She sort of seems to turn on this panic mode in her mind as the woman completely began to grow restless. "My friend is having trouble breathing! I think she's going to pass out soon! Can you come help?" I gave my civilian partner a nod trying to signal for him to go rather than myself. He wanted to rock-paper-scissors me for it so we do it quickly but I easily win because of my heart listening abilities. The black haired woman is gone and now I can focus completely on Stellar Starlight. I can see her wavering. A couple more minutes before I can- Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my body then it quickly went numb as my adrenaline was kicking in. I'm dying. I look down to see a black blade going through my chest. Someone is holding the blade and they're coming from above me. A person dressed in all black with black wrapping around their face. They have a petite build but they can pierce a heart through someone's ribs with ease or maybe it was a property of this odd looking sword that's in me. In the next moment the black ghost like being was gone and I hear a scream from outside the vehicle…and then nothing.

I knew the hardest part about this whole thing would be finding out who Heart Beat was. Once I did though they were unbelievably simple to kill. Stellar Starlight was looking healthier too given how quick she flew over once she heard the scream of that EMT. The speed, the strength, possibly super senses, durability, healing….she's truly frightening. No assassin in their right mind would ever get close to kill her. Now that my job is done, I need to go back to HQ and actually do my bartending shift there in my civilian identity.

As I arrived back in HQ, I quickly change in the private changing rooms and leave out one of the exits. There's multiple so that even if you're the only person who walks into the private changing area, someone can't just wait out the other side to see who you really are. Of course doing that is against the rules of the society anyway, they still like to be sure. As soon as I arrive, my boss put me to work. It's lunch time but a lot of day time heroes turn in around now. Also I have a regular and she comes to see me on all my shifts. It's Stellar Starlight.