
Reverse Royal Chase

Looming danger and unrest hung in the air as the two godly beings stared daggers at each other, waiting for either to make the first move. The Crescian knights could only hold their breaths as they anticipated what was coming in baited breath. But one thing was for sure, a great disaster awaited!

Alexander gathered his vortex as well, hell flames materializing behind him in the shape of dragons, ready to attack at their liege's command. Griffin couldn't hide the fact that he was scared. This was fire for heaven's sake. But if he could gather enough ice, Alexander's fire would melt it and extinguish his fire. His own waitress would betray him. A wicked smile curved on his face at the thought.

Now! He acted dodging a fire ball that was coming his way escorting it with ice that instantly extinguished it. Not bad, he thought.